Gao, S., H. Liu, P.D. Slack, P.M. Davis,
P.D. Burkholder, L. Delitsin, R.P. Meyer,
Y. A. Zorin, and N. A. Logatchev (1992),
Seismic array studies traversing the
Siberian craton, Lake Baikal, to the Gobi Desert,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 73, 408.
Davis, P.M., S. Gao, H. Liu, P. Slack, M. Benthien, and D. Daniels (1992),
Baikal 1992 seismic array project data report,
IRIS Data center.
Davis, P.M., S. Gao, H. Liu, and P. Slack (1992),
Seismic array study of the Baikal rift zone, Siberia,
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Pl/DARPA
Seismic Research Symposium: 99-110.
Davis, P.M., S. Gao, H. Liu, and P.D. Slack (1993),
Baikal 1991 seismic array project data report,
Darpa/NMRO and IRIS DMC.
Gao, S. P.M. Davis, H. Liu, P. D. Slack,
Yu. A. Zorin, and R. P. Meyer (1993),
SKS Splitting in Mongolia and Siberia,
Fifth Annual IRIS Workshop, Hawaii.
Gao, S., P.M. Davis, H. Liu, and P. D. Slack (1993),
A new approach for the determination of SKS splitting parameters
and the maximum depth of the anisotropic layer,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 74, 404.
Liu, H., P.M. Davis, and S. Gao (1993),
SKS Splitting in California Related to Modern Plate Movement,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 74, 404.
Davis, P.M., H. Liu, M. Benthien, J. Norris, S. Gao,
G.S. Fuis, J. Murphy, T. Brocher,
R.W. Clayton, K. Hafner, C. Contopoulos, C. Scrivner,
T.L. Henyey, M. Robertson, H. Ekstrom, and J. Bhowmik (1994),
The Los Angeles Region seismic experiment - Passive and active phases,
Seism. Res. Lett., 65, 15.
Liu, H., P.M. Davis, and S. Gao (1994),
SKS splitting measurements and mantle deformation in California,
Seism. Res. Lett., 65, 204.
Gao, S., P.M. Davis, H. Liu, P.D. Slack, Yu.A. Zorin,
V.V. Mordvinova, V.M. Kozhevnikov, R.P. Meyer, and
P. Burkholder (1994),
Anisotropy beneath the Baikal rift zone,
Seism. Res. Lett., 65, 18.
Davis, P.M., P.Slack, S.Gao, and H. Liu (1994),
Teleseismic anomalies in the
mantle beneath continental rifts,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 75, 67.
Gao, S., P.M. Davis, H. Liu, P.D. Slack, Y.A. Zorin,
V.V. Mordvinova, V.M. Kozhevnikov, and R.P. Meyer (1994),
Seismic Anisotropy beneath the Baikal and
Kenya rift zones,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 75, 67.
Liu, H., P.M. Davis and S. Gao (1994),
Seismic Anisotropy in the Western United States,
Eos,Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 75, 67.
Liu, H., P.M. Davis, and S. Gao (1994),
Davis, P.M, S.Gao, H.Liu, P.D.Slack, M. Benthien and D. Daniels,
Baikal 1992 Seismic Array Project data report,
Darpa/NMRO and IRIS DMC.
Liu, H, P.M. Davis, and S. Gao (1994),
Preliminary Results from the 1994 Northridge Earthquake Aftershock
Recording (NEAR-94) Project in Santa Monica region, California,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 75, G31A-05.
Gao, S., P.M. Davis, and H. Liu (1994),
Spatial variations of waveform parameters for
Northridge earthquake aftershocks
in the damage zones of Sherman Oaks and
Santa Monica and in their vicinity,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 75, G31A-04.
Liu, H., P.M. Davis, and S. Gao (1995),
Davis, P. M., S. Gao, H. Liu, and Yu. A. Zorin,
P- and Shear-wave Anisotropies and the Existence of
Upper Mantle Flow Beneath the Baikal Rift Zone, Siberia,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 76, S31A-06.
Davis, P.M., and S. Gao (1995),
Seismic Propagation in the Baikal Rift Zone:
A Transition from a Craton to an Orogenic Zone,
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Pl/DARPA
Seismic Research Symposium.
Gao, S. (1995),
Comparison of the Shanxi Rift System in Northern China and the Baikal
Rift System in Siberia,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 76, S41E-02.
Gao, S. (1995),
Seismic Evidence for Small Scale Mantle Convection
under the Baikal Rift Zone, Siberia,
PhD thesis, UCLA, 221 pages.
Liu, H., S. Gao, P. M. Davis, and L. Knopoff (1995),
Basin Focusing and Local Site Effects from Northridge Aftershocks,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 76, S12A-06.
Davis, P.M., and S. Gao (1996),
Teleseismic P- and S-wave Attenuation under the Baikal Rift
Zone and Adjacent Areas: Method, Measurements, and Interpretation,
Proceedings of the 18 Annual Seismic Research Symposium on
Monitoring a comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Kohler, M. D., P.M. Davis, H. Liu, M. Benthien, S. Gao,
G. S. Fuis, R. W. Clayton, D. Okaya, and J. Mori (1996),
Data report for the 1993 Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment
(LARSE93), Southern California: a passive study from Seal
Beach Northeastward Through the Mojave Desert,
USGS Open File Report , OF 96-0085.
Davis, P.M., H. Liu, and S. Gao (1996),
Progress report: Northridge earthquake aftershock analysis,
Annual report of the Southern California Earthquake Center.
Davis, P.M., and S. Gao (1996),
Seismic propagation in South Central Siberia,
Air Force OSR.
Gao, S., P. Davis, H. Liu, R. P. Meyer, and Yu. A. Zorin (1996),
A lower mantle high shear-wave velocity anomaly
inferred from ScS-S, PcP-P, and ScP-P differential
travel time residuals,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 77, T12A-36.
Liu, H., S. Gao, P. M. Davis, and L. Knopoff (1996),
Comparison of seismic approaches for strong ground motion prediction
using weak motion data,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 77, S21D-02.
Pei, G., P. M. Davis, S. Gao, and H. Liu (1996),
Qp and Qs beneath southern California,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 77, T41A-10.
Davis, P.M., and S. Gao (1997),
Final technical report of the Baikal seismic experiment,
Gao, S., A. T. Linde, and P. G. Silver (1997),
Synthesis of borehole strain and GPS observations,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 78, S22A-02.
Liu, H., S. Gao, and P. M. Davis (1997),
Seismic body wave attenuation beneath the Baikal rift zone, Siberia,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 78, S31B-07.
Liu, H., P. M. Davis, and S. Gao (1997),
Possible causes of enhanced damage during Northridge earthquake,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 78, S12A-04.
Gao, S., P. G. Silver, A. T. Linde, and I. S. Sacks (1997),
Annual modulation of triggered seismicity following the 1992 Mw=7.3
Landers earthquake,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 78, S21E-03, Fall meeting.
Gao, S., P.G. Silver, and A. T. Linde (1997),
A comprehensive analysis of deformation data at Parkfield,
California: Detection of a long-term strain transient,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 78, G42A-08, Fall meeting.
James, D., S. van der Lee, S. Gao, P. G. Silver, and J. VanDecar (1997),
Kaapvaal Project: Preliminary seismic observations and analysis,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 78, S51D-11, Fall meeting.
Dunn, P. J., M. H. Torrence,
P.G. Silver, S. Gao,
D. E. Smith, and R. Kolenkiewicz (1997),
Satellite laser ranging observations of unsteady tectonic motion,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 78, G41A-17, Fall meeting.
Silver, P. G., S. Gao, and the Kaapvaal working group (1998),
Shear wave splitting from the Southern African Seismic experiment,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, S32A-06, Spring meeting.
