Steps to use AnisDep for estimating depth of anisotropy: 1). Get AnisDep.tar from and transfer it to a Linux machine 2). Type tar -xvf AnisDep.tar 3). cd AnisDep, and touch *.f 4). Type make to re-compile the code 5). Prepare your input data using the included sample input file (test.dat) as an example. The columns in the file include: 1. station longitude 2. station latitude 3. event longitude 4. event latitude 5. event depth in km 6. fast orientation for the station-event pair 7. splitting time 8. Phase name (SKS, SKK, PKS) Note that columns 1-7 are free-format real numbers, and column 8 is character*3 6). Type AnisDep.exe. At the prompt, type in the input file name 7). The output files are named output.dx?.??, where ?.?? is the cell size. Modify plot.gmt to plot the results. 8). Detailed descriptions of the methodology can be found from the following two papers (please cite them if you use the codes): Gao, S. S., and K. H. Liu (2012), AnisDep: A FORTRAN program for the estimation of the depth of anisotropy using spatial coherency of shear-wave splitting parameters, Computers & Geosciences, volume 49, 330-333, doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.01.020. The PDF file can be found at: Liu, K.H. and S.S. Gao (2011), Estimation of the depth of anisotropy using spatial coherency of shear-wave splitting parameters, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, volume 101, 2153-2161, doi: 10.1785/0120100258. The PDF file can be found at: