Gamma Theta Chapter By-Laws

Article I: Name and Location

Section 1 The name of this organization shall be Gamma Theta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu Association.

Section 2 This organization shall be located at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, MO.

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Article II: Object

The objects of this organization shall be:

Section 1 To uphold the purposes and statutes of Eta Kappa Nu Association as set forth in the Constitution and Ritual of that Association.

Section 2 To promote and encourage among the students of Missouri University of Science and Technology a higher scholastic standing and desire for greater knowledge in the studies prescribed in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering Curriculum of the University.

Section 3 To foster a spirit of respect and cooperation with the faculty of Missouri University of Science and Technology.

Section 4 To cooperate with and support the activities of the local student branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Section 5 To cooperate with the other honor societies on the campus.

Section 6 To cooperate with the neighboring chapters of Eta Kappa Nu.

Section 7 To sponsor a non-profit, self supporting hobby club for the purpose of furthering interest in Electronics, Computer, and Electrical Engineering.

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Article III: Membership

Section 1 The grades of membership, the number of electees possible, and the eligibility of such candidates shall be as defined in the Constitution of Eta Kappa Nu Association with further restrictions hereinafter provided.

Section 2 Names for membership in this organization may be proposed by the membership committee or by recommendation of any member of Eta Kappa Nu.

Section 3 No undergraduate shall be eligible for consideration for election to membership unless he or she has been in regular attendance at Missouri University of Science and Technology for at least one semester prior to the time of consideration.

  1. A junior is classified as having completed one half of the requirements for an electrical or computer engineering degree. To be eligible for membership, a junior must rank in the upper quarter of their electrical and computer engineering classes. A minimum of twelve credit hours of ECE courses must have been completed with a grade of C or better. This must include EE2100, EE2120 and CpE2210. The E.E. and CompE transfer seminar is not to be counted among these 12 hours.
  2. A senior is classified as having completed three fourths of the requirements for an electrical or computer engineering degree. To be eligible for membership, a senior must rank in the upper one third of their electrical and computer engineering classes.

Section 4 No graduate student shall be eligible for consideration for election to membership unless he or she is in good academic standing and has been in regular attendance at Missouri University of Science and Technology for at least one semester prior to the time of consideration.

Section 5 The scholastic standing of prospective members shall be determined by the Cumulative Grade Point Average (including off campus courses) at the time of consideration for membership.

Section 6 It shall be the aim of the Gamma Theta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu that its members continuously shall keep in touch with the records, ability and personality of all undergraduate students in Electrical and Computer Engineering (by committee, if the number is too many for the entire membership). Thus, students deficient in good qualities may be induced to correct these deficiencies, and when time comes to elect new members, the members of the chapter will know all the candidates.

Section 7 At the discretion of the membership, a candidate shall be interviewed before the election meeting. Such interviews shall be held at a time that is convenient to both the candidate and the members. The purpose of the interview is to acquaint the members with the candidate, and it must be conducted in a dignified and serious manner, conforming to the ideals and aims of the Association.

Section 8 At the discretion of the Chapter, a list of all eligible students may be made and presented to the members on the Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty (a separate list for each Faculty member) for these to indicate their opinion of the eligible students. The Chair of the Membership Committee shall collate all these opinions in one composite report suitable for use at the election.

Section 9 Previous to the formal election of candidates, a get-together of the eligible students and the members shall be held. If desirable, this may be in the form of a "smoker." Each eligible student shall be notified by letter and urged to attend this "smoker". Failure to attend this social affair, for any reason, shall not prejudice the candidate's opportunity for election, provided he appears at an interview at a mutually convenient date.

Section 10 Eligible students shall be elected to pledging (candidates) on the basis of the following three considerations:

  1. Scholastic rank in Electrical and/or Computer Engineering class as heretofore and hereinafter provided.
  2. Extra-curricular activities and/or outside work.
  3. Personality and character, without regard to gender, sexual preference, race, religion, or political belief.

Section 11 At the election meeting, the eligible students shall be discussed and voted on. Faculty comments and reports of the interviewing committees may be given and comments of members stated. The vote on the candidates is then taken by secret ballot and tallied, unless another means of voting is agreed upon by the membership in attendance.