James, D.E., van der Lee, S., Gao, S., Silver, P., VanDecar, J., Kuehnel, R.,
Jordan, T.H., Saltzer, R., Gaherty. J., Gore, J., Zengeni, T., Nguuri, T.,
Wright, C., Webb, S., Burford, D., Doucoure, M., Molisana, M., Robey, J.,
Green, R., Harvey, J., Kostlin, E., Reichhardt, F. (1998),
Review of seismic structure of the continental lithosphere with
results from the southern Africa seismic experiment,
Abstract to the Kimberlite Conference, Capetown, South Africa.
Gao, S., P.G. Silver, and the Kaapvaal working group (1998),
The Southern African Seismic experiment:
A systematic study of mantle discontinuities,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, S32A-07, Spring meeting.
Gao, S., P. G. Silver, and A. T. Linde (1998),
Candidate ultra-slow earthquakes along the San Andrews
fault system,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, S51B-06, Spring meeting.
James, D., S. van der Lee, S. Gao, P. G. Silver, J. VanDecar,
R. Kuehnel, T. H. Jordan, and others (1998),
Southern Africa Seismic Experiment: Initial results,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, S51C-03, Spring meeting.
James, D., S. van der Lee, J. VanDecar, J. Gore, T.Nguuri, and S. Gao (1998),
Seismic structure of the tectosphere beneath southern Africa,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, S11B-03.
Silver, P.G., S. Gao and the Kaapvaal Working Group (1998),
Mantle anisotropy beneath southern Africa from shear-wave splitting:
preliminary results from the Southern Africa Seismic Experiment,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, S11B-04, Fall meeting.
Gao, S., P. G. Silver, D. E. James, and the Kaapvaal working group (1998),
Seismic structure and tectonics of southern Africa -- progress report,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, S72D-04, invited, Fall meeting.
Wen, L., Gao, S., P. G. Silver, and the Kaapvaal Working Group (1998),
Seismic structures in the lower mantle and the
core-mantle boundary region beneath southern Africa,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, S11B-02, Fall meeting.
Gao, S., and P. G. Silver (1998),
Lateral variation of mantle discontinuities from
the stacking of SS precursors,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, S32C-02, Fall meeting.
Silver, P. G., S. Gao and A. linde (1998),
An integrated analysis of deformation data at Parkfield,
California: Detection of a long-term strain transient,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, S12F-04, invited,
Fall meeting.
Tyburczy, J. A., S. Gao, P. G. Silver, and A. T. Linde (1998),
Very broad band observations of strain transients
from borehole strainmeters,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, G71H-02, invited, Fall meeting.
Gao, S. et al. (1998),
SKS splitting beneath the Baikal rift zone,
23rd General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society; Part 1,
Society Symposia, Solid Earth, Geophysics and Geodesy; Annales
Geophysicae, vol. 16, Suppl. 1; p. 154.
Gao, S.S., P.G. Silver, D.E. James, and the Kaapvaal Working Group,
Evidence of Geologically Controlled Seismic Anisotropy
Beneath Southern Africa,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, S21E-06,
1999 (Fall meeting).
Liu, K.H., S.S. Gao, P.G. Silver, and D.E. James,
Spatial variation of mantle velocity discontinuities
across South America,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, S41D-12,
1999 (Fall meeting).
Silver, P.G., S.S. Gao, and A.T. Linde,
Characterization of the Parkfield Transient: Evidence of
Aseismic Stress Transfer,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, S22C-07, invited, 1999 (Fall meeting).
James, D.E., J. VanDecar, S. van der Lee, M. Fouch,
S. Gao, T. Nguuri, J. Gore, and Kaapvaal Seismic Group,
Tomographic and depth phasing imaging of mantle
structure beneath the southern Africa Seismic Array,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, S32C-14, 1999 (Fall meeting).
James, D.E., M.J. Fouch, J. VanDecar,
T. Nguuri, J. Gore, S. van der Lee, S. Gao, and Kaapvaal Seismic Group,
Lithospheric structure beneath southern Africa:
Implications for the formation and evolution of cratons,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 81, S61A-03, 2000 (Spring meeting).
Liu, K.H., S. S. Gao, and P.G. Silver,
Characteristics of a very narrow band seismic signal near 2.08 Hz,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 81, S31A-08, 2000 (Spring meeting).
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, and P.G. Silver,
Lateral variations in mantle discontinuity depth across Antarctica
and the Indian Ocean from the stacking of SS precursors,
Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 81, S61A-12, 2000 (Spring meeting).
Silver, P.G., and Gao, S.S,
Mantle deformation beneath Southern Africa,
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
GSA Annual Meeting, A-163, 2000.
Gao, S.S., J.A. Zachary*, A. Cao, K.H. Liu, C.G. Oviatt, and P.G. Silver,
KSArray: A Portable Seismic Network in the Heart of the Conterminous
United States,
Eos Trans. AGU, 81(48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S71A-07, 2000.
Liu, K.H., S. S. Gao, and P. G. Silver,
High Resolution Imaging of Mantle Discontinuities across South America at 20
Degrees South,
Eos Trans. AGU, 81(48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S52B-09, 2000.
Zachary, J.A.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao,
Rapid Variation of Crustal Thickness from
an Ancient Craton to a Young Orogenic
Eos Trans. AGU, 81(48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S72A-30, 2000.
Cao, A.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao,
SKS Splitting beneath TriNet Stations in Southern California,
Eos Trans. AGU, 81(48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S62D-10, 2000.
Silver, P.G., and S.S. Gao,
Mantle Deformation Beneath Southern Africa,
Eos Trans. AGU, 81(48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U72A-26, 2000.
Cao, A.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao,
Evidences of a Stalled-Slab beneath the Coast
Ranges, California, from Seismicity and Converted Phases,
Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet., Suppl., Abstract S31B-0607, 2001.
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, and P.G. Silver,
SKS/SKKS Splitting Parameters Beneath GSN Stations:
A Web-Based Database,
Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall, Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51E-03, 2001.
Liu, K.H., S.S. Gao, A. Cao*, Y. Zhang, J. Zachary*, and C. Chen*,
Mantle Layering Beneath GSN Stations from
Nonlinear Stacking of P-to-S Converted Waves,
Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S42B-0646, 2001.
Liu, K.H., A. Cao*, J. Zachary*, S.S. Gao, and P.G. Silver,
KSArray: A Portable Seismic
Experiment for the Study of the Mantle Transition between
the Rocky Mountains and the North American Craton,
13th Annual IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology)
Workshop, Jackson Lodge, Wyo.,
June, 2001.
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, P.G. Silver, and R. Willemann,
Near Real-Time Determination of Shear-Wave Splitting Parameters,
IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly, 2001.
Chen, C.Z.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu,
Variation of Crustal Thickness and Vp/Vs Across Mongolian
Foldbelt, the Baikal Rift, and Siberian Platform: Observations
and Interpretation,
GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts, Denver, Oct., 2002.
Gao, S.S., K.H., Liu, A. Cao*, C. Chen*, M. Hubbard, J. Zachary*,
and Y. Zhang,
Old Rifts Never Die: Crustal Thickening Across the
Midcontinent Rift and Its Possible Role in
Post-rifting Tectonics,
GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts, Denver, Oct., 2002.
Liu, K.H., and S.S. Gao,
Possible seismic discontinuities in the lower mantle,
Abstracts with Programs, 34 (6),
GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts, Denver, pp. 21, 2002.
S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu,
Systematic measurements of splitting parameters
of P-to-S converted phases from mantle discontinuities,
Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51A-1032, 2002.
