program AnisDep *********************************************************************************** * A FORTRAN-77 program for the computation of spatial variation factors * of teleseismic shear-wave splitting parameters for the purpose of * estimating the optimal depth of the source of seismic anisotropy * * Authors: Stephen S. Gao & Kelly H. Liu *; * Missouri University of Science and Technology * Date last modified: 9/22/2011 *********************************************************************************** parameter(maxsm=100000) !! maximum number of splitting measurements parameter(dx1=0.05, dx2=0.4) !! block length in deg. parameter(ddx=0.05) !! distance between center of neighboring blocks parameter(dmove=0.05) !! moving step size in deg. parameter(w1=1.0/180.0, w2=1.0/2) !! weighting factors for PHI and DT parameter(dep1=00.0, dep2=400.0, ddep=5.0) !! depth range and interval character nin*50 !! input file name character nout*13 !! output file names character*3 nphase(maxsm) !! phase name (e.g., SKS) real*4 stlat(maxsm), stlon(maxsm) !! station latitude, longitude real*4 evlat(maxsm), evlon(maxsm),evdep(maxsm) !! event lat, lon, depth (in km) real*4 dt(maxsm), ph(maxsm) !! splitting time & fast direction real*4 dtb(maxsm), phb(maxsm) !! dt and phi inside a block real*4 sigmadtph(maxsm) !! STD real*4 rlat(maxsm), rlon(maxsm) !! piercing points coordinates ** Ask for input data. Do not make the name longer than 50 characters! write(6,61) 61 format('Enter name of SWS measurements file: ',$) read(5,51) nin 51 format(a50) * Number of block groups (each group has a uniform dx): ndx=(dx2-dx1)/ddx+1 ** Start the loop for block groups (each has a different dx): do 9901 kkk=1,ndx dx=dx1+(kkk-1)*ddx ** Create the output file name *output.dx0.05 !! Format of output file name *1234567890123 nout(1:9)='output.dx' open(9,file='') write(9,91) dx 91 format(f4.2) close(9) open(9,file='') read(9,92) nout(10:13) 92 format(a4) close(9) if(nout(13:13).eq.' ') nout(13:13)='0' open(8,file=nout) ** Read the observed splitting parameters into arrays * open(1,file=nin) do i=1,maxsm read(1,*,end=111) stlon(i), stlat(i),evlon(i), & evlat(i),evdep(i), & ph(i), dt(i), nphase(i) enddo 111 close(1) nmea=i-1 print*,'The number of measurements is ', nmea ** Start the loop of assumed depth of anisotropy ndep=int((dep2-dep1)/ddep)+1 do 9902 kk=1,ndep anisodep=dep1+(kk-1)*ddep open(1,file='piercing.tmp') ** For the kk-th anisodep, compute the geographic coordinates * of the ray-piercing points do i=1,nmea call distazsub(evlat(i), evlon(i), stlat(i), stlon(i), & tmp, gcarc, baz, tmp) if(nphase(i).eq.'SKS') call tat_sks(gcarc,evdep(i),tmp,rayp) if(nphase(i).eq.'SKK') call tat_skks(gcarc,evdep(i),tmp,rayp) if(nphase(i).eq.'PKS') call tat_pks(gcarc,evdep(i),tmp,rayp) * Piercing points location (rlon1,rlat1) of this ray path at anisodep call find_loc(anisodep, rayp, stlat(i), stlon(i), gcarc, & baz, rlat1, rlon1) ** Write the piercing points into a temporary file (piercing.tmp) write(1,101) ph(i), dt(i), rlon1, rlat1, anisodep 101 format(5(f12.4,1x)) enddo !! i ends. All measurements for the anisodep processed close(1) ** Read the splitting parameters and piercing points into arrays open(1,file='piercing.tmp') do i=1,nmea read(1,101,end=113) ph(i), dt(i), & rlon(i), rlat(i) enddo 113 close(1) * We now divide the area into blocks of dx by dx in size and * get the mean and STD of each block, and then * the mean STD of all blocks as a measure of spatial coherency ** Search the area covered by the piercing points: * (rlata to rlatb in latitudes, and rlona to rlonb in longitudes) call minmax(rlat, nmea, rlatb, rlata) call minmax(rlon, nmea, rlonb, rlona) write(6,63) dx 63 format(/,'dx ===', f4.2, 'deg.') write(6,62) anisodep, rlata, rlatb, rlona, rlonb 62 format('The area covered by the piercing points at ', & 'the depth of ', f5.1, & 'km is: ',/ & f8.3, ' to ', f8.3, 'N ', f9.3, & ' to ', f9.3, 'E') open(2,file='cell_mean.tmp') nlat=(rlatb-rlata)/dmove +1 nlon=(rlonb-rlona)/dmove+1 ** get the mean and STD for each block do 9903 k=1,nlat flat1=rlata + (k-1)*dmove flat2=flat1+dx do 9904 j=1,nlon flon1=rlona + (j-1)*dmove flon2=flon1+dx ** Open the piercing point file for this depth and get the mean for * those points in the area defined by flat1, flat2, flon1, and flon2 nn=0 do 9905 i=1,nmea if(rlat(i).ge.flat1.and.rlat(i).lt.flat2.and. & rlon(i).ge.flon1.and.rlon(i).lt.flon2) then nn=nn+1 dtb(nn)=dt(i) phb(nn)=ph(i) endif 9905 continue !! i ends if( then * sample mean and STD for DT: call meansig_sample(dtb, nn, avdt, sigmadt1) * circular mean and STD for PHI: call meansig_circular2(phb, nn, avph, sigmaph1) * Combined Fv for this block: sigmaphdt1= w1*sigmaph1 + w2*sigmadt1 write(2,21) 0.5*(flon1+flon2), 0.5*(flat1+flat2), & avdt, sigmadt1, avph, sigmaph1, nn, sigmaphdt1,nin 21 format(6(f10.4, 1x), i4, 1x, f10.4,1x,a20) endif 9904 enddo !! j loop ends here 9903 continue!! k loop ends here close(2) *** Cell averages have been computed for this discdep. *** Now get the mean STDs for this anisodep open(2,file='cell_mean.tmp') do i=1,maxsm read(2,21,end=222) flon0, flat0, avdt, tmp, avph, tmp, & inn, sigmadtph(i) enddo 222 close(2) nn=i-1 ** Get the mean and sample STD for all the blocks for this depth * avccc and sigccc are combined variation factors call meansig(sigmadtph, nn, avccc, sigccc) if(kk.eq.1) avccc0=avccc !! for normalization write(6, 81) anisodep, avccc/avccc0, sigccc/avccc0, nn,dx write(8, 81) anisodep, avccc/avccc0, sigccc/avccc0, nn,dx 81 format(3(f9.5, 1x), i6,1x,f4.2) 9902 continue !! kk ends. kk is anisodep index close(8) 9901 continue !! kkk loop ends. kkk is dx index stop end **---------------- subroutine find_loc(discdep, raypi, stlat, stlon, gcarc, & baz, rlat, rlon) ** Given the ray param and p or s velocity, calculates the * gcarc for an assumed local earthquake with depth discdep ** Based on Stacy P 239. ** By S. Gao. 09/1997 *inputs: * 1). raypi in Sec/Degree * 2). discdep in km * 3). vs in km/s * 4). dep in km parameter(nmod=6372) parameter(rr=6371.0) character nin*100, nst*9, yesno*1, nrayp*100 real*4 vs(nmod), dep(nmod) ** Read shear-wave velocities from the IASP91 Earth model call readmod(dep, vs, nmod) pi=4.0*atan(1.0) rayp=raypi*180.0/pi !! change to S/rad yesno='y' ** The angle of incidence. Stacy P239 * p=r*sin(i)/v, where p is in s/rad gcarc=0.0 do i=1, nmod * angle f at the top of this layer: r=rr-dep(i) if(dep(i).ge.discdep) r=rr-discdep if(rayp*vs(i)/ then yesno='n' goto 321 endif r2d=180.0/(4.0*atan(1.0)) angf=r2d*asin(rayp*vs(i)/r) * angle i at the bottom of this layer: r=rr-dep(i+1) if(dep(i+1).ge.discdep) r=rr-discdep if(rayp*vs(i)/r. gt.1.0) then yesno='n' goto 321 endif angi=r2d*asin(rayp*vs(i)/r) * The great-circle arc correspoinding to this ray segment gcarc=gcarc+angi-angf if(dep(i+1).ge.discdep) goto 321 enddo 321 continue d2r=4.0*atan(1.0)/180.0 rlat=stlat+gcarc*cos(baz*d2r) factor=0.5*(rlat+stlat) rlon=stlon+gcarc*sin(baz*d2r)/cos(factor*d2r) end *------------------ subroutine readmod(dep, vs, nmod) * Read the re-sampled IASP91 earth model * By S.S. Gao. 09/1997 real*4 dep(nmod), vs(nmod), tmp open(34,file='iasp91.6372') do i=1, nmod read(34,*,end=3232) dep(i), tmp, tmp, vs(i) enddo 3232 close(34) end **---------------------------------------------------------- subroutine minmax(data, n, fmax, fmin) ** Find the minimum and maximum value of an array ** By S.S. Gao real*4 data(n) fmax=-9.9e10 fmin= 9.9e10 do j=1,n fmax=amax1(fmax, data(j)) fmin=amin1(fmin, data(j)) if(data(j).ge.fmax) fmax=data(j) if(data(j).le.fmin) fmin=data(j) enddo end **------------------ subroutine meansig(data,n, av,sigma) real*4 data(n) av=0.0 do i=1,n av=av+data(i) enddo av=av/n sigma=0.0 do i=1,n sigma=sigma+(data(i)-av)**2 enddo sigma=1.0/sqrt(1.0*n)*sqrt(sigma/(n-1)) end *------------------------- subroutine meansig_sample(data,n, av,sigma) real*4 data(n) av=0.0 do i=1,n av=av+data(i) enddo av=av/n if(n.eq.1) then sigma=99.99 goto 123 endif sigma=0.0 do i=1,n sigma=sigma+(data(i)-av)**2 enddo c sigma=1.0/sqrt(1.0*n)*sqrt(sigma/(n-1)) sigma=1.0/sqrt(1.0*1)*sqrt(sigma/(n-1)) * see for the formula 123 continue end **---------------------- subroutine meansig_circular2(data,n, av,sigma) ** Only for fast direcctions ** Based on Davis 1986 ** Programmed by S.S. Gao, July, 2010 real*4 data(n) pi=4.0*atan(1.0) d2r=pi/180.0 av=0.0 ss=0.0 cc=0.0 ** Compute the sine term do i=1,n ang=2.0*data(i)*d2r a=sin(ang) ss=ss+ a enddo ss=ss/n ** Compute the cosine term do i=1,n ang=2.0*data(i)*d2r b=cos(ang) cc=cc+b enddo cc=cc/n ** Get the mean if( av=0.5/d2r*atan(ss/cc) if( av=0.5*(180.0+1.0/d2r*atan(ss/cc)) if( av=0.5*(360.0+1.0/d2r*atan(ss/cc)) flength=sqrt(ss**2 + cc**2) ** Get the STD s0=1-flength if( sigma=1.0/d2r*0.5*sqrt(-2.0*log(flength)) if( sigma=0.0 end **----------------------------------------------------- subroutine distazsub(evlat,evlon,stlat, & stlon,distkm,delta,baz,etos) c c-----Computes distances and azimuths between a station and an c epicenter on an elipsoidal earth. Uses spherical-trigonometry c solution with geocentric latitude. c-----Completely rewritten 