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Virtual Sensor Cloud

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a particular class of ad hoc networks that attracts increasing attention from academia and military. It has capability of self-organizing, in-network data processing, and unattended environment monitoring. Sensor-cloud is a cloud of heterogeneous WSNs. It is particularly attractive as it can change the computation paradigm of wireless sensor networks. In sensor-cloud computing network, users do not need to own sensors. They can simply rent the sensing services. This significantly reduces the cost of ownership, enabling the usage of large scale sensor networks become affordable. The nature of sensor-cloud enables resource sharing and allows virtual sensors to be scaled up or down as needed. Besides, the sensor-cloud abstracts different platforms of the physical devices hence giving the impression of a homogeneous network, greatly benefiting users and enhancing satisfaction. Finally, a variety of multi-sensing activities for multiple missions can be simultaneously performed via the cloud , greatly enhancing the usability of the devices and networks. In this project, we are developing various components needed to realized this vision.


Rashmi Dalvi


Dr. Sanjay Madria