Liu, K.H., and S.S. Gao,
Structure of the 660-km discontinuity below
a deflected slab: complex or simple?
Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51A-1033, 2002.
S.S. Gao, et al.,
Small earthquakes in NE Kansas and their possible causes,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 35, No. 2, February 2003
Bruce, E.*, R. Yarnell*, S. Gao, and K. Liu,
Mantle structure and dynamics beneath east Asia:
Consequences of subducting slabs and continental collision,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 35, No. 2, February 2003
Chinaka, E.*, K. H. Liu, and S. S. Gao,
Constraints on South American crustal evolution and
composition from crustal Poisson's ratio and thickness measurements,
Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S41D-01111, 2003.
Gao, S.S.,
Ocean-floor Asymmetry and Its Relationship with Transform Faults,
Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T11B-08, 2003.
K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao,
Searching for sharp lower-mantle discontinuities
in the lower mantle beneath the western United States
by stacking thousands of P-to-S converted phases,
Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51A-06, 2003.
Nair, S.N.*, K. H. Liu, S. S. Gao, and P. G. Silver,
Spatial variations in crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio in
southern Africa and their
geological implications,
Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51C-0059, 2003.
Qu, W.*, and S. S. Gao,
Body-wave attenuation across the Baikal rift zone, Siberia,
Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S22B-0449, 2003.
Silver, P., M. Fouch, S. Gao, and M. Schmitz,
Mantle Anisotropy, Collisional Rifts and the Magmatic
Evolution of Southern Africa: Old (Mantle) Fabric Never Dies,
Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51F-05, 2003.
Kaur, K., Gao, Y., K. H. Liu, and S. S. Gao,
Mantle anisotropy above the deflected Pacific slab beneath Northeast China,
Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T21B-0537, 2004.
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, Z. Zhang, and Y. Gao,
Searching for the difference in attenuation between
the fast and slow shear waves,
Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S13B-1049, 2004.
Liu, K. H., S. S. Gao, and S. K. Nair*,
Temporal variations of crustal characteristics,
Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S13B-1068, 2004.
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, and R.L. Cullers,
Crustal thickness beneath ocean islands,
Eos Trans. AGUnion, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S41E-02, 2005.
R.L. Cullers, Gao, S.S., and K.H. Liu,
A Geologic Classification of Worldwide Seismic Sites,
Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S33B-0330, 2005.
Liu, K.H., and S.S. Gao,
A Cold Mantle Transition Zone Beneath the Baikal Rift,
Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract DI41A-1266, 2005.
Gao, S.S., and K.H. Liu,
Study of Earth's layered structure on a Global scale using broadband
seismic datasets,
in IRIS cornerstone facilities for seismology and Earth sciences,
Gao, S.S., and K.H. Liu,
Geophysical teaching and research at Kansas State University,
Geophysical Society of Kansas Newsletter, vol. 2, 2005.
Bridges, D.*, and S.S. Gao,
Spatial variation of seismic b-values beneath Makushin Volcano,
Unalaska Island, Alaska,
Workshop on Backbone of the Americas - Patagonia to Alaska,
Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, Specialty Meeting No. 2, p.55. Mendoza, Argentina, 3-7 April, 2006.
Gao, S.S., and K.H. Liu,
Searching for complex anisotropy using SKS and S-waves ,
Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suup., Abstract S11B-0131, 2006.
Liu, K.H., S.S. Gao, Y. gao, and J. Wu,
Shear-wave splitting above the deflected northwest Pacific slab
determined using SKS and S phases,
Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract S12A-05, 2006.
Gao, Y., J. Wu, K.H. Liu, S.S. Gao, and Y. Shi,
Mantle anisotropy beneath China: Measurements and implications,
Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S53A-1302, 2006.
Liu, K.H., and S. S. Gao,
Imaging the layered structure of the Earth's crust and mantle
beneath western US using converted waves from USArray and other
broadband data sets,
Earth Scope National Meeting, March, 2007, Monterey Bay, CA.
Gao, S.S., and K.H. Liu,
A uniform database of shear-wave parameters for North America,
Gordon Conference abstract, June 2007, South Hadley, MA.
Moidaki, M.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, and E. Atekwana,
Crustal thickness, Poisson's ratio, and Moho
sharpness beneath the Midcontinent rift,
GSA north-central conference, April, 2007, Lawrence, KS
Abdelsalam, M. G., and S. S. Gao,
Taking the pulse of the Saharan Metacraton,
GSA north-central conference, Paper No. 21-3, April, 2007, Lawrence, KS
Moidaki, M.*, K.H. Liu, S. S. Gao, J.P. Hogan, and M. G. Abdelsalam,
Shear-wave splitting beneath the New Madrid Seismic Zone and adjacent
Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S42A-08, 2007.
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, R.J. Stern, G.R. Keller, J.P. Hogan,
J. Pulliam, and E. Y. Anthony,
Characteristics of mantle fabrics beneath the southern-central United
States: Constraints from shear-wave splitting measurements,
Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V34A-08, 2007.
Yuan, H., B. Romanowicz, K.H. Liu, S.S. Gao, and F. Marone,
3D radial and azimuthal anisotropy structure in north America,
Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T23A-1204, 2007.
Liu, K.H. and S. S. Gao,
First-order characteristics of mantle fabrics revealed
by teleseismic shear-wave splitting parameters
at broadband seismic stations in North America,
Eos Trans. AGU, 89(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract S44A-02, 2008.
Moidaki, M.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu,
Rift-parallel magmatic dikes beneath the Midcontinent Rift:
Evidence from shear-wave splitting analysis,
Eos Trans. AGU, 89(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract S44A-03, 2008.
Stern, R.J., E.A. Anthony, S.S. Gao, K.L. Mickus, and
J. Pulliam,
Progress towards a Gulf of Mexico passive margin experiment,
GSA South-Central section 42nd Annual Meeting, 2008.
Gao, S.S., and K.H. Liu,
Mantle Velocity Structure and Anisotropy beneath the Gulf of Mexico and Adjacent Areas: Constraining the Geometry of the North American Continental Keel and Possible Asthenospheric Flow Field around It,
GSA Annual Meeting, Paper 289-7, 2008
Niemi, T.M., S.S. Gao, and R.A. Black,
The Central Plains EarthScope Partnership (CPEP),
New Madrid Seismic Zone Conference, Rolla, Missouri, 2008
Wang, B.*, and S.S. Gao,
A Cubic B-Spline Approach for Inter-Transformation Between Potential Field and Gradient Data,
AGU Annual Meeting, paper GP43B-0801, 2008
Gao, S.S., B. Wang*, K.H. Liu,
Improvements of the Simplex Optimum Method for Seismic Location,
AGU Annual Meeting, paper S41C-1872, 2008
Pulliam, J., S. Suhardja, R.Stern, E. Anthony,
S.S. Gao, R. Keller, and K. Mickus,
Broadband seismic study of the Texas
continent-ocean boundary: A pilot project,
GSA South-Central meeting, 2009.
Liu, K.H., and S.S. Gao,
Seismic anisotropy beneath the southern Tibetan Plateau:
New results from shear-wave splitting analysis,
The 5th Tibetan Plateau Conference,
Beijing, China, August 2009.
Abdelsalam, M.G., and S.S. Gao,
Origin of initial rifting in the Red Sea: Was it vertical tectonics?
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 41, No. 7, p. 127,
GSA Annual Meeting, 2009.
Bashir, L.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao,
Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio variations beneath the
Colorado Plateau,
AGU Annual Meeting, 2009.
Atef, A.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao,
Apparent weekly and daily earthquake periodicities in the western US,
AGU Annual Meeting, 2009.