04/87 by John Evans to use Bruce Julian's routines, c however, north and west still are positive here. c-----"event": event location and date c "stname": station name (same use as "event"). c ("event" and "stname" are not used in current version) c-----"evlatt": event latitude in decimal degrees. c "evlonn": event longitude " " " . c "stlatt": station latitude " " " . c "stlonn": station longitude " " " . c-----"dist": epicenter-station distance in kilometers assuming c one degree is KMDG km (better algorithms exist). c "delta": epicenter-station distance in degrees (should be c fully accurate). c "stoe": station-to-epicenter azimuth c "etos": event-to-station azimuth c include 'stdparm' include 'stdconst' c double precision evlatt,evlonn,stlatt,stlonn double precision latev,lonev,latst,lonst,del,az,bz,ggtogc real delta,baz, etos,sngl c c-----Make coordinates radians, east-positive, and geocentric c evlatt=evlat evlonn=evlon stlatt=stlat stlonn=stlon latev=ggtogc(evlatt*DRAD) lonev=evlonn*DRAD latst=ggtogc(stlatt*DRAD) lonst=stlonn*DRAD c c-----calculate call refpt (latev,lonev) call delaz (latst,lonst,del,az,bz) c c-----convert for output delta=sngl(del*DDEG) distkm=delta*KMDG baz=sngl(bz*DDEG) etos=sngl(az*DDEG) return end c c-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* c c# gcen - calculate geocentric postitions, distances, and azimuths c Original routines by Bruce R. Julian, USGS Menlo Park, CA. c Changed to FORTRAN 77 (from ratfor) and made double precision c by John R. Evans, 04/01/87. c Name "geocen" changed to "gcen" to avoid confusing "make". c subroutine gcen() c include 'stdconst' c double precision lat, lon double precision delta, az0, az1 c double precision st0, ct0, phi0 save st0, ct0, phi0 double precision st1, ct1 double precision sdlon, cdlon c double precision cz0, dlon double precision sdelt, cdelt double precision dsin, dcos, datan2 c c refpt - store the geocentric coordinates of the refeernce point entry refpt(lat, lon) st0 = dcos(lat) ct0 = dsin(lat) phi0 = lon return c c delaz - calculate the geocentric distance, azimuths entry delaz(lat, lon, delta, az0, az1) ct1 = dsin(lat) st1 = dcos(lat) sdlon = dsin(lon - phi0) cdlon = dcos(lon - phi0) cdelt = st0*st1*cdlon + ct0*ct1 call cvrtop (st0*ct1-st1*ct0*cdlon, st1*sdlon, sdelt, az0) delta = datan2(sdelt, cdelt) call cvrtop (st1*ct0-st0*ct1*cdlon, -sdlon*st0, sdelt, az1) if (az0 .lt. 0.0) then az0 = az0 + DTWOPI endif if (az1 .lt. 0.0) then az1 = az1 + DTWOPI endif return end c c-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* c c# cvrtop - convert from rectangular to polar coordinates c Original routines by Bruce R. Julian, USGS Menlo Park, CA. c Changed to FORTRAN 77 (from ratfor) and made double precision c by John R. Evans, 04/01/87. c subroutine cvrtop(x, y, r, theta) c c (input) double precision x, y c (output - OK to overlay x, y) double precision r, theta c double precision rtemp double precision datan2, hypot c rtemp = hypot(x, y) theta = datan2(y, x) r = rtemp return end c c-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* c c Routines to convert between geographic and geocentric latitude c Bruce R. Julian, USGS Menlo Park, CA 13 Sept 1983 c DFLAT=(1 - flattening)**2 c Convert from geographic to geocentric latitude c Changed to FORTRAN 77 (from ratfor) and made double precision c by John R. Evans, 04/01/87. c double precision function ggtogc(lat) c include 'stdconst' c double precision lat double precision dsin, dcos, datan2 c ggtogc = (datan2(DFLAT*dsin(lat), dcos(lat))) return end c c-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* c c/* H Y P O T . R c * Euclidian distance, accurately and avoiding overflow c */ c Original routines by Bruce R. Julian, USGS Menlo Park, CA. c Changed to FORTRAN 77 (from ratfor) and made double precision c by John R. Evans, 04/01/87. c double precision function hypot(a, b) double precision a, b c double precision l, s, t double precision dabs, dsqrt c l = dabs(a) s = dabs(b) if (s .gt. l) then t = s s = l l = t endif if (l .eq. 0.0) then hypot = 0.0 return endif s = s/l hypot = l*dsqrt(1.0 + s*s) return end *------------------------------------------- subroutine tat_sks(distdg, evdep, tatp, rayp) cccc Modified from the original IASP91 program package by Ray Buland c to a subroutine by S. Gao on 01/12/1994 c to compute theoretical arrival times for teleseismic SKS events c using iaspei91 travel time table. c parameter(maxsta=100,maxph=60) c variables passed to distaz subroutine character stname*4, event*19, outname*30,mon*2,day*2 c variables passed to tt_sub subroutine real*4 tt(maxph),dtdd(maxph) integer nph, namest character*8 phcd(maxph), phase_name c local variables nph=60 do j=1,nph tt(j)=0.0 dtdd(j)=0.0 enddo call tt_sub(distdg,evdep,nph,phcd,tt,dtdd) do j = 1,nph tatp = tt(j) dtdd1=dtdd(j) rayp=dtdd1 if (phcd(j)(1:3).eq.'SKS') goto 70 enddo 70 continue return end **------------------------------------------------------- subroutine tat_skks(distdg, evdep, tatp, rayp) cccc Modified by S. Gao from the original IASP91 program c package by Ray Buland c to compute theoretical arrival times for teleseismic SKKS events c using iaspei91 travel time table. c parameter(maxsta=100,maxph=60) c variables passed to distaz subroutine character stname*4, event*19, outname*30,mon*2,day*2 c variables passed to tt_sub subroutine real*4 tt(maxph),dtdd(maxph) integer nph, namest character*8 phcd(maxph), phase_name c local variables nph=60 do j=1,nph tt(j)=0.0 dtdd(j)=0.0 enddo call tt_sub(distdg,evdep,nph,phcd,tt,dtdd) do j = 1,nph tatp = tt(j) dtdd1=dtdd(j) rayp=dtdd1 if (phcd(j)(1:4).eq.'SKKS') goto 70 enddo 70 continue return end **------------------------------------------------------ subroutine tat_pks(distdg, evdep, tatp, rayp) cccc Modified by S. Gao from the original IASP91 program c package by Ray Buland c to compute theoretical arrival times for teleseismic PKS events c using iaspei91 travel time table. c parameter(maxsta=100,maxph=60) c variables passed to distaz subroutine character stname*4, event*19, outname*30,mon*2,day*2 c variables passed to tt_sub subroutine real*4 tt(maxph),dtdd(maxph) integer nph, namest character*8 phcd(maxph), phase_name c local variables nph=60 do j=1,nph tt(j)=0.0 dtdd(j)=0.0 enddo call tt_sub(distdg,evdep,nph,phcd,tt,dtdd) do j = 1,nph tatp = tt(j) dtdd1=dtdd(j) rayp=dtdd1 if (phcd(j)(1:3).eq.'PKS') goto 70 enddo 70 continue return end **---------------------- subroutine tt_sub(gcarc,depth,nph,phcd,tt,dtdd) cccc Modified by S. Gao from the original IASP91 program package by Ray Buland save integer max parameter (max=60) integer nph,in,n,i real gcarc,depth,zs,delta real tt,dtdd,dtdh,dddp,mn,ts real usrc logical prnt(3) character*8 phcd(max),phlst(10) character*40 modnam dimension tt(max),dtdd(max),dtdh(max),dddp(max),mn(max),ts(max) dimension usrc(2) data in/99/,modnam/'iasp91'/ data phlst(1)/'all'/,prnt(3)/.true./ c prnt(1) = .false. prnt(2) = .false. c call assign(10,2,'ttim1.lis') call tabin(in,modnam) call brnset(1,phlst,prnt) zs = depth call depset(zs,usrc) delta = gcarc call trtm(delta,max,n,tt,dtdd,dtdh,dddp,phcd) nph = n if(n.le.0) go to 2 do 4 i=1,n mn(i)=int(tt(i)/60.) ts(i)=amod(tt(i),60.) 4 continue return c 2 tt(1) = -99. return end **--------------------- subroutine asnag1(lu,mode,n,ia,ib) c c $$$$$ calls assign, iargc, and getarg $$$$$ c c Asnag1 assigns logical unit lu to a direct access disk file c with mode "mode" and record length "len". See dasign for c details. The n th argument is used as the model name. If there c is no n th argument and ib is non-blank, it is taken to be the c model name. If ib is blank, the user is prompted for the c model name using the character string in variable ia as the c prompt. Programmed on 8 October 1980 by R. Buland. c save logical log character*(*) ia,ib character tmp*50 c if(iargc( ).lt.n) go to 1 call getarg(n,ib) go to 2 c 1 if(' ') go to 2 call query(ia,log) read(*,100)ib 100 format(a) c 2 nb=index(ib,' ')-1 if(nb.le.0) nb=len(ib) tmp=''//ib(1:nb)//'.hed' call assign(lu,mode, tmp) return end *---------- subroutine assign(lu,mode,ia) c c $$$$$ calls no other routine $$$$$ c c Subroutine assign opens (connects) logical unit lu to the disk file c named by the character string ia with mode mode. If iabs(mode) = 1, c then open the file for reading. If iabs(mode) = 2, then open the c file for writing. If iabs(mode) = 3, then open a scratch file for c writing. If mode > 0, then the file is formatted. If mode < 0, c then the file is unformatted. All files opened by assign are c assumed to be sequential. Programmed on 3 December 1979 by c R. Buland. c save character*(*) ia logical exst c if( nf=1 if( nf=2 ns=iabs(mode) if( ns=3 go to (1,2),nf 1 go to (11,12,13),ns 11 open(lu,file=ia,status='old',form='formatted') rewind lu return 12 inquire(file=ia,exist=exst) if(exst) go to 11 13 open(lu,file=ia,status='new',form='formatted') return 2 go to (21,22,23),ns 21 open(lu,file=ia,status='old',form='unformatted') rewind lu return 22 inquire(file=ia,exist=exst) if(exst) go to 21 23 open(lu,file=ia,status='new',form='unformatted') return end *---------- subroutine bkin(lu,nrec,len,buf) c c $$$$$ calls no other routines $$$$$ c c Bkin reads a block of len double precision words into array buf(len) c from record nrec of the direct access unformatted file connected to c logical unit lu. c by Ray Buland save double precision buf(len),tmp c if(nrec.le.0) go to 1 read(lu,rec=nrec)buf tmp=buf(1) return c If the record doesn't exist, zero fill the buffer. 