  1. Those receiving unanimous approval by all who vote on the first ballot are elected, provided that 75% of the active members in attendance vote.
  2. After the complete list of candidates has been discussed and a first vote taken, the list of eligible students who were not unanimously elected may be considered again. The Chair of the meeting, in asking for comments, shall give opportunity to those who voted negatively to express their reasons if they wish. If their reasons are personal, the Chair may suggest that the member abstain.
  3. A second ballot is taken on all eligible students who were not elected on the first ballot. Those who receive 75% approval and have no more than four negative votes on the second ballot shall be elected.
  4. Those who failed to be elected at any one election, are not disqualified from being considered at a subsequent election.

Section 12 Candidates shall be notified of their election individually (by mail), within 48 hours of the election. All letters shall be mailed simultaneously. The notice shall state the time and place of pledging.

Section 13 Candidates are elected contingent on their completion of the pledge requirements to the satisfaction of the pledge chair. The pledge requirements must be completed by the date and time specified by the pledge chair which shall in no case be later than 48 hours prior to the initiation ceremony. The pledge chair will report the failure of any pledge to complete the requirements to the executive committee. Any pledge who fails to complete the requirements will be dropped unless a 3/5 majority of the executive committee votes to keep them. If the decision made by the executive committee is appealed, it may be overturned by a 2/3 vote of the active chapter membership.

Section 14 Candidates elected shall be pledged within seven weeks from the election, simultaneously, and in a dignified manner. To be initiated into Eta Kappa Nu, a pledge must meet the following requirements:

  1. Attend an interview
  2. Complete a pledge plaque (optional for graduate students)
  3. Complete two HKN Workdays
  4. A test over the basics of Electrical and Computer Engineering must be passed satisfactorily.
  5. A test over the local bylaws, national constitution, and additional chapter information must be passed satisfactorily.
  6. The Preamble to the constitution must be known completely
  7. Must be present at the Initiation Banquet
  8. A graduate student must provide a letter of recommendation from an ECE Faculty member.

Section 15 An active member is defined by the requirements set forth in Article VIII-Section 6.

Section 16 If a member has been placed on inactive status, active membership status may be regained by the following procedure:

  1. The inactive member shall write a letter to the executive council explaining why the member became inactive and why the member's status should be returned to active.
  2. The inactive member shall perform one of the following:
    1. Perform a special project as directed by the executive council.
    2. Attain 12 active points if more than one semester has passed since the member was placed on inactive status.

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Article IV: Executive Committee

Section 1 The elected officers of the Chapter shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Bridge Correspondent, Treasurer, and Student Council Representative. In addition, there shall be two chapter advisors who shall be members of the Electrical or Computer Engineering Faculty. The Student Council Representative and Chapter Advisors shall be elected at the end of the winter semester and serve for the following academic year. All other officers will be elected at the end of each fall and winter semester and serve for the following semester.

Section 2 The executive committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Bridge Correspondent. The Chapter Advisors must be invited to all executive meetings but are not required to attend and do not have voting privileges. A quorum for transaction of business at an executive committee meeting shall be four. The executive committee shall have the power to make decisions affecting the day to day operation of the organization except where other procedures are described herein. Decisions of the executive committee may be overturned by a majority vote of the chapter except for situations where a higher percentage is specified in the bylaws. The executive committee shall be authorized to make expenditures of $50.00 or less for goods and services necessary to the operation of the organization without a vote of the entire membership.

Section 3 President - the duties of the President shall be:

  1. Preside over all regular meetings and executive meetings.
  2. Call special meetings as required in Article VIII, Section 2.
  3. Oversee all committees.
  4. Ensure that all eligible members are notified about the HKN Outstanding Junior and Outstanding Senior Awards.
  5. Any other responsibilities which are usually accorded to this position.

Section 4 Vice President - the duties of the Vice President shall be:

  1. Assume the duties of the President in the event the President is unable to.
  2. Chair the pledge committee. The Vice President is in charge of all aspects of the pledging process, including the banquet, except those specifically assigned to the Corresponding Secretary. This includes but is not limited to sending membership forms to National, sending invitation letters to pledges, ensuring that certificates are obtained in time for initiation.
  3. Serve as liaison to the local student branch chapter of IEEE.
  4. Obtain and report to the chapter the list of eligible candidates for election. Ensure that faculty opinions are obtained before invitations are issued.
  5. Perform any other tasks as requested by the President.

