CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C Random number generator RLFSR113 - real version C C Following a suggestion of Pierre L'Ecuyer 1997 C "Tables of maximally equidistributed combined LFSR generators" C see C C A call to rlfsr113() gives one random real in the open C interval (0,1). C C Before using rlfsr113 call lfsrinit(seed) to initialize C the generator by random integers produced by Park/Millers C minimal standard LCG. C Seed should be any positive integer. C C FORTRAN version by Thomas Vojta, C C History: C 04 Feb 1998 v0.9 first FORTRAN implementation C 05 Feb 1998 v0.91 corrected multiplicator am to 1/(2^31) C 15 Apr 1999 v0.92 added real*8 rlfs113 in lfsrinit C 10 Feb 2000 v0.93 changed lfsrinit to allow for CONSTANT arguments C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC FUNCTION rlfsr113 () integer*4 b,z1,z2,z3,z4 real*8 am,rlfsr113 parameter (am=4.656612873077e-10) common /lfsrcom/z1,z2,z3,z4 b = ishft(ieor(ishft(z1,6),z1),-13) z1 = ieor(ishft(iand(z1,-2),18),b) b = ishft(ieor(ishft(z2,2),z2),-27) z2 = ieor(ishft(iand(z2,-8),2),b) b = ishft(ieor(ishft(z3,13),z3),-21) z3 = ieor(ishft(iand(z3,-16),7),b) b = ishft(ieor(ishft(z4,3),z4),-12) z4 = ieor(ishft(iand(z4,-128),13),b) rlfsr113=ishft(ieor(ieor(ieor(z1,z2),z3),z4),-1)*am return end SUBROUTINE lfsrinit(iinit) integer*4 idum,ia,im,iq,ir,iinit integer*4 k,z1,z2,z3,z4,c1,c2,c3,c4 real*8 rlfsr113 parameter (ia=16807,im=2147483647,iq=127773,ir=2836) common /lfsrcom/z1,z2,z3,z4 C Check whether the FORTRAN integers can be used as unsigned long ! data c1 /B'11111111111111111111111111111110'/ data c2 /B'11111111111111111111111111111000'/ data c3 /B'11111111111111111111111111110000'/ data c4 /B'11111111111111111111111110000000'/ if (( then print *,'Nonstandard integer representation. Stoped.' stop endif C Initialize z1,z2,z3,z4 idum=iinit if (idum.le.0) idum=1 k=(idum)/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum = idum + IM if ( then z1=idum+2 else z1=idum endif k=(idum)/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum = idum + IM if ( then z2=idum+8 else z2=idum endif k=(idum)/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum = idum + IM if ( then z3=idum+16 else z3=idum endif k=(idum)/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum = idum + IM if ( then z4=idum+128 else z4=idum endif C Make a single call to rlfsr113() to achieve a valid state idum=rlfsr113() return end