1 do 2 i=1,len 2 buf(i)=0d0 return end *---------- subroutine brnset(nn,pcntl,prflg) c c Brnset takes character array pcntl(nn) as a list of nn tokens to be c used to select desired generic branches. Prflg(3) is the old c prnt(2) debug print flags in the first two elements plus a new print c flag which controls a branch selected summary from brnset. Note that c the original two flags controlled a list of all tau interpolations c and a branch range summary respectively. The original summary output c still goes to logical unit 10 (ttim1.lis) while the new output goes c to the standard output (so the caller can see what happened). Each c token of pcntl may be either a generic branch name (e.g., P, PcP, c PKP, etc.) or a keyword (defined in the data statement for cmdcd c below) which translates to more than one generic branch names. Note c that generic branch names and keywords may be mixed. The keywords c 'all' (for all branches) and 'query' (for an interactive token input c query mode) are also available. c by Ray Buland c save parameter(ncmd=4,lcmd=16) include '' logical prflg(3),segmsk,prnt,fnd,all character*(*) pcntl(nn) character*8 phcd,segcd(jbrn),cmdcd(ncmd),cmdlst(lcmd),phtmp, 1 phlst(jseg) double precision zs,pk,pu,pux,tauu,xu,px,xt,taut,coef,tauc,xc, 1 tcoef,tp dimension nsgpt(jbrn),ncmpt(2,ncmd) common/brkc/zs,pk(jseg),pu(jtsm0,2),pux(jxsm,2),tauu(jtsm,2), 1 xu(jxsm,2),px(jbrn,2),xt(jbrn,2),taut(jout),coef(5,jout), 2 tauc(jtsm),xc(jxsm),tcoef(5,jbrna,2),tp(jbrnu,2),odep, 3 fcs(jseg,3),nin,nph0,int0(2),ki,msrc(2),isrc(2),nseg,nbrn,ku(2), 4 km(2),nafl(jseg,3),indx(jseg,2),kndx(jseg,2),iidx(jseg), 5 jidx(jbrn),kk(jseg) common/pcdc/phcd(jbrn) c Segmsk is a logical array that actually implements the branch c editing in depset and depcor. common/prtflc/segmsk(jseg),prnt(2) c c The keywords do the following: c P gives P-up, P, Pdiff, PKP, and PKiKP c P+ gives P-up, P, Pdiff, PKP, PKiKP, PcP, pP, pPdiff, pPKP, c pPKiKP, sP, sPdiff, sPKP, and sPKiKP c S+ gives S-up, S, Sdiff, SKS, sS, sSdiff, sSKS, pS, pSdiff, c and pSKS c basic gives P+ and S+ as well as ScP, SKP, PKKP, SKKP, PP, and c P'P' c Note that generic S gives S-up, Sdiff, and SKS already and so c doesn't require a keyword. c data cmdcd/'P','P+','basic','S+'/ data cmdlst/'P','PKiKP','PcP','pP','pPKiKP','sP','sPKiKP','ScP', 1 'SKP','PKKP','SKKP','PP','S','ScS','sS','pS'/ data ncmpt/1,2,1,7,1,13,13,16/ c c Take care of the print flags. prnt(1)=prflg(1) prnt(2)=prflg(2) if(prnt(1)) prnt(2)=.true. c Copy the token list into local storage. no=min0(nn,jseg) do 23 i=1,no 23 phlst(i)=pcntl(i) c See if we are in query mode. if('query'.and.phlst(1).ne.'QUERY')) 1 go to 1 c c In query mode, get the tokens interactively into local storage. c 22 print *,'Enter desired branch control list at the prompts:' no=0 21 call query(' ',fnd) if( go to 1 no=no+1 read 100,phlst(no) 100 format(a) c Terminate the list of tokens with a blank entry. if(phlst(no).ne.' ') go to 21 no=no-1 if( go to 1 c If the first token is blank, help the user out. print *,'You must enter some branch control information!' print *,' possibilities are:' print *,' all' print 101,cmdcd 101 format(11x,a) print *,' or any generic phase name' go to 22 c c An 'all' keyword is easy as this is already the default. 1 all=.false. if(no.eq.1.and.(phlst(1).eq.'all'.or.phlst(1).eq.'ALL')) 1 all=.true. if(all.and..not.prflg(3)) return c c Make one or two generic branch names for each segment. For example, c the P segment will have the names P and PKP, the PcP segment will c have the name PcP, etc. c kseg=0 j=0 c Loop over the segments. do 2 i=1,nseg if(.not.all) segmsk(i)=.false. c For each segment, loop over associated branches. 9 j=j+1 phtmp=phcd(j) c Turn the specific branch name into a generic name by stripping out c the crustal branch and core phase branch identifiers. do 3 l=2,8 6 if(phtmp(l:l).eq.' ') go to 4 if(phtmp(l:l).ne.'g'.and.phtmp(l:l).ne.'b'.and.phtmp(l:l).ne.'n') 1 go to 5 if( phtmp(l:)=phtmp(l+1:) if( phtmp(l:)=' ' go to 6 5 if( go to 3 if(phtmp(l:l+1).ne.'ab'.and.phtmp(l:l+1).ne.'ac'.and. 1 phtmp(l:l+1).ne.'df') go to 3 phtmp(l:)=' ' go to 4 3 continue c4 print *,'j phcd phtmp =',j,' ',phcd(j),' ',phtmp c c Make sure generic names are unique within a segment. 4 if( go to 7 if(phtmp.eq.segcd(kseg)) go to 8 7 kseg=kseg+1 segcd(kseg)=phtmp nsgpt(kseg)=i c if(prflg(3)) print *,'kseg nsgpt segcd =',kseg,nsgpt(kseg),' ', c 1 segcd(kseg) 8 if(jidx(j).lt.indx(i,2)) go to 9 2 continue if(all) go to 24 c c Interpret the tokens in terms of the generic branch names. c do 10 i=1,no c Try for a keyword first. do 11 j=1,ncmd if(phlst(i).eq.cmdcd(j)) go to 12 11 continue c c If the token isn't a keyword, see if it is a generic branch name. fnd=.false. do 14 k=1,kseg if(phlst(i).ne.segcd(k)) go to 14 fnd=.true. l=nsgpt(k) segmsk(l)=.true. c print *,'Brnset: phase found - i k l segcd =',i,k,l,' ', c 1 segcd(k) 14 continue c If no matching entry is found, warn the caller. if(.not.fnd) print *,'Brnset: phase ',phlst(i),' not found.' go to 10 c c If the token is a keyword, find the matching generic branch names. 12 j1=ncmpt(1,j) j2=ncmpt(2,j) do 15 j=j1,j2 do 15 k=1,kseg if(cmdlst(j).ne.segcd(k)) go to 15 l=nsgpt(k) segmsk(l)=.true. c print *,'Brnset: cmdlst found - j k l segcd =',j,k,l,' ', c 1 segcd(k) 15 continue 10 continue c c Make the caller a list of the generic branch names selected. c 24 if(.not.prflg(3)) return fnd=.false. j2=0 c Loop over segments. do 16 i=1,nseg if(.not.segmsk(i)) go to 16 c If selected, find the associated generic branch names. j2=j2+1 do 17 j1=j2,kseg if(nsgpt(j1).eq.i) go to 18 17 continue print *,'Brnset: Segment pointer (',i,') missing?' go to 16 18 do 19 j2=j1,kseg if(nsgpt(j2).ne.i) go to 20 19 continue j2=kseg+1 c Print the result. 20 j2=j2-1 c if(.not.fnd) print *,'Brnset: the following phases have '// c 1 'been selected -' fnd=.true. c print 102,i,(segcd(j),j=j1,j2) c 102 format(10x,i5,5(2x,a)) 16 continue return end *---------- subroutine depcor(nph) c by Ray Buland save include '' character*8 phcd logical noend,noext,segmsk,prnt double precision pm,zm,us,pt,tau,xlim,xbrn,dbrn,zs,pk,pu,pux,tauu, 1 xu,px,xt,taut,coef,tauc,xc,tcoef,tp,ua,taua double precision tup(jrec),umod,zmod,tauus1(2),tauus2(2),xus1(2), 1 xus2(2),ttau,tx,sgn,umin,dtol,u0,u1,z0,z1,fac,du common/umdc/pm(jsrc,2),zm(jsrc,2),ndex(jsrc,2),mt(2) common/tabc/us(2),pt(jout),tau(4,jout),xlim(2,jout),xbrn(jbrn,3), 1 dbrn(jbrn,2),xn,pn,tn,dn,hn,jndx(jbrn,2),idel(jbrn,3),mbr1,mbr2 common/brkc/zs,pk(jseg),pu(jtsm0,2),pux(jxsm,2),tauu(jtsm,2), 1 xu(jxsm,2),px(jbrn,2),xt(jbrn,2),taut(jout),coef(5,jout), 2 tauc(jtsm),xc(jxsm),tcoef(5,jbrna,2),tp(jbrnu,2),odep, 3 fcs(jseg,3),nin,nph0,int0(2),ki,msrc(2),isrc(2),nseg,nbrn,ku(2), 4 km(2),nafl(jseg,3),indx(jseg,2),kndx(jseg,2),iidx(jseg), 5 jidx(jbrn),kk(jseg) common/pcdc/phcd(jbrn) common/pdec/ua(5,2),taua(5,2),deplim,ka common/prtflc/segmsk(jseg),prnt(2) equivalence (tauc,tup) data tol,dtol,deplim,ka,lpower/.01,1d-6,1.1,4,7/ c c write(10,*)'depcor: nph nph0',nph,nph0 if(nph.eq.nph0) go to 1 nph0=nph us(nph)=umod(zs,isrc,nph) c If we are in a high slowness zone, find the slowness of the lid. umin=us(nph) ks=isrc(nph) c write(10,*)'ks us',ks,sngl(umin) do 2 i=1,ks if(pm(i,nph).gt.umin) go to 2 umin=pm(i,nph) 2 continue c Find where the source slowness falls in the ray parameter array. n1=ku(nph)+1 do 3 i=2,n1 if(pu(i,nph).gt.umin) go to 4 3 continue k2=n1 if(pu(n1,nph).eq.umin) go to 50 cc call abort('Source slowness too large.') 4 k2=i c50 write(10,*)'k2 umin',k2,sngl(umin) c c Read in the appropriate depth correction values. c 50 noext=.false. sgn=1d0 if(msrc(nph).eq.0) msrc(nph)=1 c See if the source depth coincides with a model sample ztol=xn*tol/(1.-xn*odep) if(dabs(zs-zm(ks+1,nph)).gt.ztol) go to 5 ks=ks+1 go to 6 5 if(dabs(zs-zm(ks,nph)).gt.ztol) go to 7 c If so flag the fact and make sure that the right integrals are c available. 