Section 5 Secretary - the duties of the Secretary shall be:

  1. Take minutes at all general meetings and executive meetings.
  2. Provide the Communications Chair with a copy of the minutes (except for any action which may be deemed confidential) so that the minutes may be posted on the Worldwide Web.
  3. Publicize all meetings and events, in conjunction with the Marketing Committee Chair.
  4. Maintain a record of all chapter correspondence except that which pertains to the duties of the Vice President, Treasurer and Bridge Correspondent.
  5. Maintain an accurate record of all undergraduate and graduate members (and alumni members when possible) of the Chapter. The record should include each member's local, permanent, and work address and phone number, e-mail address, and membership status.
  6. Perform any other tasks as requested by the President.

Section 6 Treasurer - the duties of the Treasurer shall be:

  1. Be responsible for all HKN funds and administer these funds as outlined in Article X.
  2. Perform any other tasks as requested by the President.

Section 7 Bridge Correspondent - The duties of the bridge correspondent shall be:

  1. Obtain a report from each officer and committee chair at the end of each semester outlining the activities of that semester.
  2. Submit reports of the chapter's activities to THE BRIDGE and perform all other duties pertaining to the bridge.
  3. Act as chapter historian. This includes maintaining a scrapbook of all HKN events.
  4. Periodically provide the Communications Chair with information regarding normal chapter activities, officer and committee chair duties, and specific information regarding current semester activities, so that such information may be maintained on the World Wide Web.
  5. Provide the Web page Administrator with a copy of the scrapbook at the end of the semester, so that an electronic copy may be posted on the Web Page.
  6. Perform any other tasks as requested by the President.

Section 8 Student Council Representative - The duties of the Student Council Representative shall be:

  1. Fulfill all requirements stipulated by the Missouri S&T Student Council.
  2. Attend all HKN meetings and report on significant events which directly or indirectly impact HKN members.
  3. Keep the President advised on a day to day basis of items which may concern HKN. This includes ensuring that the President is made aware of the STUCO funding deadlines.
  4. Perform any other tasks as requested by the President.

Section 9 Chapter Advisor

The three chapter advisors shall help guide the officers and the chapter. The chapter advisors shall not have voting rights. The chapter advisors must be invited to all general meetings, executive meetings, and special events. There must be at least one Chapter Advisor or other faculty representative present at the pledge elections, initiation, and officer elections to ensure that these events are handled in a dignified and proper manner.

Section 10

  1. In addition to the duties listed herein, each officer must perform any additional duties outlined in the constitution and statutes of the Eta Kappa Nu Association, particularly Title 6, Section E.
  2. The duties of the officers may be expanded at the discretion of the President.

Section 11 Any vacancy in the offices of the Chapter shall be filled at the first regular meeting after the vacancy occurs and when possible, before the vacancy occurs.

Section 12 The officers shall be elected by ballot, unless another means of voting is agreed upon by the membership in attendance. A majority of the ballots cast is necessary for election to the office. The order of election of officers shall be: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Bridge Correspondent, Student Council Representative, and Chapter Advisors. In case there are not enough members in the Chapter to fill each office separately, a member may be elected to one office and temporarily to a second office.

Section 13 Election of officers, except the Student Council Representative and Chapter Advisors, shall be for a period of one semester. The Student Council Representative and Chapter Advisors shall be elected at the end of the winter semester and serve for the following academic year.

Section 14 All outgoing officers shall transfer the files for their position and explain the duties of the office to the incoming officers at the last meeting or before the end of the semester. All newly elected officers shall take office at the end of the last meeting of the Chapter in that semester.

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Article V: Trustee Committee

Section 1 The Trustee Committee shall consist of members on the Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty of Missouri University of Science and Technology. The Faculty Advisors of the Chapter shall be the chairmen of this committee and in case of their resignation or incapacity, the committee shall elect its chairman from its membership.

Section 2 The Trustee Committee, in case of suspension of the Chapter, shall:

  1. Be custodian of all funds, records, and paraphernalia of the chapter.
  2. Have full power to act for the Chapter during the period of suspension exactly as if the Chapter were in active participation.
  3. Have full power, with the approval of the National Executive Council, to re-organize and re-activate the Chapter when it deems the time is propitious.

