Chemistry Demo “Magic” Show Meeting: 9/22/16

·         Hands on lab ideas:

o   “older buddy” with “freshmen” buddy

o   Station 1: Sudsy Kinetics and lemon juice invisible ink

§  Decoding messages and coming up with own

o   Station 2: pH experiments

§  Have kids determine what was spilled at the “crime” scene.

o   Station 3: Pencil lead find prints

§  Paw prints for pet getting into something

§  Need magnifying glasses

§  Figure out someone else’s finger prints.

o   Station 4: Hydrophobic Sand and Chromatography

§  For hydrophobic sand, try to have kids figure out how it works

§  For chromatography, have kids determine the pen or note used by the



·         Ingredients:

o   Sudsy Kinetics:

§  Container (graduated cylinder)

§  ½ cup 6% hydrogen peroxide

§  Yeast (1-table spoon)

§  Liquid Dish Soap

§  School colors for food coloring

o   Lemon Juice

§  Lemon juice

§  Q-tips

§  Water

§  Lamp

§  Cardstock

o   Acid Base pH mystery

§  Universal indicator solution

§  House hold chemicals

§  Painter pallet wells

§  Work sheet

o   Finger printing with pencil lead

§  Pencils

§  Printer pater

§  Scotch tap

§  Coco powder

§  Baby wipes

§  Make up brushes

o   Hydrophobic Sands

§  Water resistant spray

§  Sand

o   Chromatoghary

§  Paper penciles

§  Makers/pens

§  IPA