Co-ordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs)

  Co-ordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) have evolved from origins founded in simple layout machines and manually operated systems, to highly accurate, automated inspection centres.

A major factor in this evolution has been the touch trigger and other forms of inspection probes, and subsequent innovations, such as the motorised probe head and automatic probe exchange system for unmanned flexible inspection.

It all started with Rolls-Royce engines for the Anglo-French Concorde when a unique solution was required for accurate pipe measurement. The result was the first touch trigger probe: a 3-D sensor capable of rapid, accurate inspection with low trigger force. From this unique starting point, Renishaw has established a range of precision probes and accessories for CMMs unequalled around the world

DCC CMM installation example  

Renishaw home page

Below is an example of a PH10M head system, consisting of TP7M probe and autochange system loaded with various probing combinations.

dccexample.gif (55254 bytes)

CMM at University of Missouri-Rolla

The University of Missouri-Rolla