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MODIS: A Moving Object Database Interface System

Moving objects’ environments contain large numbers of queries and continuously moving objects. One of the problems faced while storing data of continuously moving objects is the numerous updates required to answer the queries proficiently and accurately. This makes the database very bulky and results in a very poor performance. One of the main objectives is to optimize the number of updates to the database to an optimal number so that the accuracy of the query result is not compromised. Also, the number of wireless updates from mobile devices to the server should be minimized to reduce the wireless bandwidth consumption. The indexing structure should provide rapid access and efficient processing of data. In this paper, a querying system, called Moving Object Database Interface System (MODIS) that can answer three major temporal query types, namely, instantaneous, continuous and past queries has been discussed. Frequency of updates is based on constraints over speed, direction and location of the moving object to improve the accuracy of the query processing. The Q-hash index is based on a three-tier architecture comprising of the moving object level, regional server level, and central repository level.


2005 Deja Hepziba Francis, Sanjay Madria and Chaman Sabharwal, MODIS: A Moving Object Database Interface System, to appear in Network and Information System Journal, Hermes Publications.


Dr. Sanjay Madria

Dr. Chaman Sabharwal

Deja Hepziba Francis (MS Thesis,2004)