6 noext=.true. if(msrc(nph).eq.ks) go to 8 call bkin(nin,ndex(ks,nph),ku(nph)+km(nph),tup) go to 11 c If it is necessary to interpolate, see if appropriate integrals c have already been read in. 7 if(msrc(nph).ne.ks+1) go to 9 ks=ks+1 sgn=-1d0 go to 8 9 if(msrc(nph).eq.ks) go to 8 c If not, read in integrals for the model depth nearest the source c depth. if(dabs(zm(ks,nph)-zs).le.dabs(zm(ks+1,nph)-zs)) go to 10 ks=ks+1 sgn=-1d0 10 call bkin(nin,ndex(ks,nph),ku(nph)+km(nph),tup) c Move the depth correction values to a less temporary area. 11 do 31 i=1,ku(nph) 31 tauu(i,nph)=tup(i) k=ku(nph) do 12 i=1,km(nph) k=k+1 xc(i)=tup(k) 12 xu(i,nph)=tup(k) c write(10,*)'bkin',ks,sngl(sgn),sngl(tauu(1,nph)),sngl(xu(1,nph)) c c Fiddle pointers. c 8 msrc(nph)=ks c write(10,*)'msrc sgn',msrc(nph),sngl(sgn) noend=.false. if(dabs(umin-pu(k2-1,nph)).le.dtol*umin) k2=k2-1 if(dabs(umin-pu(k2,nph)).le.dtol*umin) noend=.true. if(msrc(nph).le.1.and.noext) msrc(nph)=0 k1=k2-1 if(noend) k1=k2 c write(10,*)'noend noext k2 k1',noend,noext,k2,k1 if(noext) go to 14 c c Correct the integrals for the depth interval [zm(msrc),zs]. c ms=msrc(nph) if(sgn)15,16,16 16 u0=pm(ms,nph) z0=zm(ms,nph) u1=us(nph) z1=zs go to 17 15 u0=us(nph) z0=zs u1=pm(ms,nph) z1=zm(ms,nph) 17 mu=1 c write(10,*)'u0 z0',sngl(u0),sngl(z0) c write(10,*)'u1 z1',sngl(u1),sngl(z1) do 18 k=1,k1 call tauint(pu(k,nph),u0,u1,z0,z1,ttau,tx) tauc(k)=tauu(k,nph)+sgn*ttau if(dabs(pu(k,nph)-pux(mu,nph)).gt.dtol) go to 18 xc(mu)=xu(mu,nph)+sgn*tx c write(10,*)'up x: k mu',k,mu,sngl(xu(mu,nph)),sngl(xc(mu)) mu=mu+1 18 continue go to 39 c If there is no correction, copy the depth corrections to working c storage. 14 mu=1 do 40 k=1,k1 tauc(k)=tauu(k,nph) if(dabs(pu(k,nph)-pux(mu,nph)).gt.dtol) go to 40 xc(mu)=xu(mu,nph) c write(10,*)'up x: k mu',k,mu,sngl(xu(mu,nph)),sngl(xc(mu)) mu=mu+1 40 continue c c Calculate integrals for the ray bottoming at the source depth. c 39 xus1(nph)=0d0 xus2(nph)=0d0 mu=mu-1 if(dabs(umin-us(nph)).gt.dtol.and.dabs(umin-pux(mu,nph)).le.dtol) 1 mu=mu-1 c This loop may be skipped only for surface focus as range is not c available for all ray parameters. if(msrc(nph).le.0) go to 1 is=isrc(nph) tauus2(nph)=0d0 if(dabs(pux(mu,nph)-umin).gt.dtol.or.dabs(us(nph)-umin).gt.dtol) 1 go to 48 c If we happen to be right at a discontinuity, range is available. tauus1(nph)=tauc(k1) xus1(nph)=xc(mu) c write(10,*)'is ks tauus1 xus1',is,ks,sngl(tauus1(nph)), c 1 sngl(xus1(nph)),' *' go to 33 c Integrate from the surface to the source. 48 tauus1(nph)=0d0 j=1 if( go to 42 do 19 i=2,is call tauint(umin,pm(j,nph),pm(i,nph),zm(j,nph),zm(i,nph),ttau,tx) tauus1(nph)=tauus1(nph)+ttau xus1(nph)=xus1(nph)+tx 19 j=i c write(10,*)'is ks tauus1 xus1',is,ks,sngl(tauus1(nph)), c 1 sngl(xus1(nph)) 42 if(dabs(zm(is,nph)-zs).le.dtol) go to 33 c Unless the source is right on a sample slowness, one more partial c integral is needed. call tauint(umin,pm(is,nph),us(nph),zm(is,nph),zs,ttau,tx) tauus1(nph)=tauus1(nph)+ttau xus1(nph)=xus1(nph)+tx c write(10,*)'is ks tauus1 xus1',is,ks,sngl(tauus1(nph)), c 1 sngl(xus1(nph)) 33 if(pm(is+1,nph).lt.umin) go to 41 c If we are in a high slowness zone, we will also need to integrate c down to the turning point of the shallowest down-going ray. u1=us(nph) z1=zs do 35 i=is+1,mt(nph) u0=u1 z0=z1 u1=pm(i,nph) z1=zm(i,nph) if( go to 36 call tauint(umin,u0,u1,z0,z1,ttau,tx) tauus2(nph)=tauus2(nph)+ttau 35 xus2(nph)=xus2(nph)+tx c36 write(10,*)'is ks tauus2 xus2',is,ks,sngl(tauus2(nph)), c 1 sngl(xus2(nph)) 36 z1=zmod(umin,i-1,nph) if(dabs(z0-z1).le.dtol) go to 41 c Unless the turning point is right on a sample slowness, one more c partial integral is needed. call tauint(umin,u0,umin,z0,z1,ttau,tx) tauus2(nph)=tauus2(nph)+ttau xus2(nph)=xus2(nph)+tx c write(10,*)'is ks tauus2 xus2',is,ks,sngl(tauus2(nph)), c 1 sngl(xus2(nph)) c c Take care of converted phases. c 41 iph=mod(nph,2)+1 xus1(iph)=0d0 xus2(iph)=0d0 tauus1(iph)=0d0 tauus2(iph)=0d0 go to (59,61),nph 61 if(,1)) go to 53 c c If we are doing an S-wave depth correction, we may need range and c tau for the P-wave which turns at the S-wave source slowness. This c would bd needed for sPg and SPg when the source is in the deep mantle. c do 44 j=1,nbrn if((phcd(j)(1:2).ne.'sP'.and.phcd(j)(1:2).ne.'SP').or. 1 px(j,2).le.0d0) go to 44 c write(10,*)'Depcor: j phcd px umin =',j,' ',phcd(j),px(j,1), c 1 px(j,2),umin if(,1),2)) go to 45 44 continue go to 53 c c If we are doing an P-wave depth correction, we may need range and c tau for the S-wave which turns at the P-wave source slowness. This c would be needed for pS and PS. c 59 do 60 j=1,nbrn if((phcd(j)(1:2).ne.'pS'.and.phcd(j)(1:2).ne.'PS').or. 1 px(j,2).le.0d0) go to 60 c write(10,*)'Depcor: j phcd px umin =',j,' ',phcd(j),px(j,1), c 1 px(j,2),umin if(,1),2)) go to 45 60 continue go to 53 c c Do the integral. 45 j=1 c write(10,*)'Depcor: do pS or sP integral - iph =',iph do 46 i=2,mt(iph) if(,iph)) go to 47 call tauint(umin,pm(j,iph),pm(i,iph),zm(j,iph),zm(i,iph),ttau,tx) tauus1(iph)=tauus1(iph)+ttau xus1(iph)=xus1(iph)+tx 46 j=i 47 z1=zmod(umin,j,iph) if(dabs(zm(j,iph)-z1).le.dtol) go to 53 c Unless the turning point is right on a sample slowness, one more c partial integral is needed. call tauint(umin,pm(j,iph),umin,zm(j,iph),z1,ttau,tx) tauus1(iph)=tauus1(iph)+ttau xus1(iph)=xus1(iph)+tx c write(10,*)'is ks tauusp xusp',j,ks,sngl(tauus1(iph)), c 1 sngl(xus1(iph)) c 53 ua(1,nph)=-1d0 c if( go to 43 if( go to 43 do 57 i=1,nseg if(.not.segmsk(i)) go to 57 if(nafl(i,1).eq.nph.and.nafl(i,2).eq.0.and.iidx(i).le.0) go to 58 57 continue go to 43 c c If the source is very shallow, we will need to insert some extra c ray parameter samples into the up-going branches. c 58 du=amin1(1e-5+(odep-.4)*2e-5,1e-5) c write(10,*)'Add: nph is ka odep du us =',nph,is,ka,odep, c 1 sngl(du),sngl(us(nph)) lp=lpower k=0 do 56 l=ka,1,-1 k=k+1 ua(k,nph)=us(nph)-(l**lp)*du lp=lp-1 taua(k,nph)=0d0 j=1 if( go to 54 do 55 i=2,is call tauint(ua(k,nph),pm(j,nph),pm(i,nph),zm(j,nph),zm(i,nph), 1 ttau,tx) taua(k,nph)=taua(k,nph)+ttau 55 j=i c write(10,*)'l k ua taua',l,k,sngl(ua(k,nph)),sngl(taua(k,nph)) 54 if(dabs(zm(is,nph)-zs).le.dtol) go to 56 c Unless the source is right on a sample slowness, one more partial c integral is needed. call tauint(ua(k,nph),pm(is,nph),us(nph),zm(is,nph),zs,ttau,tx) taua(k,nph)=taua(k,nph)+ttau c write(10,*)'l k ua taua',l,k,sngl(ua(k,nph)),sngl(taua(k,nph)) 56 continue go to 43 c c Construct tau for all branches. c 1 mu=mu+1 43 j=1 c write(10,*)'mu',mu c write(10,*)'killer loop:' do 20 i=1,nseg if(.not.segmsk(i)) go to 20 c write(10,*)'i iidx nafl nph',i,iidx(i),nafl(i,1),nph if(iidx(i).gt.0.or.iabs(nafl(i,1)).ne.nph.or.(msrc(nph).le.0.and. 1 nafl(i,1).gt.0)) go to 20 c iph=nafl(i,2) kph=nafl(i,3) c Handle up-going P and S. if(iph.le.0) iph=nph if(kph.le.0) kph=nph sgn=isign(1,nafl(i,1)) i1=indx(i,1) i2=indx(i,2) c write(10,*)'i1 i2 sgn iph',i1,i2,sngl(sgn),iph m=1 do 21 k=i1,i2 if(pt(k).gt.umin) go to 22 23 if(dabs(pt(k)-pu(m,nph)).le.dtol) go to 21 m=m+1 go to 23 21 tau(1,k)=taut(k)+sgn*tauc(m) k=i2 c write(10,*)'k m',k,m go to 24 c22 write(10,*)'k m',k,m 22 if(dabs(pt(k-1)-umin).le.dtol) k=k-1 ki=ki+1 kk(ki)=k pk(ki)=pt(k) pt(k)=umin fac=fcs(i,1) c write(10,*)'ki fac',ki,sngl(fac) tau(1,k)=fac*(tauus1(iph)+tauus2(iph)+tauus1(kph)+tauus2(kph))+ 1 sgn*tauus1(nph) c write(10,*)'&&&&& nph iph kph tauus1 tauus2 tau =', c 1 nph,iph,kph,sngl(tauus1(1)),sngl(tauus1(2)),sngl(tauus2(1)), c 2 sngl(tauus2(2)),sngl(tau(1,k)) 24 m=1 26 if(jndx(j,1).ge.indx(i,1)) go to 25 j=j+1 go to 26 25 jndx(j,2)=min0(jidx(j),k) if(jndx(j,1).lt.jndx(j,2)) go to 37 jndx(j,2)=-1 go to 20 c37 write(10,*)'j jndx jidx',j,jndx(j,1),jndx(j,2),jidx(j),' ', c 1 phcd(j) 37 do 30 l=1,2 28 if(dabs(pux(m,nph)-px(j,l)).le.dtol) go to 27 if( go to 29 m=m+1 go to 28 27 xbrn(j,l)=xt(j,l)+sgn*xc(m) c write(10,*)'x up: j l m ',j,l,m go to 30 29 xbrn(j,l)=fac*(xus1(iph)+xus2(iph)+xus1(kph)+xus2(kph))+ 1 sgn*xus1(nph) c write(10,*)'x up: j l end',j,l c write(10,*)'&&&&& nph iph kph xus1 xus2 xbrn =', c 1 nph,iph,kph,sngl(xus1(1)),sngl(xus1(2)),sngl(xus2(1)), c 2 sngl(xus2(2)),sngl(xbrn(j,l)) 30 continue if( go to 20 j=j+1 if(jndx(j,1).le.k) go to 25 20 continue return end *---------- subroutine depset(dep,usrc) c by Ray Buland save include '' logical dop,dos,segmsk,prnt character*8 phcd real usrc(2) double precision pm,zm,us,pt,tau,xlim,xbrn,dbrn,zs,pk,pu,pux,tauu, 1 xu,px,xt,taut,coef,tauc,xc,tcoef,tp common/umdc/pm(jsrc,2),zm(jsrc,2),ndex(jsrc,2),mt(2) common/tabc/us(2),pt(jout),tau(4,jout),xlim(2,jout),xbrn(jbrn,3), 1 dbrn(jbrn,2),xn,pn,tn,dn,hn,jndx(jbrn,2),idel(jbrn,3),mbr1,mbr2 common/brkc/zs,pk(jseg),pu(jtsm0,2),pux(jxsm,2),tauu(jtsm,2), 1 xu(jxsm,2),px(jbrn,2),xt(jbrn,2),taut(jout),coef(5,jout), 2 tauc(jtsm),xc(jxsm),tcoef(5,jbrna,2),tp(jbrnu,2),odep, 3 fcs(jseg,3),nin,nph0,int0(2),ki,msrc(2),isrc(2),nseg,nbrn,ku(2), 4 km(2),nafl(jseg,3),indx(jseg,2),kndx(jseg,2),iidx(jseg), 5 jidx(jbrn),kk(jseg) common/pcdc/phcd(jbrn) common/prtflc/segmsk(jseg),prnt(2) data segmsk,prnt/jseg*.true.,2*.false./ c if(amax1(dep,.011).ne.odep) go to 1 dop=.false. dos=.false. do 2 i=1,nseg if(.not.segmsk(i).or.iidx(i).gt.0) go to 2 if(iabs(nafl(i,1)).le.1) dop=.true. if(iabs(nafl(i,1)).ge.2) dos=.true. 2 continue if(.not.dop.and..not.dos) return go to 3 c 1 nph0=0 int0(1)=0 int0(2)=0 mbr1=nbrn+1 mbr2=0 dop=.false. dos=.false. do 4 i=1,nseg if(.not.segmsk(i)) go to 4 if(iabs(nafl(i,1)).le.1) dop=.true. if(iabs(nafl(i,1)).ge.2) dos=.true. 4 continue do 5 i=1,nseg if(nafl(i,2) go to 5 ind=nafl(i,1) k=0 do 15 j=indx(i,1),indx(i,2) k=k+1 15 pt(j)=tp(k,ind) 5 iidx(i)=-1 do 6 i=1,nbrn 6 jndx(i,2)=-1 if(ki.le.0) go to 7 do 8 i=1,ki j=kk(i) 8 pt(j)=pk(i) ki=0 c Sample the model at the source depth. 7 odep=amax1(dep,.011) rdep=dep if( rdep=0. zs=amin1(alog(amax1(1.-rdep*xn,1e-30)),0.) hn=1./(pn*(1.