Brundrett, M., H. Gurola, J. Pulliam, R. Stern, E. Anthony, S. S. Gao,
G.R. Keller, and K. Mickus,
Receiver function study of the rifted margin of the
Gulf Coast Plain: A Pilot Project,
AGU Annual Meeting, 2009.
Cosatt, M., K. Mickus, W. Bekele, M. Abdelsalam, and S.S. Gao,
Preliminary gravity analysis of the crustal structure within
the Tendaho Graben and Manda Hararo rift in the central Afar,
GSA Cordilleran Section meeting - 105th Annual meeting, 2009.
Bridges, D.L.*, K. Mickus, S.S. Gao, M. Abdelsalam, and W. Haro,
Detailed magnetic study of the Red Sea propagator within Afar,
Ethiopia: Implications for the transitioning from continental rifting
to sea floor spreading,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Wang, B.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu,
High accuracy practical derivative transformations in potential-field
geophysics using B-splines,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Almadani, S.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, and K. Mickus,
Crustal thickness, Poisson's ratio, and Moho sharpness beneath
central Tien Shan: Constraints from receiver function stacking,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Ray, M.*, K.H. Liu, S.S. Gao, Y. Gao,
Complex lithospheric seismic anisotropy in the vicinity of the
May 12, 2008, Wenchuan, China, earthquake,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, and M. Abdelsalam,
Seismic anisotropy beneath the Afar Depression, Ethiopia,
and adjacent areas: Implications for mantle flow,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Liu, K.H., and S.S. Gao,
Teleseismic investigations of the Hoggar swell, Algeria,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Bashir, L.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao,
Sharp contrasts in crustal characteristics beneath the southern
Basin and Range Province and the Colorado Plateau in
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Refayee, H.A.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu,
Pervasive double-layer anisotropy beneath the central Tien Shan
and its geodynamic implications,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Gao, S.S., T. Niemi, R. Black, K.H. Liu, R.R. Anderson,
R. Joeckel, R. Busby, J. Taber, and R. Woodward,
Scientific rationale for a greatly densified permanent seismic
netword in the Central Plains utilizing USArray,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Atef, A.H.*, U. Aboaja, D. Gaunt, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao,
Geophysical investigations of subsurface structure in the Saint
Charles-Saint Louis area,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Moidaki, M.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, and E. Atekwana,
Mantle anisotropy beneath the New Madrid seismic zone
and adjacent areas,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Mickus, K., B. Weide, D. Bridges*, M. Abdelsalam, and S.S. Gao,
Gravity analysis of the crustal structure within the
Tendaho Graben, Central Afar, Ethiopia,
GSA North-Central/South-Central annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Sandvol, E., P. Nabelek, E. Duke, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu,
C. Snelson, P.S. Dahl, M. Terry, and K.A. McCormick,
Structure of the northern Great Plains and implications for
continental assembly and evolution,
GSA Rocky Mountain Section annual meeting,
GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, 2010.
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, H. Refayee*, and Y. Gao,
Azimuthal and spatial variations of shear-wave splitting parameters at
long-running seismic stations in the area affected by the India-Eurasian collision,
Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26),
Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. 2010.
Liu, K.H., M. Ray*, and S.S. Gao,
Complex Seismic Anisotropy beneath the Himalayas and Southern Tibetan Plateau,
Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26),
Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. 2010.
Gao, S.S., and K.H. Liu,
Temporal clustering of global seismic moment release over the
past 115 years,
AGU Meetings of the Americas, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 2010.
Liu, K.H., H.A. Refayee*, U. Purevsuren*, M.A. Ray*, and S.S. Gao,
Pervasive complex seismic azimuthal anisotropy beneath the western United
States orogenic zone,
AGU Meetings of the Americas, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 2010.
Weide, B., K. Mickus, D. Bridges*, M. Abdelsalam, and S.S. Gao,
Gravity analysis of the Tendaho Graben, Afar Depression, Ethiopia,
GSA Northeastern (46th Annual) and North-Central (45th Annual)
Joint Meeting (20-22 March 2011).
Elsheikh, A.*, and S.S. Gao (2011),
Two-layer anisotropy beneath Hawaii revealed by teleseismic
shear-wave splitting analysis,
GSA South-Central Section - 45th Annual Meeting (27.29 March 2011).
Mickus, K., B. Wiede, M. Abdelsalam, and S. S. Gao,
Gravity investigation of the Tendaho Graben, Afar, Ethiopia,
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-5167, EGU General
Assembly, 2011.
Shi, Y.T., Y. Gao, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2011),
Mantle dynamics beneath the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau,
presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif.
Gao, Y., Y.T. Shi, B. Zhao, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2011),
Crustal Anisotropy and Moho Depth in Intersection Zone of
Zhangjiakou-Bohai Seismic Belt and Shanxi Seismic Belt in China,
presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif.
Refayee, A.H.*, K.H.Liu, M. A.Ray*, P. Uranbaigal*, and S.S. Gao (2011),
NA-SWS-2.1: An updated uniform database of teleseismic shear-wave splitting measurements for North America,
presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif.
Liu, K.H., and S.S. Gao (2011),
Estimation of the Depth of Anisotropy Using Spatial Coherency of
Shear-Wave Splitting Parameters,
presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif.
Elsheikh, A.A.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, and M.G. Abdelsalam (2011),
Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow in northeastern Africa and Arabia,
presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif.
Refayee, A.H.*, K.H. Liu, M.A. Ray*, and S.S. Gao (2011),
Shear wave anisotropy beneath the Rio Grande Rift, Rocky Mountains, and western Great Plains,
Seismological Society of America Eastern US section meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Bashir, L.*, K.H. Liu, S.S. Gao, and K. Mickus (2011),
Crustal structure traversing the transition zone between the western US orogenic belt
and the central Great Plains: Results from seismic receiver function and gravity studies,
Seismological Society of America Eastern US section meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Alldredge, B.*, M. Siemens, D. Gaunt, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2011),
Subsurface Composition and P-Wave Velocities of Greater Saint Louis, Missouri Area,
Seismological Society of America Eastern US section meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Gao, S., K. Liu, M. Abdelsalam, A. Elsheikh*,
S. Almadani*, D. Bridges*,
S. Cherie*, K. Mickus, and A. Thurmond (2012),
Crustal and Mantle Seismic Discontinuities beneath the Afar Depression: Preliminary
Results from Stacking of Receiver Functions,
34th International Geological Congress.
Gao, S.S. and K.H. Liu (2012),
Spatial variations of mantle transition zone thickness beneath western United States,
GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 44, No. 7.
Liu, K. H., C. Reed*, H. Guo, B. Alldredge*, A. El-Haddad,
E. Tarabees, D. Bridges*, and S.S. Gao (2012),
Geophysical investigations of a desert eye structure in the Western Desert, Egypt,
GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 44, No. 7.
Elsheikh, A.A.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2012),
Seismic anisotropy beneath the Cameroon Volcanic
Line and adjacent areas: Implications for mantle flow,
2012 AAPG-SEG Students Expo, Houston, TX
Refayee, H.A.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2012),
Petroleum System of the Paleozoic succession of the NC115-South-western Libya,
2012 AAPG-SEG Students Expo, Houston, TX
Wang, B.Z.*, F.A. Darbyshire, and S.S. Gao (2012),
Studying Crust and Upper Mantle Structure in Eastern
Canada with High-Resolution Teleseismic Receiver Function Analysis,
presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif.
Liu, K. H., H. A. Refayee*, U. Purevesuren*, M. A. Ray*, and S. S. Gao (2013),
A uniform shear-wave splitting measurement database for the western United States,
Annual meeting of the Seismological Society of America, April, 2013. Salt Lake City.
