Patent Law

Description: A presentation of the relationship between patent law and engineering for students involved with developing and protecting new technology or pursuing a career in patent law. Topics include an intense study of patentability and patent protection including preparation of patent applications and prosecution before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, patent licensing and agreements, patent litigation and legal opinions, and international patent practice. The class also provides a comparison of patent law to the other types of intellectual property.

Professors: Randy L. Canis and Tim B. Clise

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

* MST Campus - Butler-Carlton Hall 213
* MST EEC - EEC Room or Video

Course Information
Syllabus - DOC or PDF
Schedule - HTML
Text Book - Cases and Materials on Patent Law, Adelman, Rader, and Thomas, West Academic Publishing 2014 (4th Edition) ISBN-13: 978-0314274366
Test Archive - HTML
Oral Presentation - DOC PDF

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please have a printed copy of the syllabus and Handout 1 for the first day's lecture. All handouts are available under the schedule.

UMR Campus
EEC Campus
ENG MG 5514714167141871414

(c) 2002-16 Randy L. Canis. All rights reserved.
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