-rdep*xn)) c if(prnt(1).or.prnt(2)) write(10,100)dep 100 format(/1x,'Depth =',f7.2/) c 3 if( go to 12 if(dop) call depcor(1) if(dos) call depcor(2) go to 14 12 if(dos) call depcor(2) if(dop) call depcor(1) c c Interpolate all tau branches. c 14 j=1 do 9 i=1,nseg if(.not.segmsk(i)) go to 9 nph=iabs(nafl(i,1)) c print *,'i iidx nph msrc nafl =',i,iidx(i),nph,msrc(nph),nafl(i,1) if(iidx(i).gt.0.or.(msrc(nph).le.0.and.nafl(i,1).gt.0)) go to 9 iidx(i)=1 if(nafl(i,2).le.0) int=nafl(i,1) if(nafl(i,2).gt.0.and.nafl(i,2).eq.iabs(nafl(i,1))) 1 int=nafl(i,2)+2 if(nafl(i,2).gt.0.and.nafl(i,2).ne.iabs(nafl(i,1))) 1 int=iabs(nafl(i,1))+4 if(nafl(i,2).gt.0.and.nafl(i,2).ne.nafl(i,3)) int=nafl(i,2)+6 11 if(jndx(j,1).ge.indx(i,1)) go to 10 j=j+1 go to 11 10 idel(j,3)=nafl(i,1) c print *,'spfit: j int =',j,int call spfit(j,int) mbr1=min0(mbr1,j) mbr2=max0(mbr2,j) if( go to 9 j=j+1 c print *,'j jidx indx jndx =',j,jidx(j),indx(i,2),jndx(j,2) if(jidx(j).le.indx(i,2).and.jndx(j,2).gt.0) go to 10 9 continue c write(10,*)'mbr1 mbr2',mbr1,mbr2 c write(10,*)'msrc isrc odep zs us',msrc,isrc,odep,sngl(zs), c 1 sngl(us(1)),sngl(us(2)) c write(10,200)ki,(i,iidx(i),kk(i),pk(i),i=1,nseg) c200 format(/10x,i5/(1x,3i5,f12.6)) usrc(1)=us(1)/pn usrc(2)=us(2)/pn return end *---------- subroutine findtt(jb,x0,max,n,tt,dtdd,dtdh,dddp,phnm) c by Ray Buland save include '' character*(*) phnm(max) character*8 phcd character*67 msg dimension tt(max),dtdd(max),dtdh(max),dddp(max) double precision us,pt,tau,xlim,xbrn,dbrn double precision x,x0(3),p0,p1,arg,dp,dps,delp,tol,ps,deps common/tabc/us(2),pt(jout),tau(4,jout),xlim(2,jout),xbrn(jbrn,3), 1 dbrn(jbrn,2),xn,pn,tn,dn,hn,jndx(jbrn,2),idel(jbrn,3),mbr1,mbr2 common/pcdc/phcd(jbrn) data tol/3d-6/,deps/1d-10/ c nph=iabs(idel(jb,3)) hsgn=isign(1,idel(jb,3))*hn dsgn=(-1.)**idel(jb,1)*dn dpn=-1./tn do 10 ij=idel(jb,1),idel(jb,2) x=x0(ij) dsgn=-dsgn if(,1),2)) go to 12 j=jndx(jb,1) is=j+1 ie=jndx(jb,2) do 1 i=is,ie if(x.le.xlim(1,j),j)) go to 8 le=n p0=pt(ie)-pt(j) p1=pt(ie)-pt(i) delp=dmax1(tol*(pt(i)-pt(j)),1d-3) if(dabs(tau(3,j)).gt.1d-30) go to 2 dps=(x-tau(2,j))/(1.5d0*tau(4,j)) dp=dsign(dps*dps,dps) dp0=dp if( go to 9 if( go to 13 n=n+1 ps=pt(ie)-dp tt(n)=tn*(tau(1,j)+dp*(tau(2,j)+dps*tau(4,j))+ps*x) dtdd(n)=dsgn*ps dtdh(n)=hsgn*sqrt(abs(sngl(us(nph)*us(nph)-ps*ps))) dddp(n)=dpn*.75d0*tau(4,j)/dmax1(dabs(dps),deps) phnm(n)=phcd(jb) in=index(phnm(n),'ab') if(in.le.0) go to 8 if(ps.le.xbrn(jb,3)) phnm(n)(in:)='bc' go to 8 2 do 4 jj=1,2 go to (5,6),jj 5 arg=9d0*tau(4,j)*tau(4,j)+32d0*tau(3,j)*(x-tau(2,j)) if( go to 3 c write(msg,100)arg 100 format('Bad sqrt argument:',1pd11.2,'.') call warn(msg(1:30)) 3 dps=-(3d0*tau(4,j)+dsign(dsqrt(dabs(arg)),tau(4,j)))/(8d0* 1 tau(3,j)) dp=dsign(dps*dps,dps) dp0=dp go to 7 6 dps=(tau(2,j)-x)/(2d0*tau(3,j)*dps) dp=dsign(dps*dps,dps) 7 if( go to 4 if( go to 13 n=n+1 ps=pt(ie)-dp tt(n)=tn*(tau(1,j)+dp*(tau(2,j)+dp*tau(3,j)+dps*tau(4,j))+ps*x) dtdd(n)=dsgn*ps dtdh(n)=hsgn*sqrt(abs(sngl(us(nph)*us(nph)-ps*ps))) dddp(n)=dpn*(2d0*tau(3,j)+.75d0*tau(4,j)/dmax1(dabs(dps),deps)) phnm(n)=phcd(jb) in=index(phnm(n),'ab') if(in.le.0) go to 4 if(ps.le.xbrn(jb,3)) phnm(n)(in:)='bc' 4 continue 9 if( go to 8 c write(msg,101)phcd(jb),x,dp0,dp,p1,p0 101 format('Failed to find phase: ',a,f8.1,4f7.4) call warn(msg) 8 j=i 1 continue c 12 if(,1),2)) go to 10 if( go to 13 j=jndx(jb,1) i=jndx(jb,2) dp=pt(i)-pt(j) dps=dsqrt(dabs(dp)) n=n+1 tt(n)=tn*(tau(1,j)+dp*(tau(2,j)+dp*tau(3,j)+dps*tau(4,j))+ 1 pt(j)*x) dtdd(n)=dsgn*sngl(pt(j)) dtdh(n)=hsgn*sqrt(abs(sngl(us(nph)*us(nph)-pt(j)*pt(j)))) dddp(n)=dpn*(2d0*tau(3,j)+.75d0*tau(4,j)/dmax1(dps,deps)) ln=index(phcd(jb),' ')-1 if(ln.le.0) ln=len(phcd(jb)) phnm(n)=phcd(jb)(1:ln)//'diff' 10 continue return 13 continue c13 write(msg,102)max 102 format('More than',i3,' arrivals found.') call warn(msg(1:28)) return end *---------- subroutine fitspl(i1,i2,tau,x1,xn,coef) c by Ray Buland c c $$$$$ calls only library routines $$$$$ c c Given ray parameter grid p;i (p sub i), i=1,2,...,n, corresponding c tau;i values, and x;1 and x;n (x;i = -dtau/dp|p;i); tauspl finds c interpolation I such that: tau(p) = a;1,i + Dp * a;2,i + Dp**2 * c a;3,i + Dp**(3/2) * a;4,i where Dp = p;n - p and p;i <= p < p;i+1. c Interpolation I has the following properties: 1) x;1, x;n, and c tau;i, i=1,2,...,n are fit exactly, 2) the first and second c derivitives with respect to p are continuous everywhere, and c 3) because of the paramaterization d**2 tau/dp**2|p;n is infinite. c Thus, interpolation I models the asymptotic behavior of tau(p) c when tau(p;n) is a branch end due to a discontinuity in the c velocity model. Note that array a must be dimensioned at least c a(4,n) though the interpolation coefficients will be returned in c the first n-1 columns. The remaining column is used as scratch c space and returned as all zeros. Programmed on 16 August 1982 by c R. Buland. c save double precision tau(4,i2),x1,xn,coef(5,i2),a(2,60),ap(3),b(60), 1 alr,g1,gn c if(i2-i1)13,1,2 1 tau(2,i1)=x1 13 return 2 n=0 do 3 i=i1,i2 n=n+1 b(n)=tau(1,i) do 3 j=1,2 3 a(j,n)=coef(j,i) do 4 j=1,3 4 ap(j)=coef(j+2,i2) n1=n-1 c c Arrays ap(*,1), a, and ap(*,2) comprise n+2 x n+2 penta-diagonal c matrix A. Let x1, tau, and xn comprise corresponding n+2 vector b. c Then, A * g = b, may be solved for n+2 vector g such that c interpolation I is given by I(p) = sum(i=0,n+1) g;i * G;i(p). c c Eliminate the lower triangular portion of A to form A'. A c corresponding transformation applied to vector b is stored in c a(4,*). alr=a(1,1)/coef(3,i1) a(1,1)=1d0-coef(4,i1)*alr a(2,1)=a(2,1)-coef(5,i1)*alr b(1)=b(1)-x1*alr j=1 do 5 i=2,n alr=a(1,i)/a(1,j) a(1,i)=1d0-a(2,j)*alr b(i)=b(i)-b(j)*alr 5 j=i alr=ap(1)/a(1,n1) ap(2)=ap(2)-a(2,n1)*alr gn=xn-b(n1)*alr alr=ap(2)/a(1,n) c Back solve the upper triangular portion of A' for coefficients g;i. c When finished, storage g(2), a(4,*), g(5) will comprise vector g. gn=(gn-b(n)*alr)/(ap(3)-a(2,n)*alr) b(n)=(b(n)-gn*a(2,n))/a(1,n) j=n do 6 i=n1,1,-1 b(i)=(b(i)-b(j)*a(2,i))/a(1,i) 6 j=i g1=(x1-coef(4,i1)*b(1)-coef(5,i1)*b(2))/coef(3,i1) c tau(2,i1)=x1 is=i1+1 ie=i2-1 j=1 do 7 i=is,ie j=j+1 7 tau(2,i)=coef(3,i)*b(j-1)+coef(4,i)*b(j)+coef(5,i)*b(j+1) tau(2,i2)=xn return end function iupcor(phnm,dtdd,xcor,tcor) save include '' character*(*) phnm character*8 phcd double precision us,pt,tau,xlim,xbrn,dbrn,zs,pk,pu,pux,tauu,xu, 1 px,xt,taut,coef,tauc,xc,tcoef,tp double precision x,dp,dps,ps,cn common/tabc/us(2),pt(jout),tau(4,jout),xlim(2,jout),xbrn(jbrn,3), 1 dbrn(jbrn,2),xn,pn,tn,dn,hn,jndx(jbrn,2),idel(jbrn,3),mbr1,mbr2 common/brkc/zs,pk(jseg),pu(jtsm0,2),pux(jxsm,2),tauu(jtsm,2), 1 xu(jxsm,2),px(jbrn,2),xt(jbrn,2),taut(jout),coef(5,jout), 2 tauc(jtsm),xc(jxsm),tcoef(5,jbrna,2),tp(jbrnu,2),odep, 3 fcs(jseg,3),nin,nph0,int0(2),ki,msrc(2),isrc(2),nseg,nbrn,ku(2), 4 km(2),nafl(jseg,3),indx(jseg,2),kndx(jseg,2),iidx(jseg), 5 jidx(jbrn),kk(jseg) common/pcdc/phcd(jbrn) data oldep,jp,js/-1.,2*0/,cn/57.295779d0/ c iupcor=1 c print *,'oldep odep',oldep,odep if(oldep.eq.odep) go to 1 oldep=odep c Find the upgoing P branch. c print *,'mbr1 mbr2',mbr1,mbr2 do 2 jp=mbr1,mbr2 c print *,'jp phcd xbrn',jp,' ',phcd(jp),xbrn(jp,1) if((phcd(jp).eq.'Pg'.or.phcd(jp).eq.'Pb'.or.phcd(jp).eq.'Pn'.or. 1 phcd(jp).eq.'P').and.xbrn(jp,1).le.0d0) go to 3 2 continue jp=0 c Find the upgoing S branch. 3 do 4 js=mbr1,mbr2 c print *,'js phcd xbrn',js,' ',phcd(js),xbrn(js,1) if((phcd(js).eq.'Sg'.or.phcd(js).eq.'Sb'.or.phcd(js).eq.'Sn'.or. 1 phcd(js).eq.'S').and.xbrn(js,1).le.0d0) then !! S. Gao 06/1998 ccc phcd(js)='S' go to 1 endif 4 continue js=0 c c1 print *,'jp js',jp,js 1 if('P''p') go to 5 jb=jp if(jb)14,14,6 c 5 if('S''s') go to 13 jb=js if(jb)14,14,6 c 6 is=jndx(jb,1)+1 ie=jndx(jb,2) ps=abs(dtdd)/dn c print *,'jb is ie dtdd dn ps',jb,is,ie,dtdd,dn,ps if( go to 13 do 7 i=is,ie c print *,'i pt',i,pt(i) if( go to 8 7 continue go to 13 c 8 j=i-1 dp=pt(ie)-ps dps=dsqrt(dabs(dp)) x=tau(2,j)+2d0*dp*tau(3,j)+1.5d0*dps*tau(4,j) c print *,'j pt dp dps x',j,pt(ie),dp,dps,x tcor=tn*(tau(1,j)+dp*(tau(2,j)+dp*tau(3,j)+dps*tau(4,j))+ps*x) xcor=cn*x c print *,'iupcor xcor tcor',iupcor,xcor,tcor return c 13 iupcor=-1 14 xcor=0. tcor=0. c print *,'iupcor xcor tcor',iupcor,xcor,tcor return end *---------- subroutine pdecu(i1,i2,x0,x1,xmin,int,len) c by Ray Buland save include '' double precision us,pt,tau,xlim,xbrn,dbrn,ua,taua double precision x0,x1,xmin,dx,dx2,sgn,rnd,xm,axm,x,h1,h2,hh,xs common/tabc/us(2),pt(jout),tau(4,jout),xlim(2,jout),xbrn(jbrn,3), 1 dbrn(jbrn,2),xn,pn,tn,dn,hn,jndx(jbrn,2),idel(jbrn,3),mbr1,mbr2 common/pdec/ua(5,2),taua(5,2),deplim,ka c c write(10,*)'Pdecu: ua =',sngl(ua(1,int)) if(ua(1,int).le.0d0) go to 17 c write(10,*)'Pdecu: fill in new grid' k=i1+1 do 18 i=1,ka pt(k)=ua(i,int) tau(1,k)=taua(i,int) 18 k=k+1 pt(k)=pt(i2) tau(1,k)=tau(1,i2) go to 19 c 17 is=i1+1 ie=i2-1 xs=x1 do 11 i=ie,i1,-1 x=xs if( go to 12 xs=x0 go to 14 12 h1=pt(i-1)-pt(i) h2=pt(i+1)-pt(i) hh=h1*h2*(h1-h2) h1=h1*h1 h2=-h2*h2 xs=-(h2*tau(1,i-1)-(h2+h1)*tau(1,i)+h1*tau(1,i+1))/hh 14 if(dabs(x-xs).le.xmin) go to 15 11 continue len=i2 return 15 ie=i if(dabs(x-xs).gt..75d0* go to 16 xs=x