Liu, K. H., S. S. Gao, A. A. Elsheikh*, A. Lemnifi*, U. Purevesuren*, M. A. Ray*,
H. A. Refayee*, and Y. Yu* (2013),
First-order characteristics of shear-wave splitting parameters beneath the
contiguous United States,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Gao, S. S., and K. H. Liu (2013),
Imaging mantle discontinuities beneath the USArray using multiply-reflected P-to-S conversions,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Elsheikh, A. A.*, S. S. Gao, and K. H. Liu (2013),
Seismic anisotropy and mantle fabrics beneath eastern Africa and Arabia,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Lemnifi, A.*, K. H. Liu, and S. S. Gao (2013),
Complex seismic anisotropy beneath Turkey,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Yu, Y.*, C. A. Reed*, S. S. Gao, K. H. Liu,
B. Massinque, H. Mdala, M. Moidaki, D. Mutamina,
E. Atekwana, S. Ingate, M. Reusch, N. Barstow (2013),
Crustal and mantle structure and anisotropy beneath the incipient
segments of the East African Rift System: Preliminary results from the ongoing SAFARI,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Reed, C. A.*, S. Almandani*, S. S. Gao, A. A. Elsheihk*, S. Cherie*,
A. K. Thurmond, and K. H. Liu (2013),
Receiver function constraints on crustal seismic velocities and
partial melting in the Red Sea Rift, Central Afar,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Yang, B. B.*, S. S. Gao, K. H. Liu, A. A. Elsheikh*,
A. A. Lemnifi*, H. A. Refayee*,
and Y. Yu* (2013),
Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow beneath the northern Great Plains
of North America,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Kong, F. S.*, S. S. Gao, and K. H. Liu (2013),
A systematic performance comparison of the transverse energy
minization and splitting intensity techniques for measuring
shear-wave splitting parameters,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Gao, S.S. and K. H. Liu (2013),
Mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath
Yellowstone imaged using multiply-reflected
P-to-S conversions,
Liu, K.H., and S.S. Gao (2014),
The Missouri S&T western and central United States shear-wave
splitting database,
Iris Data Product.
Gao, S.S., and K. H. Liu (2014),
Upper mantle origin of African rifts:
Evidence from receiver function and shear-wave splitting studies,
International Workshop on the Frontiers of Computational Geodynamics,
Wu, J., Z. Zhang, F. Kong*, B. Yang*,
Y. Yu*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2014),
Complex anisotropy in western Tibet and its tectonic significance,
International Workshop on the Frontiers of Computational Geodynamics,
Liu, K.H., and S. S. Gao (2014),
Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow beneath the western and
central United States,
International Workshop on the Frontiers of Computational Geodynamics,
Cherie, S.G.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, C.A. Reed*,
F.S. Kong*, A.A. Elsheikh*, Y. Jiang, D. Wang*,
S. Wu*, and D.P. Leach* (2014),
Shear Wave Splitting and Mantle Deformation beneath Eastern Eurasia and Indo-Australia,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Reed, C.A.*, A.A. Mohamed, S.S. Gao, K.L. Mickus, K.H. Liu, Y. Yu*, and A.A. Elsheikh* (2014),
Evolution of the Red Sea Continental Margin from Integrated Analyses of Gravity, Magnetic, and Receiver Function Observations,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Liu, L.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2014),
Seismic Anisotropy beneath the Eastern Himalayas and Adjacent Areas,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Lemnifi, A.A.*, K.H. Liu, S.S. Gao, A.A. Elsheikh*, C.A. Reed*, Y. Yu*, and A.M. Elmelade (2014),
Investigations of Libyan Upper Mantle Anisotropy and Crustal Structure
Using Shear Wave Splitting and Receiver Function Analyses,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Yang, B.B.*, C.A. Reed*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2014),
Teleseismic Body-Wave Attenuation beneath the Western and Central United States,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Kong, F.S.*, J. Wu, B.B. Yang*, Y. Yu*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2014),
Crustal Anisotropy and Lower Crustal Flow beneath the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by P-to-S Conversions from the Moho,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Liu, K.H., A.A. Mohamed, S.S. Gao, A.A. Elsheikh*, Y. Yu*,
and R. Fat-Helbary (2014),
A Receiver Function Study of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Egypt and Saudi Arabia,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Elsheikh, A.A.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2014),
A Uniform Shear-Wave Splitting Database for Africa and Arabia,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Gao, S.S. and K.H. Liu (2014),
Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath the Contiguous United States,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Yu, Y.*, C.A. Reed*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu,
B. Massinque, H.S. Mdala, P.R.N. Chindandali, M. Moidaki*, and D.M. Mutamina (2014),
Exploring Crustal Structure and Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Associated with the Incipient Southern and Southwestern Branches of the East African Rift System,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Song, J.G., Y. Yu, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2014),
Simultaneous Characterization of Crustal and Sedimentary Layers Using Receiver Functions,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Yao, S., F. Kong*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2015),
Crustal anisotropy beneath south-central Tibet revealed by P-to-S conversions from the Moho,
Geological Society South-central section meeting abstract.
Reed, C.A.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, Y. Yu, B. Massingue,
H. Mdala, P. Chindandali, and D. Mutamina (2015),
Lithospheric thickness induced modulation of mantle anisotropy beneath the Malawi and Luangwa rift zones from shear-wave splitting observations,
Geological Society South-central section meeting abstract.
Yu, Y.*, K.H. Liu, M. Moidaki*, C. Reed*, and S.S. Gao (2015),
Mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the incipient Okavango Rift,
Geological Society South-central section meeting abstract.
Liu, Y.H.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2015),
Seismic anisotropy associated with the Great Meteor hotspot track:
Constraints from shear-wave splitting measurements,
Geological Society South-central section meeting abstract.
Gao, S.S., and K.H. Liu (2015),
Receiver function investigations of mantle transition zone
discontinuities beneath the contiguous United States and Alaska,
International Workshop on the Frontiers of Geosciences and IPACESS
Annual Workshop, Nanjing University, China.
Kong, F.S.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2015),
Applicability of the Multiple-event Stacking Technique for Shear-wave Splitting Analysis,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Yang, B.B.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, H. Dahm*, and F.S. Kong* (2015),
Crustal and mantle seismic anisotropy beneath the ‘Great Lakes Mantle Divot’ and adjacent areas: Constraints from shear-wave splitting measurement,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Dahm, H.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, and B.B. Yang* (2015),
Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath Alaska,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Lemnifi, A.A.*, K.H. Liu, S.S. Gao, C.A. Reed*, and Y. Yu* (2015),
Seismological Investigations of Crustal and Mantle Structure
and Dynamics beneath North-central Africa,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Liu, L.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2015),
Determining Crustal Structure beneath the New Madrid Seismic Zone and Adjacent Areas:
Application of a Reverberation-removal Filter,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
De Almeida Goetze, B.*, Y. Yu, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2015),
Preliminary Observations of the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath
South America from Non-Plane Wave Stacking of P-to-S Receiver Functions,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Yu, Y.*, K.H. Liu, C.A. Reed*, S.S. Gao, M. Moidaki*, K. Mickus, and E. Atekwana (2015),
Seismological Investigations of Crustal and Mantle Structures
Beneath the Incipient Okavango Rift,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Reed, C.A.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, Y. Yu*, P. Chindandali, B. Massinque, H. Mdala,
and D. Mutamina (2015),
Teleseismic Investigations of the Malawi and Luangwa Rift Zones:
Ongoing Observations From the SAFARI Experiment,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Liu, Y.H.*, B.B. Yang*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2015),
Seismic anisotropy and mantle dynamics beneath the southeastern United States inferred from shear-wave splitting analysis,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Sun, M.*, B.B. Yang*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2015),
Seismic anisotropy beneath Northeast China revealed by shear-wave splitting analyses,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Atekwana, E., K. Matende, M. Abdelsalam, K. Mickus, E. Atekwana, S.S. Gao,
O. Sikazwe, K.H. Liu, and R. Evans (2015),
Crustal structure beneath the Luangwa Rift, Zambia: Constraints from potential field data,
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Gao, S.S., L. Liu*, M. Sun*, and K.H. Liu (2016),
Characterization of continental crust beneath the South-Central
United States using reverberation-removed receiver functions,
Geological Society of America South-Central 50th annual meeting.
