The Constitution of the American Chemical Society (ACS)

W.T. Schrenk Chapter

  1. Name, Insignia and Affiliation
  1. The name of this organization shall be American Chemical Society, W.T. Schrenk Chapter, hereinafter referred to as ACS.
  2. The insignia of the organization shall be the ACS phoenix.

  1. The W.T. Schrenk Chapter will be affiliated with American Chemical Society (ACS).
  1. Aims and Objective of the Organization
  1. The aims and objectives of this organization shall be
  1. To acquaint individuals with professional opportunities for chemists in education, industry, and government service.
  2. To inform individuals of recent advances in chemistry and related disciplines.
  3. To provide public outreach during National Chemistry Week and throughout the year with various programs such as demonstrations, activities, community service, etc.
  4. To inform members of possible research opportunities.
  1. Membership
  1. Qualification
  1. Membership shall be open to all undergraduate and graduate students and Missouri University of Science and Technology faculty.
  2. The chapter must maintain a minimum of six National ACS undergraduate students.
  3. Non-discrimination clause: The W.T. Schrenk Chapter of ACS does not discriminate against race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, veteran status, etc.
  1. Class of membership
  1. Regular members – shall be any undergraduate student interested in chemistry.
  1. Only regular members who pay dues shall be allowed to vote in any officer elections.
  1. Associate members – shall be any graduate student, faculty, and staff interested in chemistry.
  1. Associate members shall not have any voting privileges.
  1. Advisors- faculty or professional staff at least 75% Full-Time Equivalent (FTE).
  1. Advisors shall not have any voting privileges.
  1. Method of removing membership
  1. The removal process as described below may be initiated against any member in the event of misconduct that prohibits ACS from fulfilling its objective. Any member of ACS can initiate a drop process by moving a motion in a regular meeting.
  2. The individual is summoned for hearing by the executive board and is addressed personally.
  3. A hearing is held and the individual should be present at the time of hearing.
  4. The individual can waive his/her right to attend the hearings and any decision reached by the executive board is binding on him/her.
  5. If the individual repeatedly fails to attend two hearings, he/she is considered to waive their rights and the next hearing must be held without him/her.
  6. A decision to remove is reached by the executive committee in collaboration with the advisor by majority vote.
  7. A written notification from the executive board outlining the grounds for such decision is sent to the individual.
  1. Officers
  1. Officer Positions
  1. President
  2. Vice-President of External Affairs
  3. Vice-President of Internal Affairs
  4. Secretary
  5. Treasurer
  6. Schrenk Representative
  1. Composition of the Executive Board
  1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President of External Affairs, Vice-President of Internal Affairs, Secretary, Schrenk Representative and Treasurer.
  1. Qualifications of officers
  1. All officers must be in good academic standing with the university.
  2. All officers must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours.
  3. The President, Vice-President of Internal Affairs, and Vice-President of External Affairs must have been a regular dues paying member for a semester.
  4. All officers must be National American Chemical Society members.
  5. President must have held an executive board office for at least one semester prior to taking office as President.
  1. The term of the new officers begins on the last day of the semester.
  2. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers
  1. President
  1. Shall preside over meetings.
  2. Ensure that all of the other officers fulfill their responsibilities.
  3. Submit the yearly report to the National organization.
  1. Vice-President of External Affairs
  1. Shall plan all on campus recruiting.
  2. Shall plan fundraising activities
  3. Shall plan volunteer outreach events
  4. Shall preside over National Chemistry Week (NCW) in the fall and Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) in the spring
  1. Vice-President of Internal Affairs
  1. Shall plan meeting agendas, activities, and socials
  2. Shall preside over in-meeting lab demos
  3. Shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President or vacancy in the presidential position.
  4. Shall assist Vice-President of External Affairs with outreach events if deemed necessary by current officers.
  1. Secretary
  1. Shall take minutes during the meeting.
  2. Maintain an active membership list.
  3. Maintain the chapter website.
  4. Maintain the chapter online file system.
  5. Maintain the chapter social media accounts.
  1. Treasurer
  1. Shall collect dues from members.
  2. Shall present a balanced budget for the Society’s approval every semester.
  3. Shall maintain and report the balance of the Society account at each meeting.
  1. Schrenk Representative
  1. Shall attend Student Council meeting as the Society is eligible
  2. Shall attend local ACS section meetings
  3. Can be held in conjunction with another office
  4. Shall represent the Society at any other external affairs
  1. Election process for Officers
  1. Officer elections for Vice-President of External Affairs, Vice-President of Internal Affairs, Secretary, Treasurer, and Schrenk Representative shall be each semester occurring during meetings in both November and April.
  2. Election of the President shall occur annually during the April officer elections.
  3. Nominations for elections will open one meeting prior the official election.
  4. Any regular member may make nominations.
  5. Any regular member may vote during elections by secret ballot or absentee ballot. All absentee ballots must be turned into the President by Friday of the election week.
  6. The election shall be won by a simple majority. If a majority vote is not established then the top two candidates will run again to establish a simple majority winner.
  1. Filling vacant Executive offices
  1. Vacant positions shall be announced by the highest ranking officer.
  2. Vacant positions will be filled within one month of the position becoming vacant (not including the school designated breaks), following the election process for officers.
  1. Method of Impeachment
  1. The removal process as described below may be initiated against an officer in the event of misconduct that prohibits ACS from fulfilling its objective. Any officer of ACS can initiate a drop process by moving a motion in a regular meeting.
  2. The individual is summoned for hearing by the executive board and is addressed personally, within a week of the drop motion.
  3. A hearing is held and the individual should be present at the time of hearing.
  4. The individual can waive his/her right to attend the hearings and any decision reached by the executive board is binding on him/her.
  5. If the individual repeatedly fails to attend two hearings, he/she is considered to waive their rights and the next hearing must be held without him/her.
  6. A decision to remove is reached by the executive committee reaching a majority vote for the removal of the officer.
  1. If the executive committee votes for to remove the officer and the vote passes, then the impeachment must go the general body to be voted upon.
  2. If the general body passes the removal by a two-thirds majority then the impeached officer is forthwith stripped of all chapter duties.
  1. A written notification from the executive board outlining the grounds for such decision is sent to the individual.

