CS 140 Assignments--Week 1 -- Due March 24, 2002

**Before you read further send an email message to your instructor giving him the following information.

Make sure you have the correct textbooks!!

Note:  The classroom conference may not be available until the first week of class.


CS 140 Introduction to Computers:

Overview and Course Goals:

Welcome to Introduction to Computers (CS 140) at the virtual campus. This course has a focus on the understanding of computing with primary emphasis personal computers. Hardware, software and the Internet are described. During the course you can determine what level of computer expertise is needed for your professional career and what is necessary to prepare for more advanced computer courses. And you will learn of the special computing needs of today's global, diverse, and high-technology society. When you have successfully completed this course your basic knowledge and computer skills necessary for professional employment will have been demonstrated. We will utilize Microsoft Word 97, Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Access 97, Microsoft PowerPoint 97, Microsoft Outlook 97, and the World Wide Web. Please note that the software mentioned is a requirement for successfully completing the course. Each week we'll focus on different issues associated with personal and professional computing through our on-line conferencing discussions. These are reinforced and expanded with readings and assignments in our two texts: 'Microsoft Office97' and 'Understanding and Using the Internet'.


During Week 1, we will define what a computer is, and what computers do. We will describe data and information, discuss system software and application software, and review Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks. Also, we will explain how to purchase, install and maintain a personal computer system. Internet terminology will be introduced along with an overview of basic Internet applications such as e-mail, FTP, Telnet, news groups, Gopher and the World Wide Web. The technical issues associated with connecting to the Internet will be discussed. Our on-line discussions will help you become familiar with the on- line environment, learn what we hope to achieve during this course, and understand general guidelines and expectations regarding the final examination which will occur during week eight of the course.


Week 1:

Pinging a site:

Pinging a site: Use the Start button in Windows 95 and go to programs.   Click on MS Dos Prompt.   At the prompt type in  ping www.nasa.gov     Alghough it will probably say it's unreachable,  it should return the numbers for the site anyway.  When  you're done type:  exit     This will exit you from DOS and  return you to Windows 95.