Gao, S.S. (2016),
Seismological investigations of the non-volcanic segments of the
East African Rift System: Results from the Seismic Arrays For
African Rift Initiation (SAFARI) Project,
Frontiers of Geosciences and IPACES Joint Conference,
6/18-19, Wuhan University, China.
Gao, S.S. (2016),
Crustal and mantle seismic anisotropy beneath the Tibetan Plateau
and adjacent areas from shear-wave splitting analyses,
The First China Georeference Conference, 06/27-29, Beijing,
IGG, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Gao, S.S. (2016),
Crustal and mantle anisotropy beneath western China,
The Second International Workshop on Geophysical Imaging of
Subsurface Reservoirs and Fluids,
7/2-3, Qingdao, Ocean University of China.
Gao, S.S., and K.H. Liu (2016),
Rifting initiation through lateral variations of
lithospheric basal stress beneath preexisting zones
of weakness,
Paper No. 229-1,
Geological Society of America annual meeting.
Liu, K.H., B.B. Yang*, Y. Liu*, and S.S. Gao (2016),
Seismic anisotropy beneath the contiguous United States
from shear wave splitting analysis utilizing all the USArray and other stations,
Paper No. 130-2,
Geological Society of America annual meeting.
Abdelnabi, A.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2016),
A full field static model of the RG-oil field, central Sirte Basin, Libya,
Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting, extended abstract.
Peng, Y.X.*, J. Wu, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2016),
Crustal structure beneath the eastern Tibetan Plateau from receiver functions,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Kong, F.S.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2016),
Stratification of seismic azimuthal anisotropy: Preliminary results from the contiguous United States,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Dahm, H.H.*, F.S. Kong*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2016),
Crustal and mantle anisotropy beneath Alaska inferred from shear-wave splitting analysis,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Sun, M.C.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2016),
Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs measurements using receiver functions: A global review,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Reed, C.R.*, S.S. Gao, Y. Yu*, K.H. Liu,
P. Chindandali, H.S. Mdala, B. Massinque, and D.M. Mutamina (2016),
Inferences of complex anisotropic layering and mantle flow beneath the Malawi Rift Zone from shear-wave splitting,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Liu, L.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2016),
Lithospheric layering beneath southern Africa constrained by S-to-P receiver functions,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Abdelnabi, A.*, K.H. Liu, S.S. Gao, and Y. Abushalah (2017),
Seismic attributes aided fault detection and enhancement in the Sirte Basin, Libya,
Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting, extended abstract.
Zhang, T.Z.*, Y.N. Lin*, K.H. Liu, A. Alhakeem*, and S.S. Gao (2017),
Fault visualization enhancement using ant tracking
technique and its application in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand,
Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting, extended abstract.
Yang, B.*, Y. Liu, H. Dahm*, K.H. Liu, S.S Gao, et al. (2017),
Seismic azimuthal anisotropy and its geodynamic implications: Eastern US case study,
Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting, extended abstract.
Liu, L.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, K.L. Mickus, J. Song, and Y. Yu* (2017),
Crustal structure and vertical movements of the Upper Mississippi Embayment and Ozark Uplift,
paper No. 29-2,
Geological Society of America annual meeting.
Liu, K.H., C.R. Reed*, Y. Yu*, M. Sun*, and S.S. Gao (2017),
The mantle transition zone beneath the East African Rift System: From Afar to Okavango,
paper No. 117-13,
Geological Society of America annual meeting.
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, Y. Yu, C.A. Reed*, K.L. Mickus, and M. Moidaki* (2017),
Crustal and mantle structure and anisotropy beneath the young and incipient segments
of the east african rift system (Invited Presentation),
paper No. 117-10,
Geological Society of America annual meeting.
Liu, K.H., and S.S. Gao (2017),
Mantle flow field beneath North America revealed by seismic azimuthal anisotropy analyses,
Frontiers of Geosciences and IPACES Joint Conference,
7/1-7/2, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.
Gao, S.S. and K.H. Liu (2017),
Ten years of adventure in the East African Rift System: Testing the rifting models,
Frontiers of Geosciences and IPACES Joint Conference,
7/1-7/2, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.
Song, J., K.H. Liu, Y. Yu*, K. Mickus, and S.S. Gao (2017),
Crustal structure and subsidence of the Williston Basin:
Evidence from receiver function stacking and gravity modeling,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Liu, K.H., B. Yang*, Y.H. Liu*, H. Dahm*, H. Refayee*, and S.S. Gao (2017),
Azimuthal anisotropy beneath the contiguous United States revealed by shear wave splitting
(Invited Presentation),
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Wang, T.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2017),
Crustal structure beneath the Malawi and Luangwa rift zones and adjacent areas using
ambient noise tomography,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Liu, L.*, K.H. Liu, F. Kong, and S.S. Gao (2017),
Lithospheric Layering beneath the Contiguous United States
Constrained by S-to-P Receiver Functions,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Kong, F.S.*, J. Wu, L. Liu*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2017),
Seismic anisotropy beneath the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent
regions revealed by shear-wave splitting analyses,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Yang, Q.Y.*, S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2017),
Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs beneath the southeastern United States:
Constraints from receiver function stacking,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Acevedo, J.P., K.H. Liu, F.S. Kong*, H. Dahm*, and S.S. Gao (2017),
Seismic anisotropy beneath Alaska constrained by shear wave splitting analysis,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Peng, Y.X.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2017),
Teleseismic P-wave attenuation beneath the eastern Tibetan Plateau,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Yu, Y.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, T. Yang, M. Xue, and K.P. Le (2017),
Mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the Indochina Peninsula:
Implications for slab subduction and mantle upwelling,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Sun, M.*, K.H. Liu, X. Fu, and S.S. Gao (2017),
Receiver function imaging of mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the
Tanzania Craton and the Eastern and Western Branches of the East African Rift System,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, Y. Yu*, C. Reed*, K. Mickus, and M. Moidaki* (2017),
Crustal and mantle structure beneath the Okavango and Malawi rifts and its geodynamic implications,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Alhakeem, A.*, K.H. Liu, T. Zhang*, and S.S. Gao (2018),
Validation of poststack seismic inversion using rock physics analysis
and 3D seismic and well correlation,
Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting, extended abstract.
Lin, Y.*, T. Zhang*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2018),
Identification of a shelf-edge submarine canyon using seismic
attributes and spectral decomposition in the central Gulf Coast
region of Texas,
Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting, extended abstract.
Zhang, T.*, Y. Lin*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2018),
Compaction and cement volume analyses of the Lower Wilcox sandstone along the Texas Gulf Coast,
Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting, extended abstract.
Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu (2018).
Magmatic diking and underplating beneath the Hoggar swell, Algeria revealed by P-to-S conversions,
Geological Society of America annual meeting, Nov. 4-7, Indianapolis.
Song, J., K.H. Liu, S.S. Gao, M. Sun*, Y. Yu, F. Kong, and K. Mickus (2018).
Crustal structure and subsidence mechanism of the Williston Basin from receiver functions,
Geological Society of America annual meeting, Nov. 4-7, Indianapolis.