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Article VI: Other Committees

Section 1 The following are the standing committees to be appointed each semester. The Executive Committee will appoint Committees and Committee Chairs.

  1. Pledge Committee

    Handle the pledging procedure in a dignified and serious manner, to arrange the proceedings of the initiation of each group of electees as prescribed by the statutes and the ritual of the Eta Kappa Nu Association. Prepare the initiation ceremony and to arrange for the location, time and proceedings of the initiation banquet. Unless a special committee is appointed for the occasion, to arrange any other social affairs that may be held. The Vice President shall be the chair of the pledge committee but may appoint a co-chair if necessary.

  2. Student Projects Laboratory Committee

    The Student Projects Laboratory Committee, chaired by the Student Project Lab Administrator, shall be responsible for overseeing the operations of the Student Projects Lab as provided in Article VII.

  3. Electronic Communications Committee

    The Electronic Communications Committee, chaired by the Communications Chair, shall be responsible for maintaining the chapter web page and other electronic communications. This includes:

    1. Obtaining copies of meeting minutes from the Recording Secretary and posting them on the Web Page.
    2. Maintaining an accurate calendar of events on the Web Page.
    3. Maintaining a list of officers and committee chairs along with e-mail addresses on the Web Page.
    4. Ensure that accurate descriptions of all chapter activities are posted on the Web Page.
    5. Ensure that descriptions of officer duties and committees are posted on the Web Page.
    6. Maintain an e-mail list of pledges and members.
    7. Maintain an electronic copy of the previous semester's scrapbook on the Web Page.
    8. Post any other items which may be deemed appropriate for the Web Page.
  4. Tours Committee

    The tours committee shall provide department tours at the request of the department. The tours committee chair shall contact the department secretary and Assistant Chair for Undergraduate Studies to determine when tours should be given and the content of the tours. The tours committee chair shall make a permanent schedule for tours no later than the end of the second week of the semester. The interim tours schedule will be filled by HKN officers. The tours committee chair is strongly encouraged to utilize IEEE members in addition to HKN members. Copies of the tour schedule should be given to the department secretary and posted on the HKN bulletin board in the lobby of the EE building.

  5. Fundraising Committee

    The fundraising committee shall be responsible for identifying and implementing ways to raise funds for HKN. The treasurer shall serve as chair of the fundraising committee.

  6. Service Committee

    The service committee is responsible for HKN service activities. This may include help sessions for ECE classes and any other activities deemed appropriate.

  7. Special Projects Committee

    The special projects committee is responsible for any activities undertaken by the chapter which are not specifically covered under another office or committee chair. This may include ordering HKN tee shirts. The Marketing Chair is the Chair of the Special Projects Committee.

Section 2 The President of the Chapter shall appoint such other committees as he or she deems necessary with the approval of the executive committee.

Section 3 If the Chapter President of membership does not designate which one is to be chair of a committee, each committee shall elect its chair.

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Article VII: Student Projects Laboratory

Section 1 The purpose of the Student Projects Lab is to provide its members with an open laboratory where they may work on personal or class projects relating to electrical or compupter engineering/electronics.

Section 2 The membership of the Student Projects Lab shall consist of all active HKN members and any other Missouri S&T student who has paid the dues for the current semester/year, and has agreed to abide by the posted rules. The Student Projects Lab will assess dues in the amount of:

  • $10.00 per semester or $15.00 per academic year to all members of the Student Projects Lab who are not active HKN members or pledges.
  • $20.00 per academic year per team to all design teams consisting of two or more members who are not active HKN members or pledges. One code will be assigned for use by the team.
  • Section 3 The operation of the Student Projects Lab shall be overseen by the Student Projects Lab administrator who is appointed by the executive committee. It shall be a duty of the Administrator to:

    1. Maintain an adequate supply of parts for student projects.
    2. Keep all equipment in working order and make sure it is safe to operate.
    3. Process all applications for membership and keep a record of when their membership expires.
    4. Deactivate codes to the Lab for students whose membership has expired or HKN members not returning to Missouri S&T the following semester.
    5. Keep the Lab in an orderly fashion, including designating special areas for long term project storage.

    Section 4 The Administrator is authorized to contact corporations in the name of HKN to request data books or parts donations for the Student Projects Lab.

