HKN National Bylaws

Article I


Section 1: As defined by the Constitution of Eta Kappa Nu, the Board of Directors (Board) shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, an Executive Secretary and members elected from each geographic region.

Section 2: The duties of the Board are to further the objectives of Eta Kappa Nu as defined by the Constitution. The Board of Directors shall determine the policies of the Association.

Section 3: The purpose of these Bylaws is to document the activities to be performed each year by the Board. The rules, procedures and organization of activities in these Bylaws have the additional objective of providing stability in the administration of the Association. The changing Board membership and its infrequent meetings require assignment of duties to provide continuity of action.

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Article II


Section 1: The Board of Directors shall be governed by such parts of the Constitution of the Association as apply to the conduct of its meetings and nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed as conflicting with the Constitution.

Section 2: The terms of officers shall be as follows:

  1. President - One year
  2. Vice-President - One year
  3. Executive Secretary - Three years

Both fiscal and administrative year begins July 1.

Section 3: The President shall be the executive officer of the Board of Directors. He shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the Board.

Section 4: The Vice-President shall be the Junior Executive Officer. In the absence of the President, he shall assume the duties of that office.

Section 5: The Executive Secretary shall maintain the National Headquarters, keep the records of the Association and perform such duties as required including those outlined in the Constitution, Statutes, and Bylaws.

  1. In the absence of both the President and the Vice-President. the Executive Secretary shall act as Chairman protempore of Board meetings.
  2. The Executive Secretary shall collect all revenue due the Headquarters Office and shall pay all bills which are authorized by the Board. He shall deposit the funds of the Association in banks designated by the Board, and shall be the custodian of all property belonging to the Association. When a proposal to buy or sell securities is authorized by the Executive Council and signed by the Vice-President and President, the Executive Secretary shall buy, sell, and use as directed, bonds, stocks, and other capital assets owned by the Association.
  3. Before assuming office he shall be bonded. The amount of the bond shall be the total assets of Eta Kappa Nu as shown by the auditor s report at the start of the fiscal year, rounded to the next higher even $10,000 (Ten thousand dollar) figure. The period of the bond shall be three years.
  4. The Executive Secretary shall make notes of the proceedings of the Board and shall maintain a record of these proceedings. He is responsible for relating precedents and offering advice relative to the administration of the Constitution and Bylaws whenever pertinent to matters under consideration.
  5. The Executive Secretary shall keep a record of the Association s Convention and shall send an official report of all business transacted by the Convention, including a canvas of the vote of any election, to each Chapter and a copy to each Director. He shall keep a record of the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Council, and of the Board of Directors and shall send a copy to each Board member. He shall keep the seal and shall have executed and shall issue the charters for new chapters, the membership certificates, copies of the Constitution and the emblems.
  6. He shall stimulate College Chapter and Alumni Chapter interest and activity.
  7. For his services, he shall receive compensation, the amount of which shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.
  8. The Executive Secretary shall arrange and pay for an annual audit of the Association s accounts, and shall mail a copy to each Board member.

Section 6: The Executive Council shall consist of the President, Vice-President, and Executive Secretary. The Executive Council is responsible for the administration and other duties as defined in the Constitution. In addition the Executive Council shall appoint an editor of THE BRIDGE, which appointment shall be subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The editor shall be responsible for the execution of the editorial policy and the publication of THE BRIDGE. The Executive Council shall determine the editorial policy subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

Section 7: Committees to further the objectives of HKN and perform needed duties shall be appointed by the President at the Summer meeting of the Board. It is desirable that a newly elected Junior and a Senior member be named to each committee; the Junior member often retains the same committee assignment the following year, when he becomes the Senior member. Other members should be added, as dictated by the expected activity and importance of each committee s function during the next year. The President is exofficio member of all committees. A partial list of committees, to be modified at the discretion of the Executive Council, follows:

  1. Constitution and Bylaws
  2. Eminent Member Recommendations
  3. Finance and Investments
  4. Outstanding E.E. Award Committee (Award Organization Committee; A member of N.Y. Alumni Chapter as Chairman)
  5. Movie Production and Distribution (A member of Chicago Alumni Chapter as Chairman)
  6. Outstanding Student Award (A member of L.A. Alumni as Chairman)
  7. The Bridge (Publication, procure articles and advertisements; Executive Secretary as Chairman)
  8. Regional Meetings and Visits to Chapters (Executive Secretary as Chairman )
  9. Publicity
  10. Expansion
  11. Chapter Award
  12. Ritual (Eminent Member and Undergraduate Initiations.)

At Board meetings the chairman of each committee shall present a brief report of the committee s activities. This may be delegated to one of the committee members. To permit considered review, it is suggested that the members making reports mail a copy to each member of the Board at least two weeks in advance of meetings.

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Article III


Section 1: Election of an Eminent Member will require six affirmative votes of eligible members of The Board of Directors. All other motions considered by the Board of Directors will require five affirmative votes.

Section 2: An officer may be removed for cause by the Board at a regular meeting, upon a two-thirds vote of the total Board membership, provided that a copy of the motion for removal shall have been mailed to all Board members including the officer involved at least two weeks before the meeting. Such officer shall have the right of defense.

Section 3: Proxies A member of the Board who cannot attend a meeting may vote by proxy signed by the member himself, and filed with the Executive Secretary before the meeting occurs.

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Article IV


According to the Constitution the Board will nominate one candidate for Vice-President. The nomination will be done by using a preferential ballot.

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Article V


Section 1: At least two regular meetings of the Board shall be held each year, one in the winter or spring and one in the summer or fall, at locations determined by the Executive Secretary.

Section 2: A special meeting of the Board may be called at any time by the Executive Council or upon written request of two-thirds of the Board. All Board members shall be notified by the Executive Secretary at least two weeks in advance of such meeting.

Section 3: Meetings of committees of Board members shall normally take place in connection with the regular meetings of the Board. They may also take place between regular meetings of the Board. Projects warranting such interim meetings include those where developments are desirable in order to present the Board or the Executive Council with advice or recommendations and where prompt action is warranted.

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Article VI


Section 1: Visitations to College Chapters may be made, by a member of Eta Kappa Nu, preferably a Director, appointed by the Executive Secretary. The visit should be arranged in advance for the convenience of the chapter and a report of the activities of the chapter shall be made by the visiting member.

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Article VII


Section 1: The assessments levied against the College Chapters to cover the subscriptions to THE BRIDGE are due with and shall accompany the Requisition for Certificates and shall be credited to THE BRIDGE by the Executive Secretary.

Section 2: There shall be established a Life Subscription Plan whereby members pay the sum of sixty dollars ($60) for a subscription for life. This sum is to be invested by the Executive Council and the income derived therefrom to be credited to the current account of THE BRIDGE to pay for the subscription.

Section 3: The Executive Secretary is to transfer from General Surplus to the Life Subscription Reserve the sum of sixty dollars ($60) for each Eminent Member inducted and list him as a Life Subscriber to THE BRIDGE.

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Article VIII


Section 1: These Bylaws are subject to the Constitution of the Eta Kappa Nu Association and to future changes in that Constitution. These Bylaws shall be invalid to the extent that they are in conflict with future provisions of the Constitution of Statutes of Eta Kappa Nu.

Section 2: Amendments, deletions and/or changes to the Bylaws may be presented by any Board member. Approval requires a two-thirds vote of the members present. It is desirable that a notice of the proposed amendment and its content be included in the notice calling the meeting.

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Updated 2006-04-19