program two_layers c* A program to compute theoretical apparent splitting parameters c* for two pairs of spitting parameters. c* Based on the method proposed by Silver and Savage, 1994. c* The output file is two_layers.fitted. c* I also made a GMT program (plot_2layers.gmt) to plot the results c c* For questions, please contact: c* Stephen S. Gao, Missouri University of Science and Technology. c* (EmailL; c* See Figure 9 of the following paper (Liu and Gao, 2013, BSSA) c* for more info about two-layer modeling: c* write(6,1) 1 format('Enter phi and dt of the lower layer: ',$) read(5,*) phi1, dt1 write(6,2) 2 format('Enter phi and dt of the upper layer: ',$) read(5,*) phi2, dt2 write(6,3) 3 format('Enter 1 if the range if 0 to 180,', & ' and enter 2 if the range is -90 to 90:',$) read(5,*) irange write(6,4) 4 format('Enter peak frequency (e.g., 0.1): ',$) read(5,*) freq call layer2_allaz(phi1, dt1, phi2, dt2, irange, freq) print*,'The output file is two_layers.fitted' print*,'Column 1: baz, 2: fitted phi, 3: fitted dt' stop end *------------------------------- subroutine layer2_allaz(phi1, dt1, phi2, dt2, irange,freq) character range*8 complex ak pi=4.0*atan(1.0) rad= 180./pi if(irange.eq.1) range='000to180' if(irange.eq.2) range='m90top90' open(4,file='two_layers.fitted') t1=pi*freq*dt1 t2=pi*freq*dt2 do 10 i = 1,361 phat=float(i-1) al1=2.*(phi1-phat)/rad al2=2.*(phi2-phat)/rad cc =cos(t1)*sin(t2)*cos(al2) + cos(t2)*sin(t1)*cos(al1) cs =cos(t1)*sin(t2)*sin(al2) + cos(t2)*sin(t1)*sin(al1) ap =cos(t1)*cos(t2) - sin(t1)*sin(t2)*cos(al2-al1) app= - sin(t1)*sin(t2)*sin(al2-al1) al0=atan((app**2 + cs**2)/(app*ap + cs*cc)) t0= atan(app/(cs*cos(al0) - cc*sin(al0))) ak=cmplx(ap,cc)/cmplx(cos(t0),sin(t0)*cos(al0)) amp=cabs(ak) phase=atan2(aimag(ak),real(ak)) phi0 = .5*al0*rad+phat dt0=t0/(pi*freq) phase=phase*rad c if dt0 is negative, make pos and add 90 to phi0 if( dt0=-dt0 phi0=phi0+90. endif if( phi0=phi0+180. if( phi0=phi0-360. if( phi0=phi0-180. if(range.eq.'m90top90') then if( phi0=phi0-180. endif if(range.eq.'000to180') then if( phi0=phi0+180. endif write(4,110) phat, phi0,dt0,amp, phase, & phi1,dt1,phi2, dt2 110 format(2(1x,f7.2),f10.2,1x,6(f10.3,1x)) 10 continue close(4) call writegmt(irange) print*,' ' print*,'***Note: freq=',freq,' Hz. Results are freq dependent!' print*,' ' end *------------------------------- * Create a GMT program to plot the results subroutine writegmt(irange) character cmd*100 open(92,file='plot_2layers.gmt') write(92,921) 921 format('/bin/rm'/) if(irange.eq.2) then write(92,922) 922 format('awk ', & '''{print $1, $2}'' two_layers.fitted | \\'/, & ' psxy -R0/90/-90/90 -JX5/3 -K -W15/255/0/0 \\'/, & '-Ba10g10f5 -P \\'/, & '-X2 -Y6 >'/) write(92,2) 2 format('awk ', & '''{print "45 100 15 0 0 6", ', & '" Lower:", $6, $7, "; Upper: ",$8, $9}'' \\'/, & 'two_layers.fitted | pstext -R -JX -O -K -N >>'/) write(92, 3) 3 format('pstext -R -J -K -O -N <>',/ & '45 -120 13 0 5 6 Back azimuth (modulo 90 deg.)',/ & 'END',/) write(92,923) 923 format('awk ', & '''{print $1, $3}'' two_layers.fitted | \\'/, & ' psxy -R0/90/0/5 -JX5/3 -O -W15/255/0/0 \\'/, & '-Ba10g10f5/a1f0.5g1 -P \\'/, & ' -Y-4 >>'/) endif if(irange.eq.1) then write(92,9221) 9221 format('awk ', & '''{print $1, $2}'' two_layers.fitted | \\'/, & 'psxy -R0/90/0/180 -JX5/3 -K -W15/255/0/0 \\'/, & '-Ba10g10f5 -P \\'/, & '-X2 -Y6 >'/) write(92,222) 222 format('awk ', & '''{print "45 190 15 0 0 6", ', & '" Lower:", $6, $7, "; Upper: ",$8, $9}'' \\'/, & 'two_layers.fitted | pstext -R -JX -O -K -N >>'/) write(92, 31) 31 format('pstext -R -J -K -O -N <>',/ & '45 -30 13 0 5 6 Back azimuth (modulo 90 deg.)',/ & 'END',/) write(92,9231) 9231 format('awk ', & '''{print $1, $3}'' two_layers.fitted | \\'/, & ' psxy -R0/90/0/5 -JX5/3 -O -W15/255/0/0 \\'/, & '-Ba10g10f5/a1f0.5g1 -P \\'/, & ' -Y-4 >>'/) endif close(92) cmd='chmod a+x plot*gmt' call system(cmd) cmd='plot_2layers.gmt' call system(cmd) cmd='gv' call system(cmd) end