    Section 5 The Administrator shall have the responsibility to maintain the HKN computer in the lab in such a manner that it is available for general use by any member of the Student Projects Lab. The Administrator also has the right to remove any software or other files from the computer with prior notification according to the posted Student Project Lab rules.

    Section 6 The Administrator shall have the power to revoke someone's Student projects Lab membership for not respecting the posted rules of the Lab. This covers HKN members lab privileges as well as non HKN members. Posted rules must be approved by Executive Committee and displayed prominently in the Student Projects Lab.

    Section 7 The Student Projects Lab shall have a separate fund administered by the HKN Treasurer. This fund shall consist of the membership dues of the Student Projects Lab in addition to 25% of HKN's fundraising income. If a balance remains at the end of a semester it may be carried over to the next semester. The Administrator is authorized to make any necessary purchases up to $50 for the normal operation of the Student Projects Lab. Any purchases over this amount must be approved by the HKN membership.

    Section 8 Decisions of the Student Projects Lab Administrator may be appealed to the HKN Executive Committee.

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    Article VIII: Meetings

    Section 1 A minimum of five regular meetings shall be held each semester according to a schedule published at the beginning of the semester.

    Section 2 The Chapter President may call a special meeting at any time and shall be required to call a special meeting within two weeks upon request of five active members or both chapter advisors.

    Section 3 50% of the active membership shall constitute a quorum for meetings.

    Section 4 Only "active members" shall have the right to hold office and vote on all business considered. "Alumni members" and "inactive members" shall be non-voting members, however they may attend any chapter meetings and participate in activities.

    Section 5 It is recommended that the order of business shall be as follows:

    1. Roll Call
    2. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
    3. Officer Reports
    4. Report of Committees
    5. Old Unfinished Business
    6. New Business
    7. Election of Officers
    8. Election of New Members
    9. Appointment of Committees
    10. Announcement, Special Paper, Entertainment, Discussion
    11. Initiation
    12. Adjournment

    Section 6

    1. An active member of the chapter shall be defined as any properly initiated member that has attained at least 9 points from the active member point system after the member’s initiation semester.
    2. a. The active point system is defined by the following:
      • 2 pts: Attending a general meeting
      • 1 pt: Attending any sponsored social event
      • 3 pts: Participation in workday
      • 2pts: Participation in a Service activity
      • Additionally, the executive council may award up to three points at their discretion.
      b. The active point system has the following stipulations:
      • At least six points must come from meeting attendance
      • At least two points must come from a non-meeting activity
      • If a student is unable to attend meetings due to a scheduling conflict, they are responsible for notifying the secretary, and attaining four active points.
    3. The Secretary shall keep a list of members’ points to determine those members who shall be placed on inactive status. An inactive member loses rights and privileges of membership in Eta Kappa Nu including, but not limited to, the right to wear the honor cords symbolizing membership in Eta Kappa Nu at commencement. A member may regain active membership status according to the provisions outlined in Article III-Section 16.
    4. Members of the executive council of Eta Kappa Nu are exempt from attaining the required number of active points during their term. Additionally, Co-op students are exempt from attaining the required number of active points during the semesters in which they are not enrolled as students on campus.

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    Article IX: Dues, Fees and Assessments

    Section 1 Initiation fees for each initiate shall be as follows:

    1. The national fee shall be that prescribed by Statutes of the Association.
    2. The local fee shall be equal to the previous semester local fee, unless the chapter votes to change it; however, in no case shall the local fee exceed the national fee (i.e. the total fee collected shall never be greater than twice the national fee).
    3. Any pledge who is unable to pay the initiation fee shall be majority vote of the Executive Committee, have his fees temporarily waived. The Treasurer shall then be instructed to pay the National pledge fees. The pledge shall pay the Treasurer the full amount of the initiation fees (no interest shall be charged) at some convenient time before the end of the following semester or before graduation, whichever comes first, unless other arrangements are made prior to the aforementioned deadlines.
    4. All pledge moneys shall be paid to the pledge chair who shall in turn pass the money along to the treasurer.

    Section 2 Emblems shall be charged to the initiate at cost to the Chapter; their purchase by the initiate is not mandatory.