ie=ie+1 16 n=max0(idint(dabs(xs-x0)/xmin+.8d0),1) dx=(xs-x0)/n dx2=dabs(.5d0*dx) sgn=dsign(1d0,dx) rnd=0d0 if( rnd=1d0 xm=x0+dx k=i1 m=is axm=1d10 do 1 i=is,ie if( go to 8 x=xs go to 5 8 h1=pt(i-1)-pt(i) h2=pt(i+1)-pt(i) hh=h1*h2*(h1-h2) h1=h1*h1 h2=-h2*h2 x=-(h2*tau(1,i-1)-(h2+h1)*tau(1,i)+h1*tau(1,i+1))/hh 5 if(sgn*(x-xm).le.dx2) go to 2 if( go to 3 do 4 j=m,k 4 pt(j)=-1d0 3 m=k+2 k=i-1 axm=1d10 7 xm=xm+dx*idint((x-xm-dx2)/dx+rnd) 2 if(dabs(x-xm).ge.axm) go to 1 axm=dabs(x-xm) k=i-1 1 continue if( go to 9 do 6 j=m,k 6 pt(j)=-1d0 9 k=i1 do 10 i=is,i2 if(pt(i).lt.0d0) go to 10 k=k+1 pt(k)=pt(i) tau(1,k)=tau(1,i) 10 continue 19 len=k c write(10,300)(i,pt(i),tau(1,i),i=i1,len) c300 format(/(1x,i5,0pf12.6,1pd15.4)) return end *---------- subroutine query(ia,log) c by Ray Buland c c $$$$$ calls tnoua $$$$$ c c Subroutine query scans character string ia (up to 78 characters) for c a question mark or a colon. It prints the string up to and c including the flag character plus two blanks with no newline on the c standard output. If the flag was a question mark, query reads the c users response. If the response is 'y' or 'yes', log is set to c true. If the response is 'n' or 'no', log is set to false. Any c other response causes the question to be repeated. If the flag was c a colon, query simply returns allowing user input on the same line. c If there is no question mark or colon, the last non-blank character c is treated as if it were a colon. If the string is null or all c blank, query prints an astrisk and returns. Programmed on 3 c December 1979 by R. Buland. c save logical log character*(*) ia character*81 ib character*4 ans nn=len(ia) log=.true. ifl=1 k=0 c Scan ia for flag characters or end-of-string. do 1 i=1,nn ib(i:i)=ia(i:i) if(ib(i:i).eq.':') go to 7 if(ib(i:i).eq.'?') go to 3 if(ib(i:i).eq.'\0') go to 5 if(ib(i:i).ne.' ') k=i 1 continue c If we fell off the end of the string, branch if there were any non- c blank characters. 5 if( go to 6 c Handle a null or all blank string. i=1 ib(i:i)='*' go to 4 c Handle a string with no question mark or colon but at least one c non-blank character. 6 i=k c Append two blanks and print the string. 7 i=i+2 ib(i-1:i-1)=' ' ib(i:i)=' ' c Tnoua prints the first i characters of ib without a newline. 4 call tnoua(ib(1:i)) if( return c If the string was a yes-no question read the response. read 102,ans 102 format(a4) call uctolc(4,ans,-1) c If the response is yes log is already set properly. if(ans.eq.'y '.or.ans.eq.'yes ') return c If the response is no set log to false. Otherwise repeat the c question. if('n ''no ') go to 4 log=.false. return 3 ifl=-ifl go to 7 end *---------- subroutine r4sort(n,rkey,iptr) c c $$$$$ calls no other routine $$$$$ c c R4sort sorts the n elements of array rkey so that rkey(i), c i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n are in asending order. R4sort is a trivial c modification of ACM algorithm 347: "An efficient algorithm for c sorting with minimal storage" by R. C. Singleton. Array rkey is c sorted in place in order n*alog2(n) operations. Coded on c 8 March 1979 by R. Buland. Modified to handle real*4 data on c 27 September 1983 by R. Buland. c save dimension rkey(n),iptr(n),il(10),iu(10) c Note: il and iu implement a stack containing the upper and c lower limits of subsequences to be sorted independently. A c depth of k allows for n<=2**(k+1)-1. if(n.le.0) return do 1 i=1,n 1 iptr(i)=i if(n.le.1) return r=.375 m=1 i=1 j=n c c The first section interchanges low element i, middle element ij, c and high element j so they are in order. c 5 if( go to 70 10 k=i c Use a floating point modification, r, of Singleton's bisection c strategy (suggested by R. Peto in his verification of the c algorithm for the ACM). if( go to 11 r=r+.0390625 go to 12 11 r=r-.21875 12 ij=i+(j-i)*r if(rkey(iptr(i)).le.rkey(iptr(ij))) go to 20 it=iptr(ij) iptr(ij)=iptr(i) iptr(i)=it 20 l=j if(rkey(iptr(j)).ge.rkey(iptr(ij))) go to 39 it=iptr(ij) iptr(ij)=iptr(j) iptr(j)=it if(rkey(iptr(i)).le.rkey(iptr(ij))) go to 39 it=iptr(ij) iptr(ij)=iptr(i) iptr(i)=it 39 tmpkey=rkey(iptr(ij)) go to 40 c c The second section continues this process. K counts up from i and c l down from j. Each time the k element is bigger than the ij c and the l element is less than the ij, then interchange the c k and l elements. This continues until k and l meet. c 30 it=iptr(l) iptr(l)=iptr(k) iptr(k)=it 40 l=l-1 if(rkey(iptr(l)).gt.tmpkey) go to 40 50 k=k+1 if(rkey(iptr(k)).lt.tmpkey) go to 50 if(k.le.l) go to 30 c c The third section considers the intervals i to l and k to j. The c larger interval is saved on the stack (il and iu) and the smaller c is remapped into i and j for another shot at section one. c if(l-i.le.j-k) go to 60 il(m)=i iu(m)=l i=k m=m+1 go to 80 60 il(m)=k iu(m)=j j=l m=m+1 go to 80 c c The fourth section pops elements off the stack (into i and j). If c necessary control is transfered back to section one for more c interchange sorting. If not we fall through to section five. Note c that the algorighm exits when the stack is empty. c 70 m=m-1 if(m.eq.0) return i=il(m) j=iu(m) 80 if( go to 10 if(i.eq.1) go to 5 i=i-1 c c The fifth section is the end game. Final sorting is accomplished c (within each subsequence popped off the stack) by rippling out c of order elements down to their proper positions. c 90 i=i+1 if(i.eq.j) go to 70 if(rkey(iptr(i)).le.rkey(iptr(i+1))) go to 90 k=i kk=k+1 ib=iptr(kk) 100 iptr(kk)=iptr(k) kk=k k=k-1 if(rkey(ib).lt.rkey(iptr(k))) go to 100 iptr(kk)=ib go to 90 end *---------- subroutine retrns(lu) c c $$$$$ calls no other routine $$$$$ c c Subroutine retrns closes (disconnects) logical unit lu from the c calling program. Programmed on 3 December 1979 by R. Buland. c save close(unit=lu) return end *---------- subroutine spfit(jb,int) c by Ray Buland save include '' character*3 disc character*8 phcd logical newgrd,makgrd,segmsk,prnt c logical log double precision pm,zm,us,pt,tau,xlim,xbrn,dbrn,zs,pk,pu,pux,tauu, 1 xu,px,xt,taut,coef,tauc,xc,tcoef,tp double precision pmn,dmn,dmx,hm,shm,thm,p0,p1,tau0,tau1,x0,x1,pe, 1 pe0,spe0,scpe0,pe1,spe1,scpe1,dpe,dtau,dbrnch,cn,x180,x360,dtol, 2 ptol,xmin common/umdc/pm(jsrc,2),zm(jsrc,2),ndex(jsrc,2),mt(2) common/tabc/us(2),pt(jout),tau(4,jout),xlim(2,jout),xbrn(jbrn,3), 1 dbrn(jbrn,2),xn,pn,tn,dn,hn,jndx(jbrn,2),idel(jbrn,3),mbr1,mbr2 common/brkc/zs,pk(jseg),pu(jtsm0,2),pux(jxsm,2),tauu(jtsm,2), 1 xu(jxsm,2),px(jbrn,2),xt(jbrn,2),taut(jout),coef(5,jout), 2 tauc(jtsm),xc(jxsm),tcoef(5,jbrna,2),tp(jbrnu,2),odep, 3 fcs(jseg,3),nin,nph0,int0(2),ki,msrc(2),isrc(2),nseg,nbrn,ku(2), 4 km(2),nafl(jseg,3),indx(jseg,2),kndx(jseg,2),iidx(jseg), 5 jidx(jbrn),kk(jseg) common/pcdc/phcd(jbrn) common/prtflc/segmsk(jseg),prnt(2) data dbrnch,cn,x180,x360,xmin,dtol,ptol/2.5307274d0,57.295779d0, 1 3.1415927d0,6.2831853d0,3.92403d-3,1d-6,2d-6/ c c if(prnt(1)) write(10,102) i1=jndx(jb,1) i2=jndx(jb,2) c write(10,*)'Spfit: jb i1 i2 pt =',jb,i1,i2,sngl(pt(i1)), c 1 sngl(pt(i2)) if( go to 14 jndx(jb,2)=-1 return 14 newgrd=.false. makgrd=.false. if(dabs(px(jb,2)-pt(i2)).gt.dtol) newgrd=.true. c write(10,*)'Spfit: px newgrd =',sngl(px(jb,2)),newgrd if(.not.newgrd) go to 10 k=mod(int-1,2)+1 if( makgrd=.true. c write(10,*)'Spfit: int k int0 makgrd =',int,k,int0(k),makgrd if( go to 12 c call query('Enter xmin:',log) c read *,xmin c xmin=xmin*xn xmin=xn*amin1(amax1(2.*odep,2.),25.) c write(10,*)'Spfit: xmin =',xmin,xmin/xn call pdecu(i1,i2,xbrn(jb,1),xbrn(jb,2),xmin,int,i2) jndx(jb,2)=i2 12 nn=i2-i1+1 if(makgrd) call tauspl(1,nn,pt(i1),tcoef(1,1,k)) c write(10,301,iostat=ios)jb,k,nn,int,newgrd,makgrd, c 1 xbrn(jb,1),xbrn(jb,2),(i,pt(i-1+i1),tau(1,i-1+i1), c 2 (tcoef(j,i,k),j=1,5),i=1,nn) c301 format(/1x,4i3,2l3,2f12.8/(1x,i5,0p2f12.8,1p5d10.2)) call fitspl(1,nn,tau(1,i1),xbrn(jb,1),xbrn(jb,2),tcoef(1,1,k)) int0(k)=int go to 11 10 call fitspl(i1,i2,tau,xbrn(jb,1),xbrn(jb,2),coef) 11 pmn=pt(i1) dmn=xbrn(jb,1) dmx=dmn mxcnt=0 mncnt=0 c call appx(i1,i2,xbrn(jb,1),xbrn(jb,2)) c write(10,300)(i,pt(i),(tau(j,i),j=1,3),i=i1,i2) c300 format(/(1x,i5,4f12.6)) pe=pt(i2) p1=pt(i1) tau1=tau(1,i1) x1=tau(2,i1) pe1=pe-p1 spe1=dsqrt(dabs(pe1)) scpe1=pe1*spe1 j=i1 is=i1+1 do 2 i=is,i2 p0=p1 p1=pt(i) tau0=tau1 tau1=tau(1,i) x0=x1 x1=tau(2,i) dpe=p0-p1 dtau=tau1-tau0 pe0=pe1 pe1=pe-p1 spe0=spe1 spe1=dsqrt(dabs(pe1)) scpe0=scpe1 scpe1=pe1*spe1 tau(4,j)=(2d0*dtau-dpe*(x1+x0))/(.5d0*(scpe1-scpe0)-1.5d0*spe1* 1 spe0*(spe1-spe0)) tau(3,j)=(dtau-dpe*x0-(scpe1+.5d0*scpe0-1.5d0*pe1*spe0)*tau(4,j))/ 1 (dpe*dpe) tau(2,j)=(dtau-(pe1*pe1-pe0*pe0)*tau(3,j)-(scpe1-scpe0)*tau(4,j))/ 1 dpe tau(1,j)=tau0-scpe0*tau(4,j)-pe0*(pe0*tau(3,j)+tau(2,j)) xlim(1,j)=dmin1(x0,x1) xlim(2,j)=dmax1(x0,x1) if(xlim(1,j).ge.dmn) go to 5 dmn=xlim(1,j) pmn=pt(j) if( pmn=pt(i) 5 disc=' ' if(dabs(tau(3,j)).le.1d-30) go to 4 shm=-.375d0*tau(4,j)/tau(3,j) hm=shm*shm if(shm.le.0d0.or.