Yu, Y.*, S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, T. Yang, M. Xue, T.D. Hung, and K.P. Le (2018),
Lithospheric extrusion and slab subduction beneath the Indochina Peninsula,
15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Liu, K. H., Cherie, S.*, Elsheikh, A.*, Kong, F.*, Reed*, C., Yang, B.*, & Gao, S. S. (2018).
Geodynamic implications of complex seismic anisotropy beneath Tienshan.
15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Gao, S. S., & Liu, K. H. (2018).
On the measurement and interpretation of XKS splitting parameters.
15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Gao, S. S., Liu, K. H., & Davis, P. M. (2018).
The effects of sedimentary basins on ground shaking amplitude: Examples from the Los Angeles Basin.
15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Qaysi, S. I.*, Liu, K. H., & Gao, S. S. (2018).
Seismic anisotropy and mantle dynamics beneath the Arabian Plate.
Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America, Miami, Florida.
Liu, L.*, Gao, S. S., Kong, F. S., & Liu, K. H. (2018).
Mantle flow induced by slab subduction and rollback beneath the Eastern Himalayan syntaxis and adjacent areas.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Miao, Z.*, Gao, S. S., Sun, M., & Liu, K. H. (2018).
Receiver function imaging of mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Wang, T.*, Liu, K. H., Dai, Y., Yang, Q., & Gao, S. S. (2018).
A 3-D shear wave velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath southern Africa by joint inversion of Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion and receiver functions.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Xue, T.*, Liu, K. H., & Gao, S. S. (2018).
Shear wave splitting and mantle flow in the vicinity of the North American-Caribbean plate boundary in Central America.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Yang, Y.*, Liu, L., Liu, K. H., & Gao, S. S. (2018).
Crustal structure and evolution beneath the mid-continent rift constrained by receiver function and gravity analyses.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Yang, Q.*, Wang, T., Liu, K. H., & Gao, S. S. (2018).
Imaging crustal structure beneath the southeastern United States with receiver functions.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Liu, K. H., & Gao, S. S. (2018).
How pervasive is complex seismic azimuthal anisotropy beneath continents?
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Ba, K.*, & Gao, S. S. (2018).
Receiver function imaging of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities beneath the Australian continent.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Jiang, E.*, Liu, K. H., Gao, Y., & Gao, S. S. (2018).
Spatial and temporal variations of upper crustal anisotropy along the San Jacinto Fault Zone in Southern California: Constraints from shear wave splitting analysis.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Shrivastava, A.*, Liu, K. H., & Gao, S. S. (2018).
Upper mantle P wave attenuation tomography
beneath the southeastern United States.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Sun, M.*, Liu, K. H., & Gao, S. S. (2018).
Absence of thermal influence from the African Superswell
and cratonic keels on the mantle transition zone
beneath southern Africa: Evidence from receiver function imaging.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Wang, W., Becker, T. W., Liu, K. H., & Gao, S. S. (2018).
Upper mantle seismic anisotropy as a constraint
for mantle flow and continental dynamics of the
North American Plate.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, DC.
Liu, K. H., Kong, F., Yu, Y., & Gao, S. S. (2019).
Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy and Mantle Flow Beneath the
Southeastern Tibetan Plateau and Indochina Peninsula.
16th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society,
July 2019, Singapore.
Kong, F.*, Gao, S. S., Liu, K. H., Ding, W., & Li, J. (2019).
Slab Dehydration and Mantle Upwelling in the Vicinity of the
Sumatra Subduction Zone: Evidence from Receiver Function
Imaging of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities.
16th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society,
July 2019, Singapore.
Gao, S. S., Liu, K. H., Yu, Y.*, Dahm, H.*, & Kong, F.* (2019).
Effects of Slab Windows on the Physical State of the Upper Mantle:
Constraints from Receiver Function Investigations in the Indochina Peninsula and Alaska.
16th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society,
July 2019, Singapore.
Zhang, T.*, Y. Lin*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2019),
Pre-stack simultaneous inversion for petrophysical properties of the
lower Wilcox erosional remnant sandstone along the Texas Gulf Coastal Plain,
Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting, extended abstract.
Lin, Y.*, Zhang, T.*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2019),
Hydrocarbon accumulation analysis by reconstructing the
canyon-fill sequence using seismic stratigraphic interpretation in
the central Gulf Coastal Plain of Texas,
Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting, extended abstract.
Yu, Y.*, Reed, C*, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2019),
Tectonics of incipient continental rifting,
Acta Geologica Sinica English Edition, vol. 93, 99-100.
Gao, S.S., Liu, K.H., Fu. X., Dahm, H*, Kong, F.*, Liu, L.*, Reed, C.*,
Sun, M.*, and Yu, Y. (2019),
Structural Seismology: Exploring the Correspondence
between Surface Geological Features and Heterogeneities in
the Earth's Crust and Mantle,
Acta Geologica Sinica English Edition, vol. 93 (supp. 2), 3-4.
Yang, Y.*, Gao, S.S., and Liu, K.H. (2019),
Mantle Flow Systems Associated with Slab Subduction and Absolute Plate Motion
in Alaska: Constraints from Shear Wave Splitting Analyses,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Ba, K.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2019),
Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy and Mantle Flow beneath Australia
Revealed by Shear Wave Splitting Analyses,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Wang, T*, Liu, K.H., Yang, Q.*, and Gao, S.S. (2019),
Receiver Function and Surface Wave Dispersion Constraints on Crustal
Structure of the Afar Depression and Main Ethiopian Rift,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Gao, S.S., and Liu, K.H. (2019)
Topography of the 410 and 660 km Discontinuities Beneath the United States
and its Geodynamic Implications,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Liu, L.*, Gao, S.S., Liu, K.H., and Klemperer, S.L. (2019),
Lithospheric Layering Model of the United States:
Constraints From Sp Receiver Function Images,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Xue, T.*, and Gao, S.S. (2019),
Receiver Function Investigation of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Central America,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2019),
Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy Beneath the USArray and Other Broadband Seismic
Stations in the Contiguous United States and Alaska: Implications for Mantle Dynamics,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Wang, D.*, Gao, S.S., and Liu, K.H. (2019),
Imaging the Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Iceland
Using Receiver Functions: Evidence for Hydrous Upwelling,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Sun, M.*, Gao, S.S., Liu, K.H., and Fu, X. (2019),
Upper Mantle and Mantle Transition Zone Thermal and Water Content
Anomalies beneath NE Asia:
Constraints from Receiver Function Imaging of the 410 and 660 km Discontinuities,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Jia, Y.*, Gao, S.S., and Liu, K.H. (2019),
Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Flow beneath the Western Yangtze Craton,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Shrivastava, A.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2019),
Upper Mantle P-wave Attenuation beneath the Malawi Rift Zone, East Africa,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Jiang, E.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2019),
Fracture and Regional Stress Related Upper Crustal Azimuthal Anisotropy
in the Vicinity of the 2016 M5. 1 Fairview, Oklahoma, Earthquake,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Zhang, Y.*, and Gao, S.S. (2019),
A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Based Approach for
Reliably Picking Teleseismic Body-wave Travel Time Residuals,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Jia, Y.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2020),
Seismic Anisotropy Layering Beneath the Northwestern
United States Revealed by Shear Wave Splitting and
Receiver Function Analyses,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 1-17.
Yang, Q.*, Liu, K.H., Wang, T., and Gao, S.S. (2020),
Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Southeastern
United States: Constraints from Joint Inversion of
Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Dispersion,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 1-17.
Zhang, Y.*, and Gao, S.S. (2020),
Use Machine Learning to Remove Reverberations on Receiver
Functions Caused by a Low-Velocity Sedimentary Layer,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 1-17.
