William Blake in a New Age

"My fingers Emit sparks of fire with Expectations of my future labors," wrote William Blake in 1800. In our own time enthusiasm for his works has led artists, scholars, poets, and musicians into new worlds of creation.

Gathered in this anthology are their voices and visions:

MUSIC: "Notes on the Songs of Innocence and of Experience" by Allen Ginsberg and excerpts from Evan Tonsing's score "A Transformation of The Book of Thel–for flute and Toy Piano."

SCHOLARSHIP: Introductory and exploratory essays to Blake's visionary realms by Albert S. Roe, Karleen Middleton Murphy, Morris Eaves, E.B. Murray, Roger Keyes, Fred Whitehead, Denise Low, and Walt Whitman.

MEMORABLE FANCIES: Adventurous journeys into Blake- space by Roger Easson, David Ohle, Howard Schwartz, Joe Napora, F. Adiele, and Howard McCord.

POETRY: Songs and epics from John Brandi, Susan Mernit, Clayton Eshleman, Jared Carter, Michael McClure, Michael Horovitz, Helen Adam, Daniel Zimmerman, Gary Snyder, Artful Goodtimes, Martha King, Roger Zelanzny, and Robert Kelly.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Poster-prints and linocuts by Paul Piech, movie stills from James Broughton, David Morice's "Tyger" comics, and visualizations of Blake's life by Bo Lindberg and David Reisman.


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