( go to 4 7 thm=tau(2,j)+shm*(2d0*shm*tau(3,j)+1.5d0*tau(4,j)) xlim(1,j)=dmin1(xlim(1,j),thm) xlim(2,j)=dmax1(xlim(2,j),thm) if( go to 6 dmn=thm pmn=pe-hm 6 disc='max' if(tau(4,j).lt.0d0) disc='min' if(disc.eq.'max') mxcnt=mxcnt+1 if(disc.eq.'min') mncnt=mncnt+1 4 continue c4 if(prnt(1)) write(10,100,iostat=ios)disc,j,pt(j), c 1 (tau(k,j),k=1,4),(cn*xlim(k,j),k=1,2) 100 format(1x,a,i5,f10.6,1p4e10.2,0p2f7.2) dmx=dmax1(dmx,xlim(2,j)) 2 j=i c if(prnt(1)) write(10,100,iostat=ios)' ',j,pt(j) xbrn(jb,1)=dmn xbrn(jb,2)=dmx xbrn(jb,3)=pmn idel(jb,1)=1 idel(jb,2)=1 if(xbrn(jb,1).gt.x180) idel(jb,1)=2 if(xbrn(jb,2).gt.x180) idel(jb,2)=2 if(xbrn(jb,1).gt.x360) idel(jb,1)=3 if(xbrn(jb,2).gt.x360) idel(jb,2)=3 if( go to 1 phcd(jb)=phcd(jb)(1:1) i=jb do 8 j=1,nbrn i=mod(i,nbrn)+1 if(phcd(i)(1:1).eq.phcd(jb).and.phcd(i)(2:2).ne.'P'.and. 1 (,1),2))) go to 9 8 continue go to 1 9 phcd(jb)=phcd(i) if(dabs(pt(i2)-pt(jndx(i,1))).le.dtol) phcd(jb)=phcd(i-1) c1 if(prnt(1).and.prnt(2)) write(10,102) 1 continue 102 format() if(dbrn(jb,1).le.0d0) go to 3 dbrn(jb,1)=dmx dbrn(jb,2)=dbrnch c if(prnt(2)) write(10,101,iostat=ios)phcd(jb), c 1 (jndx(jb,k),k=1,2),(cn*xbrn(jb,k),k=1,2),xbrn(jb,3), c 2 (cn*dbrn(jb,k),k=1,2),(idel(jb,k),k=1,3),int,newgrd,makgrd 101 format(1x,a,2i5,2f8.2,f8.4,2f8.2,4i3,2l2) go to 15 c3 if(prnt(2)) write(10,103,iostat=ios)phcd(jb), 3 continue c 1 (jndx(jb,k),k=1,2),(cn*xbrn(jb,k),k=1,2),xbrn(jb,3), c 2 (idel(jb,k),k=1,3),int,newgrd,makgrd 103 format(1x,a,2i5,2f8.2,f8.4,16x,4i3,2l2) 15 if( 1 call warn('Bad interpolation on '//phcd(jb)) return end *---------- subroutine tabin(in,modnam) c by Ray Buland include '' character*(*) modnam character tmp*50 c logical log character*8 phcd,phdif(6) double precision pm,zm,us,pt,tau,xlim,xbrn,dbrn,zs,pk,pu,pux,tauu, 1 xu,px,xt,taut,coef,tauc,xc,tcoef,tp c common/umdc/pm(jsrc,2),zm(jsrc,2),ndex(jsrc,2),mt(2) common/tabc/us(2),pt(jout),tau(4,jout),xlim(2,jout),xbrn(jbrn,3), 1 dbrn(jbrn,2),xn,pn,tn,dn,hn,jndx(jbrn,2),idel(jbrn,3),mbr1,mbr2 common/brkc/zs,pk(jseg),pu(jtsm0,2),pux(jxsm,2),tauu(jtsm,2), 1 xu(jxsm,2),px(jbrn,2),xt(jbrn,2),taut(jout),coef(5,jout), 2 tauc(jtsm),xc(jxsm),tcoef(5,jbrna,2),tp(jbrnu,2),odep, 3 fcs(jseg,3),nin,nph0,int0(2),ki,msrc(2),isrc(2),nseg,nbrn,ku(2), 4 km(2),nafl(jseg,3),indx(jseg,2),kndx(jseg,2),iidx(jseg), 5 jidx(jbrn),kk(jseg) common/pcdc/phcd(jbrn) data tauc,xc/jtsm*0d0,jxsm*0d0/ c nin=in phdif(1)='P' phdif(2)='S' phdif(3)='pP' phdif(4)='sP' phdif(5)='pS' phdif(6)='sS' c++ call asnag1(nin,-1,1,'Enter model name:',modnam) c++ read(nin) nasgr,nl,len2,xn,pn,tn,mt,nseg,nbrn,ku,km,fcs,nafl, 1 indx,kndx read(nin) pm,zm,ndex read(nin) pu,pux read(nin) phcd,px,xt,jndx read(nin) pt,taut read(nin) coef call retrns(nin) c nb=index(modnam,' ')-1 if(nb.le.0) nb=len(modnam) tmp=modnam(1:nb)//'.tbl' call dasign(nin,-1, tmp, nasgr) c do 11 nph=1,2 11 pu(ku(nph)+1,nph)=pm(1,nph) c c write(10,*)'nasgr nl len2',nasgr,nl,len2 c write(10,*)'nseg nbrn mt ku km',nseg,nbrn,mt,ku,km c write(10,*)'xn pn tn',xn,pn,tn c write(10,200)(i,(ndex(i,j),pm(i,j),zm(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,mt(2)) c200 format(/(1x,i3,i7,2f12.6,i7,2f12.6)) c write(10,201)(i,(pu(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,ku(2)+1) c201 format(/(1x,i3,2f12.6)) c write(10,201)(i,(pux(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,km(2)) c write(10,202)(i,(nafl(i,j),j=1,3),(indx(i,j),j=1,2),(kndx(i,j), c 1 j=1,2),(fcs(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,nseg) c202 format(/(1x,i3,7i5,3f5.0)) c cn=180./3.1415927 c write(10,203)(i,(jndx(i,j),j=1,2),(px(i,j),j=1,2),(cn*xt(i,j), c 1 j=1,2),phcd(i),i=1,nbrn) c203 format(/(1x,i3,2i5,2f12.6,2f12.2,2x,a)) c write(10,204)(i,pt(i),taut(i),(coef(j,i),j=1,5),i=1,jout) c204 format(/(1x,i5,0p2f12.6,1p5d10.2)) c tn=1./tn dn=3.1415927/(180.*pn*xn) odep=-1. ki=0 msrc(1)=0 msrc(2)=0 k=1 do 3 i=1,nbrn jidx(i)=jndx(i,2) do 4 j=1,2 4 dbrn(i,j)=-1d0 8 if(jndx(i,2).le.indx(k,2)) go to 7 k=k+1 go to 8 7 if(nafl(k,2).gt.0) go to 9 ind=nafl(k,1) l=0 do 10 j=jndx(i,1),jndx(i,2) l=l+1 10 tp(l,ind)=pt(j) 9 if(nafl(k,1).gt.0.and.(phcd(i)(1:1).eq.'P'.or. 1 phcd(i)(1:1).eq.'S')) go to 3 do 5 j=1,6 if(phcd(i).eq.phdif(j)) go to 6 5 continue go to 3 6 dbrn(i,1)=1d0 phdif(j)=' ' 3 continue c write(10,205)(i,phcd(i),(dbrn(i,j),j=1,2),jidx(i),i=1,nbrn) c205 format(/(1x,i5,2x,a,2f8.2,i5)) c write(10,206)(i,(tp(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,jbrnu) c206 format(/(1x,i5,2f12.6)) return end *---------- subroutine tauint(ptk,ptj,pti,zj,zi,tau,x) c by Ray Buland save c c $$$$$ calls warn $$$$$ c c Tauint evaluates the intercept (tau) and distance (x) integrals for c the spherical earth assuming that slowness is linear between radii c for which the model is known. The partial integrals are performed c for ray slowness ptk between model radii with slownesses ptj and pti c with equivalent flat earth depths zj and zi respectively. The partial c integrals are returned in tau and x. Note that ptk, ptj, pti, zj, zi, c tau, and x are all double precision. c character*71 msg double precision ptk,ptj,pti,zj,zi,tau,x double precision xx,b,sqk,sqi,sqj,sqb c if(dabs(zj-zi).le.1d-9) go to 13 if(dabs(ptj-pti).gt.1d-9) go to 10 if(dabs(ptk-pti).le.1d-9) go to 13 b=dabs(zj-zi) sqj=dsqrt(dabs(ptj*ptj-ptk*ptk)) tau=b*sqj x=b*ptk/sqj go to 4 10 if( go to 1 c Handle the straight through ray. tau=ptj x=1.5707963267948966d0 go to 4 1 b=ptj-(pti-ptj)/(dexp(zi-zj)-1d0) if( go to 2 tau=-(pti-ptj+b*dlog(pti/ptj)-b*dlog(dmax1((ptj-b)*pti/ 1 ((pti-b)*ptj),1d-30))) x=0d0 go to 4 2 if(ptk.eq.pti) go to 3 if(ptk.eq.ptj) go to 11 sqk=ptk*ptk sqi=dsqrt(dabs(pti*pti-sqk)) sqj=dsqrt(dabs(ptj*ptj-sqk)) sqb=dsqrt(dabs(b*b-sqk)) if( go to 5 xx=0d0 x=ptk*(dsqrt(dabs((pti+b)/(pti-b)))-dsqrt(dabs((ptj+b)/ 1 (ptj-b))))/b go to 6 5 if(b* go to 7 xx=dlog(dmax1((ptj-b)*(sqb*sqi+b*pti-sqk)/((pti-b)* 1 (sqb*sqj+b*ptj-sqk)),1d-30)) x=ptk*xx/sqb go to 6 7 xx=dasin(dmax1(dmin1((b*pti-sqk)/(ptk*dabs(pti-b)),1d0),-1d0))- 1 dasin(dmax1(dmin1((b*ptj-sqk)/(ptk*dabs(ptj-b)),1d0),-1d0)) x=-ptk*xx/sqb 6 tau=-(sqi-sqj+b*dlog((pti+sqi)/(ptj+sqj))-sqb*xx) go to 4 3 sqk=pti*pti sqj=dsqrt(dabs(ptj*ptj-sqk)) sqb=dsqrt(dabs(b*b-sqk)) if(b* go to 8 xx=dlog(dmax1((ptj-b)*(b*pti-sqk)/((pti-b)*(sqb*sqj+b*ptj-sqk)), 1 1d-30)) x=pti*xx/sqb go to 9 8 xx=dsign(1.5707963267948966d0,b-pti)-dasin(dmax1(dmin1((b*ptj- 1 sqk)/(pti*dabs(ptj-b)),1d0),-1d0)) x=-pti*xx/sqb 9 tau=-(b*dlog(pti/(ptj+sqj))-sqj-sqb*xx) go to 4 11 sqk=ptj*ptj sqi=dsqrt(dabs(pti*pti-sqk)) sqb=dsqrt(dabs(b*b-sqk)) if(b* go to 12 xx=dlog(dmax1((ptj-b)*(sqb*sqi+b*pti-sqk)/((pti-b)*(b*ptj-sqk)), 1 1d-30)) x=ptj*xx/sqb go to 14 12 xx=dasin(dmax1(dmin1((b*pti-sqk)/(ptj*dabs(pti-b)),1d0),-1d0))- 1 dsign(1.5707963267948966d0,b-ptj) x=-ptj*xx/sqb 14 tau=-(b*dlog((pti+sqi)/ptj)+sqi-sqb*xx) c c Handle various error conditions. c 4 if( go to 15 c write(msg,100)ptk,ptj,pti,tau,x 100 format('Bad range: ',1p5d12.4) call warn(msg) 15 if( go to 16 c write(msg,101)ptk,ptj,pti,tau,x 101 format('Bad tau: ',1p5d12.4) call warn(msg(1:69)) 16 return c Trap null integrals and handle them properly. 13 tau=0d0 x=0d0 return end *---------- subroutine tauspl(i1,i2,pt,coef) c c $$$$$ calls only library routines $$$$$ c c Given ray parameter grid pt;i (pt sub i), i=i1,i1+1,...,i2, tauspl c determines the i2-i1+3 basis functions for interpolation I such c that: c c tau(p) = a;1,i + Dp * a;2,i + Dp**2 * a;3,i + Dp**(3/2) * a;4,i c c where Dp = pt;n - p, pt;i <= p < pt;i+1, and the a;j,i's are c interpolation coefficients. Rather than returning the coefficients, c a;j,i, which necessarily depend on tau(pt;i), i=i1,i1+1,...,i2 and c x(pt;i) (= -d tau(p)/d p | pt;i), i=i1,i2, tauspl returns the c contribution of each basis function and its derivitive at each c sample. Each basis function is non-zero at three grid points, c therefore, each grid point will have contributions (function values c and derivitives) from three basis functions. Due to the basis c function normalization, one of the function values will always be c one and is not returned in array coef with the other values. c Rewritten on 23 December 1983 by R. Buland. c save double precision pt(i2),coef(5,i2) double precision del(5),sdel(5),deli(5),d3h(4),d1h(4),dih(4), 1 d(4),ali,alr,b3h,b1h,bih,th0p,th2p,th3p,th2m c n2=i2-i1-1 if(n2.le.