Liao, Y.*, Gao, S.S., and Liu, K.H. (2020),
Crustal and Mantle Anisotropy of the Hoggar Swell,
Northwest Africa,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 1-17.
Liu, L.*, Gao, S.S., Liu, K.H., Griffin, W.L.,
Li, S., Tong, S., Ning, J. (2020),
Mesozoic Decratonization of the North China Craton
Triggered by Dehydration of the Pacific Slab,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 1-17.
Shen, C.*, Gao, S.S., Kong, F.*, and Liu, K.H. (2020),
Seismic Anisotropy Layering Beneath the South Tibetan
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 1-17.
Wang, T.*, Gao, S.S., Yang, Q.*, and Liu, K.H. (2020),
Shear Wave Velocity Structure Beneath the Tanzania Craton
and Adjacent Areas from a Bayesian Monte-Carlo
Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion and
Receiver Functions,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 1-17.
Miao, Z.*, Gao, S.S., Sun, M.*, and Liu, K.H. (2020),
Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath
the Tibetan Plateau and Adjacent Regions,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 1-17.
Shrivastava, A.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2021),
Spatial Variations of Teleseismic P-wave Attenuation and Scattering Beneath the Southeastern United States,
Geological Society of America South-Central Section Meeting, April 18-20, Springfield, MO.
Ba, K.*, Gao, S.S., and Liu, K.H. (2021),
Seismic azimuthal anisotropy beneath the Australian continent
revealed by shear wave splitting analyseS,
Geological Society of America South-Central Section Meeting, April 18-20, Springfield, MO.
Xue, T.*, and Gao, S.S. (2021),
Topography of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities beneath eastern Caribbean,
Geological Society of America South-Central Section Meeting, April 18-20, Springfield, MO.
Gao, S.S. & Liu, K.H. (2021),
On the interpretation of teleseismic shear wave splitting measurements: Lessons
learned in North America, Africa, and Australia,
37th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission,
September 19-24 (Invited talk).
Zhang, Y.*, and Gao, S.S. (2021),
A Convolutional Neural Network Based Teleseismic Shear-wave Splitting Measurements Auto-picking Method,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 13-17, New Orleans.
Jia, Y.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2021),
Shear Wave Splitting in the Vicinity of the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 13-17, New Orleans.
Jia, Y.*, Liu, K.H., Kong, F.*, Liu, L.*, and Gao, S.S. (2021),
Piercing Point Dependent Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy Observed in Central China and Its Geodynamic Implications,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 13-17, New Orleans.
Liao, Y.*, Gao, S.S., and Liu, K.H. (2021),
Topography of the Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Central
and Western Mongolia and Its Geodynamic Implications,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 13-17, New Orleans.
Xue, T.*, Gao, S.S., and Liu, K.H. (2021),
Receiver function imaging of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities beneath southern Mexico:
Implications for slab tears and mantle upwelling,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 13-17, New Orleans.
Wang, T.*, Liu, K.H., Yang, Q.*, Mickus, K.L., Chen, L., and Gao, S.S. (2021),
Imaging Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath the South Central
United States from a Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Dec. 13-17, New Orleans.
Jia, Y.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2022),
A receiver function investigation of mantle
transition zone discontinuities beneath the Juan de Fuca plate and adjacent areas,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, Chicago.
Liao, Y.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2022),
A possible lithospheric drip underneath the east Sayan mountains in central Asia,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, Chicago.
Shen, C.*, Liu, K.H., Kong, F.* and Gao S.S. (2022),
Seismic anisotropy layering beneath the
south-central Tibetan Plateau constrained by shear wave splitting and receiver function
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, Chicago.
Zhao, Q.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2022),
Seismic anisotropy associated with the 2018
Kilauea, Hawaii, volcanic eruptions,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, Chicago.
Zhang, Y.*, Qu, J.**, Fan, X., Zhou, S., and Gao, S.S. (2022),
Convolutional Neural Network Classification of Earthquakes, Mine Collapses and Explosions,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, Chicago.
He, R.*, Clark, G., Opperman, N., and Gao, S.S. (2022),
A short-period seismic array in southeast Missouri,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, Chicago.
Liao, Y.*, Gao, S.S., and Liu, K.H. (2022),
The Mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath
central Asia and its geodynamic implications,
The Fifth Biennial Field Conference of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists,
Mid-Continent Section, October 14-16, Rolla, Missouri.
Shen, C.*, Liu, K.H., Kong, F., and Gao, S.S. (2022),
Seismic anisotropy layering beneath the
south-central Tibetan Plateau constrained by shear wave splitting and receiver function
The Fifth Biennial Field Conference of the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, Mid-Continent Section, October 14-16, Rolla, Missouri.
Zhang, Y.*, and Gao, S.S. (2023),
Using Convolutional Neural Network to Determine Time Window for Analyzing Local Shear-wave Splitting Measurements,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-15, San Francisco.
Ba, K.*, Yu, Y.*, Gao, S.S., Liu, K.H., and Huang, J. (2023),
Receiver Functions Imaging of the Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath the Andean Subduction Zone,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-15, San Francisco.
Wang, T.*, Chen, L., Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2003),
Crustal Structure of the Incipient Okavango Rift Zone Constrained by Receiver Function H-κ Stacking,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-15, San Francisco.
Jiang, E.*, Jia, Y.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2023),
Fracture and regional stress-related upper crustal azimuthal anisotropy in the vicinity of the 2016 M5. 1 Fairview, Oklahoma, earthquake,
Pages 940-944, Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 8/28-9/1, Houston, TX.
Liu, L.*, Gao, S.S., Liu, K.H., Li, S., and Yu, Y.* (2024),
Modulation of crustal and mantle flow systems by a heterogeneous cratonic root: Evidence from seismic azimuthal anisotropy analysis,
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Kong, F.*, Gao, S.S., Liu, K.H., Li, J., Zhang, J., and Li, J. (2024),
Distinct mantle flow patterns in the Sunda subduction zone revealed by a layered anisotropic structure,
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Wang, T.*, Chen, L., Gao, S.S., Liu, K.H., Yu, Y.*, Yu, Z., and Wang, X. (2024),
Imaging of Crust and Lithospheric Mantle of the Incipient Okavango Rift Zone: Implications on the Rifting Mechanism,
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Liu, Y.*, Liu, Y., Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2024),
Characteristics of strike-slip faults and hydrocarbon potential of carbonate
fault-karst reservoirs: A case study in the eastern Tarim Basin, China,
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, expanded abstract.
Liu, Y*, He, X., Yan, B., Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2024),
Characteristics and heterogeneity evaluation of reef-shoal reservoirs in Cambrian margin of the eastern Tarim Basin,
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, expanded abstract.
Zhao, Q.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2024),
Monitoring fluid migration pathways from passive source seismic anisotropy analysis: A case study in K¿lauea volcano,
Pages 1357-1361.
Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
He, R*, Liuk, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2024),
Slab Associated Mantle Flow Beneath the Caribbean Plate and the Adjacent Segments
Revealed by Shear Wave Splitting Analysis,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Liao, Y.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2024),
A Potential Deflected Mantle Upwelling beneath the Southern Great Plains of North America,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Clark, G*., Gao, S.S., Obrist-Farner, J., and Maurer, J. (2024),
A Short Period Seismic Array Along the North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary in Eastern Guatemala,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Zhao, Q.*, Liu, K.H., and Gao, S.S. (2024),
Magma dynamics during the 2018 eruption of Kilauea revealed by spatial and temporal variations of seismic anisotropy,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
(Note: Authors marked by "*" are current or former graduate students advised or co-advised by S. Gao )