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Memory and Location Optimized Caching for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Caching and Replication are the two common techniques used to improve data access efficiency in Mobile Ad hoc networks. Caching favors data access efficiency by bringing data closer to the source. Existing caching approaches are deficient in reducing the number of cache locations, thus reducing the number of copies, which is needed for many mission critical applications considering safety and security. Conversely, reducing the number of caches should not affect the efficiency of data access. We design an efficient broker based caching model named “Memory and Location Optimized Caching (MELOC)”, which reduces the number of cache locations, and at the same time preserves data access efficiency. Our caching model mostly chooses centrally located nodes as cache location. In addition, we cache only essential data closer to the source, saving memory.


Lekshmi Manian


Dr. Sanjay Madria