  1. Advisors
  1. Advisor(s) is to be appointed by a two-thirds majority vote of the regular members.
  2. Term of Office for the Advisor(s) is not limited.
  3. Advisor(s) must be at least 75% FTE faculty or professional staff.
  4. An Advisor can be removed if he/she prohibits ACS from fulfilling its objectives or any other reason approved by the executive committee by simple majority. Removal of the Advisor(s) shall occur by a two-thirds majority vote of the regular members.
  1. Committees
  1. Standing Committees
  1. There shall be no standing committees.
  1. Temporary Committees
  1. Shall be appointed by the President for a specific purpose and presided over by an officer.
  2. A temporary committee may exist until the purpose of its inception is completed or the President deems it necessary to dismiss the committee.
  1. Dues
  1. Members are required to pay dues each semester in the amount approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the executive board.
  2. All members wishing to have voting rights must pay their dues to the Treasurer one week prior to the official voting date.
  3. Failure to pay dues as a regular member makes him/her ineligible for election and negates all voting rights.
  1. Meetings
  1. Types of meetings
  1. Regular: any meeting called by the President during the regular meeting time.
  2. Special: any meeting called by an officer outside of the regular meeting time for the purpose of impeachment of another officer or the advisor or for the purpose of removing a member.
  1. Definition of a quorum
  1. Quorum shall occur when 35 percent of the voting members are present at a meeting.
  2. Quorum shall be assumed to exist unless a member asks for the verification of quorum.
  1. Parliamentary authority to be used is Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
  1. Rules and Regulations
  1. ACS will follow federal and state laws and abide by the rules of the Missouri University of Science and Technology.
  2. ACS will follow the rules/regulations of the National ACS organization.
  3. ACS has a code of conduct for members (e.g. University of Missouri Standards of Conduct).
  1. Hazing is prohibited whether mental (including but not limited to public embarrassment or humiliation) or physical.
  1. Constitution
  1. Adoption
  1. The W.T. Schrenk Chapter of ACS must have a two-thirds majority vote to adopt a constitution.
  2. Approval of Student Organization Recognition Committee.
  3. Approval of Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.
  1. Amendments
  1. All proposed constitutional amendments must be submitted to the President in writing at a meeting.
  2.  Any proposed constitutional amendments must be announced to the chapter one week prior to voting.
  3. The adoption of a constitutional amendment requires approval by a two-thirds majority vote.
  4. Approval of Student Organization Recognition Committee or its representative.
  5. Student Life will be notified of any amendments voted in, and provided with a copy of the changes made.