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    Article X: Funds

    Section 1

    1. There shall be a General Fund consisting of local Chapter dues, fees, assessments, bank interest, etc.
    2. The name of this fund shall be the Eta Kappa Nu Gamma Theta Fund and its moneys shall be deposited in the name of the Fund in saving and/or checking accounts in a bank approved by the officers of the Chapter.
    3. The Treasurer shall administer this Fund. He shall have authority to open the bank accounts described in (b) and to deposit funds. He shall prepare a detailed statement showing receipts, expenditures, etc., for presentation at the last regular meeting of each school semester.
    4. The General Fund shall be used to pay all the running expenses of the organization.

    Section 2

    1. There shall be an Eta Kappa Nu Hobby Club Fund for the purchase of parts, supplies, and equipment for the Eta Kappa Nu Hobby Club.
    2. The Treasurer shall administer this fund. He shall have authority to open the bank account described in (a) and to deposit funds. He shall prepare a detailed statement showing receipts, expenditures, etc., for presentation at the last regular meeting of each school semester.
    3. Income shall be from the sale of parts and project kits, at or above cost, as deemed necessary by the Vice President to meet the operating costs of the aforesaid Hobby Club.

    Section 3 Withdrawals from any HKN account shall require two signatures. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Chapter Advisors shall be the only people authorized to make withdrawals from accounts.

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    Article XI: Scholarships

    Section 1 Scholarships will be awarded under the following conditions:

    1. The scholarships shall be known as the Eta Kappa Nu - Gamma Theta Scholarships.
    2. One, or more, scholarship(s) may be awarded per semester, provided that sufficient funds are available, the amount of which may vary but is not to exceed the Incidental Fees of Missouri University of Science and Technology. While the award need not be exclusively for these fees, it is to be used for college related expenses. Scholarships awarded are to be used during the next semester the student is enrolled.
    3. Selection of the recipient(s) shall be made by the faculty scholarship committee of Missouri University of Science and Technology’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. The recipient(s) must be either a junior or senior student in good standing, enrolled in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology. The recipient(s) shall be selected on the basis of scholarship and leadership. The recipient(s) need not be members of Eta Kappa Nu.
    4. The scholarships will be funded by the treasury of the Gamma Theta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu Association. The Chapter shall decide the number and amount of each scholarship to be awarded during the semester. The selection process shall be completed as soon as practical after the start of each semester with the decision of the faculty committee being final.
    5. The recipient(s) will be notified of their selection and receive their awards at the initiation banquet of the Gamma Theta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu Association held during the semester in which they were chosen. Notification will also be given to the Financial Aid Department of the Missouri University of Science and Technology.

    Section 2 A Treasurer's report will be submitted to the membership, along with his recommendations. Approval of two thirds of the members present shall determine the final number and size of scholarships to be submitted to the faculty scholarship committee.

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    Article XII

    Section 1 The rules governing this organization shall be, in order of precedence:

    1. The Constitution, Statutes, and By-laws of the Eta Kappa Nu Association,
    2. The By-laws of the Gamma Theta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu,
    3. The latest version of Robert's Rules of Order.

    Section 2 Except as provided in these By-laws all questions of order shall be decided by the Executive Committee.

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    Article XIII: Glossary

    The following sections define terms used herein:

    Section 1 The term "chapter" shall refer to the Gamma Theta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu Association.

    Section 2 The term "member" shall refer to any individual who has been formally initiated into the Eta Kappa Nu Association, regardless of prior chapter affiliation, who is enrolled in a degree program at Missouri University of Science and Technology.

    Section 3 The term "alumni member" shall refer to any individual who has been formally initiated into the Eta Kappa Nu Association, is not a "student member" and:

    1. has been initiated at Missouri University of Science and Technology, OR
    2. is an employee of Missouri University of Science and Technology regardless of prior chapter affiliation.

    "Alumni members" shall be non-voting members.

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    Article XIV

    Section 1 These Bylaws shall become effective at the first regular meeting after:

    1. ratification of the bylaws by the chapter, AND
    2. approval of the bylaws by the National Executive Council of the Eta Kappa Nu Association, AND
    3. Approval by the Missouri University of Science and Technology’s Student Life Department.

    Section 2 These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a vote of three fourths of the active members of the Chapter, but such amendments, to be effective, must be approved by the National Executive Council of Eta Kappa Nu Association.

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    Updated 2009-04-21