-1) return is=i1+1 c c To achieve the requisite stability, proceed by constructing basis c functions G;i, i=0,1,...,n+1. G;i will be non-zero only on the c interval [p;i-2,p;i+2] and will be continuous with continuous first c and second derivitives. G;i(p;i-2) and G;i(p;i+2) are constrained c to be zero with zero first and second derivitives. G;i(p;i) is c normalized to unity. c c Set up temporary variables appropriate for G;-1. Note that to get c started, the ray parameter grid is extrapolated to yeild p;i, i=-2, c -1,0,1,...,n. del(2)=pt(i2)-pt(i1)+3d0*(pt(is)-pt(i1)) sdel(2)=dsqrt(dabs(del(2))) deli(2)=1d0/sdel(2) m=2 do 1 k=3,5 del(k)=pt(i2)-pt(i1)+(5-k)*(pt(is)-pt(i1)) sdel(k)=dsqrt(dabs(del(k))) deli(k)=1d0/sdel(k) d3h(m)=del(k)*sdel(k)-del(m)*sdel(m) d1h(m)=sdel(k)-sdel(m) dih(m)=deli(k)-deli(m) 1 m=k l=i1-1 if(n2.le.0) go to 10 c Loop over G;i, i=0,1,...,n-3. do 2 i=1,n2 m=1 c Update temporary variables for G;i-1. do 3 k=2,5 del(m)=del(k) sdel(m)=sdel(k) deli(m)=deli(k) if( go to 3 d3h(m)=d3h(k) d1h(m)=d1h(k) dih(m)=dih(k) 3 m=k l=l+1 del(5)=pt(i2)-pt(l+1) sdel(5)=dsqrt(dabs(del(5))) deli(5)=1d0/sdel(5) d3h(4)=del(5)*sdel(5)-del(4)*sdel(4) d1h(4)=sdel(5)-sdel(4) dih(4)=deli(5)-deli(4) c Construct G;i-1. ali=1d0/(.125d0*d3h(1)-(.75d0*d1h(1)+.375d0*dih(1)*del(3))* 1 del(3)) alr=ali*(.125d0*del(2)*sdel(2)-(.75d0*sdel(2)+.375d0*del(3)* 1 deli(2)-sdel(3))*del(3)) b3h=d3h(2)+alr*d3h(1) b1h=d1h(2)+alr*d1h(1) bih=dih(2)+alr*dih(1) th0p=d1h(1)*b3h-d3h(1)*b1h th2p=d1h(3)*b3h-d3h(3)*b1h th3p=d1h(4)*b3h-d3h(4)*b1h th2m=dih(3)*b3h-d3h(3)*bih c The d;i's completely define G;i-1. d(4)=ali*((dih(1)*b3h-d3h(1)*bih)*th2p-th2m*th0p)/((dih(4)*b3h- 1 d3h(4)*bih)*th2p-th2m*th3p) d(3)=(th0p*ali-th3p*d(4))/th2p d(2)=(d3h(1)*ali-d3h(3)*d(3)-d3h(4)*d(4))/b3h d(1)=alr*d(2)-ali c Construct the contributions G;i-1(p;i-2) and G;i-1(p;i). c G;i-1(p;i-1) need not be constructed as it is normalized to unity. coef(1,l)=(.125d0*del(5)*sdel(5)-(.75d0*sdel(5)+.375d0*deli(5)* 1 del(4)-sdel(4))*del(4))*d(4) if( coef(2,l-2)=(.125d0*del(1)*sdel(1)-(.75d0*sdel(1)+ 1 .375d0*deli(1)*del(2)-sdel(2))*del(2))*d(1) c Construct the contributions -dG;i-1(p)/dp | p;i-2, p;i-1, and p;i. coef(3,l)=-.75d0*(sdel(5)+deli(5)*del(4)-2d0*sdel(4))*d(4) if( coef(4,l-1)=-.75d0*((sdel(2)+deli(2)*del(3)- 1 2d0*sdel(3))*d(2)-(d1h(1)+dih(1)*del(3))*d(1)) if( coef(5,l-2)=-.75d0*(sdel(1)+deli(1)*del(2)- 1 2d0*sdel(2))*d(1) 2 continue c Loop over G;i, i=n-2,n-1,n,n+1. These cases must be handled c seperately because of the singularities in the second derivitive c at p;n. 10 do 4 j=1,4 m=1 c Update temporary variables for G;i-1. do 5 k=2,5 del(m)=del(k) sdel(m)=sdel(k) deli(m)=deli(k) if( go to 5 d3h(m)=d3h(k) d1h(m)=d1h(k) dih(m)=dih(k) 5 m=k l=l+1 del(5)=0d0 sdel(5)=0d0 deli(5)=0d0 c Construction of the d;i's is different for each case. In cases c G;i, i=n-1,n,n+1, G;i is truncated at p;n to avoid patching across c the singularity in the second derivitive. if( go to 6 c For G;n+1 constrain G;n+1(p;n) to be .25. d(1)=2d0/(del(1)*sdel(1)) go to 9 c For G;i, i=n-2,n-1,n, the condition dG;i(p)/dp|p;i = 0 has been c substituted for the second derivitive continuity condition that c can no longer be satisfied. 6 alr=(sdel(2)+deli(2)*del(3)-2d0*sdel(3))/(d1h(1)+dih(1)*del(3)) d(2)=1d0/(.125d0*del(2)*sdel(2)-(.75d0*sdel(2)+.375d0*deli(2)* 1 del(3)-sdel(3))*del(3)-(.125d0*d3h(1)-(.75d0*d1h(1)+.375d0* 2 dih(1)*del(3))*del(3))*alr) d(1)=alr*d(2) if(j-2)8,7,9 c For G;n-1 constrain G;n-1(p;n) to be .25. 7 d(3)=(2d0+d3h(2)*d(2)+d3h(1)*d(1))/(del(3)*sdel(3)) go to 9 c No additional constraints are required for G;n-2. 8 d(3)=-((d3h(2)-d1h(2)*del(4))*d(2)+(d3h(1)-d1h(1)*del(4))* 1 d(1))/(d3h(3)-d1h(3)*del(4)) d(4)=(d3h(3)*d(3)+d3h(2)*d(2)+d3h(1)*d(1))/(del(4)*sdel(4)) c Construct the contributions G;i-1(p;i-2) and G;i-1(p;i). 9 if(j.le.2) coef(1,l)=(.125d0*del(3)*sdel(3)-(.75d0*sdel(3)+.375d0* 1 deli(3)*del(4)-sdel(4))*del(4))*d(3)-(.125d0*d3h(2)-(.75d0* 2 d1h(2)+.375d0*dih(2)*del(4))*del(4))*d(2)-(.125d0*d3h(1)-(.75d0* 3 d1h(1)+.375d0*dih(1)*del(4))*del(4))*d(1) if( coef(2,l-2)=(.125d0*del(1)*sdel(1)-(.75d0*sdel(1)+ 1 .375d0*deli(1)*del(2)-sdel(2))*del(2))*d(1) c Construct the contributions -dG;i-1(p)/dp | p;i-2, p;i-1, and p;i. if(j.le.2) coef(3,l)=-.75d0*((sdel(3)+deli(3)*del(4)- 1 2d0*sdel(4))*d(3)-(d1h(2)+dih(2)*del(4))*d(2)-(d1h(1)+ 2 dih(1)*del(4))*d(1)) if( coef(4,l-1)=0d0 if( coef(5,l-2)=-.75d0*(sdel(1)+deli(1)*del(2)- 1 2d0*sdel(2))*d(1) 4 continue return end *---------- subroutine trtm(delta,max,n,tt,dtdd,dtdh,dddp,phnm) c by Ray Buland save include '' character*(*) phnm(max) character*8 ctmp(60) dimension tt(max),dtdd(max),dtdh(max),dddp(max),tmp(60,4), 1 iptr(60) double precision us,pt,tau,xlim,xbrn,dbrn double precision x(3),cn,dtol,pi,pi2 common/tabc/us(2),pt(jout),tau(4,jout),xlim(2,jout),xbrn(jbrn,3), 1 dbrn(jbrn,2),xn,pn,tn,dn,hn,jndx(jbrn,2),idel(jbrn,3),mbr1,mbr2 data cn,dtol,atol,pi,pi2/.017453292519943296d0,1d-6,.005, 1 3.1415926535897932d0,6.2831853071795865d0/ c n=0 if(mbr2.le.0) return x(1)=dmod(dabs(cn*delta),pi2) if(x(1).gt.pi) x(1)=pi2-x(1) x(2)=pi2-x(1) x(3)=x(1)+pi2 if(dabs(x(1)).gt.dtol) go to 9 x(1)=dtol x(3)=-10d0 9 if(dabs(x(1)-pi).gt.dtol) go to 7 x(1)=pi-dtol x(2)=-10d0 7 do 1 j=mbr1,mbr2 1 if(jndx(j,2).gt.0) call findtt(j,x,max,n,tmp,tmp(1,2),tmp(1,3), 1 tmp(1,4),ctmp) if(n-1)3,4,5 4 iptr(1)=1 go to 6 5 call r4sort(n,tmp,iptr) 6 k=0 do 2 i=1,n j=iptr(i) if(k.le.0) go to 8 if(phnm(k).eq.ctmp(j).and.abs(tt(k)-tmp(j,1)).le.atol) go to 2 8 k=k+1 tt(k)=tmp(j,1) dtdd(k)=tmp(j,2) dtdh(k)=tmp(j,3) dddp(k)=tmp(j,4) phnm(k)=ctmp(j) 2 continue n=k 3 return end *---------- subroutine uctolc(n,ia,ifl) c c $$$$$ calls gchar and schar $$$$$ c c Subroutine uctolc converts the first n characters in string ia from c upper case to lower case. If ifl<0 all characters are converted. c Otherwise characters enclosed by single quotes are left unchanged. c Programmed on 21 January by R. Buland. c save character*1 ia(n) data nfl/1/ if( nfl=1 c Scan the string. do 1 i=1,n if( go to 2 c Look for single quotes. if(ia(i).eq.'''') nfl=-nfl c If we are in a quoted string skip the conversion. if( go to 1 c Do the conversion. 2 if(ichar(ia(i)).ge.65.and.ichar(ia(i)).le.90) 1 ia(i)=char(ichar(ia(i))+32) 1 continue return end double precision function umod(zs,isrc,nph) save include '' character*31 msg double precision pm,zm,us,pt,tau,xlim,xbrn,dbrn double precision zs,uend,dtol,zmod dimension isrc(2) common/umdc/pm(jsrc,2),zm(jsrc,2),ndex(jsrc,2),mt(2) common/tabc/us(2),pt(jout),tau(4,jout),xlim(2,jout),xbrn(jbrn,3), 1 dbrn(jbrn,2),xn,pn,tn,dn,hn,jndx(jbrn,2),idel(jbrn,3),mbr1,mbr2 data dtol/1d-6/ c m1=mt(nph) do 1 i=2,m1 if(zm(i,nph).le.zs) go to 2 1 continue dep=(1d0-dexp(zs))/xn c write(msg,100)dep c write(6,100)dep 100 format('Source depth (',f6.1,') too deep.') ** call abort(msg) 2 if(dabs(zs-zm(i,nph)).le.dtol.and.dabs(zm(i,nph)-zm(i+1,nph)).le. 1 dtol) go to 3 j=i-1 isrc(nph)=j umod=pm(j,nph)+(pm(i,nph)-pm(j,nph))*(dexp(zs-zm(j,nph))-1d0)/ 1 (dexp(zm(i,nph)-zm(j,nph))-1d0) return 3 isrc(nph)=i umod=pm(i+1,nph) return c entry zmod(uend,js,nph) i=js+1 zmod=zm(js,nph)+dlog(dmax1((uend-pm(js,nph))*(dexp(zm(i,nph)- 1 zm(js,nph))-1d0)/(pm(i,nph)-pm(js,nph))+1d0,1d-30)) return end **-------- subroutine warn(msg) c by Ray Buland character*(*) msg write(*,100) msg 100 format(1x,a) return end *---------- subroutine tnoua(ia) c c $$$$$ calls no other routine $$$$$ c c Subroutine tnoua writes the character string ia to the standard c output without the trailing newline (allowing user input on the c same line). Programmed on 17 September 1980 by R. Buland. c save character*(*) ia write(*,100)ia 100 format(a,$) return end *---------- subroutine dasign(lu,mode,ia,len) c c $$$$$ calls no other routine $$$$$ c c Subroutine dasign opens (connects) logical unit lu to the disk file c named by the character string ia with mode mode. If iabs(mode) = 1, c then open the file for reading. If iabs(mode) = 2, then open the c file for writing. If iabs(mode) = 3, then open a scratch file for c writing. If mode > 0, then the file is formatted. If mode < 0, c then the file is unformatted. All files opened by dasign are c assumed to be direct access. Programmed on 3 December 1979 by c R. Buland. c save character*(*) ia logical exst c if( nf=1 if( nf=2 ns=iabs(mode) if( ns=3 go to (1,2),nf 1 go to (11,12,13),ns 11 open(lu,file=ia,status='old',form='formatted', 1 access='direct',recl=len) return 12 inquire(file=ia,exist=exst) if(exst) go to 11 13 open(lu,file=ia,status='new',form='formatted', 1 access='direct',recl=len) return 2 go to (21,22,23),ns 21 open(lu,file=ia,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct', 1 recl=len) return 22 inquire(file=ia,exist=exst) if(exst) go to 21 23 open(lu,file=ia,status='new',form='unformatted',access='direct', 1 recl=len) return end *---------- subroutine vexit(ierr) c by Ray Buland call exit(ierr) end **---------------------- subroutine baz2latlon(ala0,alo0,delt,azim,ala1,alo1,irtr) ** e.g.: from stlat, stlon, distdg, and baz to get evlat and evlon, use ** call baz2latlon(stlat,stlon,distdg,baz,ala1,alo1,irtr) c c routine to calculate latitude & longitude of point defined by c range and azimuth from a given starting latitude & longitude. c All quantities (including range) are specified in degrees. ** Modified from a DTM subroutine. S. Gao 06/1998 c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) real*4 ala0,alo0,delt,azim,ala1,alo1 data oneps/1.00001d0/ c irtr=0 si=1.0d0 pi=4.0d0*datan(si) pi2=pi+pi conv=pi/180.0d0 c cola0=90.0d0-dble(ala0) cola0=cola0*conv alo0r=dble(alo0)*conv deltr=dble(delt)*conv azimr=dble(azim)*conv if ( si=-1.0d0 c cola1=dcos(cola0)*dcos(deltr)+dsin(cola0)*dsin(deltr)*dcos(azimr) cola1=dacos(cola1) alodel=dcos(deltr)-dcos(cola0)*dcos(cola1) alodel=alodel/(dsin(cola0)*dsin(cola1)) if (dabs(alodel).le.1.0d0) then alo1r=alo0r+si*dacos(alodel) else if (dabs(alodel).lt.oneps) then if ( alo1r=alo0r if ( alo1r=alo0r+si*pi else if (dabs(alodel).ge.oneps) then irtr=1 call exit() endif if ( alo1r=alo1r-pi2 if (alo1r.le.-pi) alo1r=alo1r+pi2 c cola1=cola1/conv ala1=90.0d0-cola1 alo1=alo1r/conv c cc return end