// Test of LFSR113 random number generator #include //Let me write to the console #include"lfsr113_64.h" //include RNG definitions using namespace std; int main() { lfsr113:lfsr113 myrandom(1); cout << "Now printing the first 10 random numbers "; cout << "and the expected values (in brackets)" << endl; cout << "(0.22818) " << myrandom.drnd() << endl; cout << "(0.89969) " << myrandom.drnd() << endl; cout << "(0.45423) " << myrandom.drnd() << endl; cout << "(0.52418) " << myrandom.drnd() << endl; cout << "(0.14223) " << myrandom.drnd() << endl; cout << "(0.35748) " << myrandom.drnd() << endl; cout << "(0.52853) " << myrandom.drnd() << endl; cout << "(0.94036) " << myrandom.drnd() << endl; cout << "(0.47970) " << myrandom.drnd() << endl; cout << "(0.63356) " << myrandom.drnd() << endl; }