Physics 5413 - Chaos, fractals, and nonlinear dynamics

Thomas Vojta home
Pegasus Cluster

Physics Department

Physics 5413 - Files for Project 1

Program bifurcation

Program generates bifurcation diagram for the logistic map xn+1 =A xn (1- xn).
Input: min. and max. birthrate A, stepsize dA, x0, number of iterations skipped and recorded.

For each A value, the logistic equation is then iterated nskip times (to get rid of the transients). The next nrec x-values are written into the output file 'bifurc.dat' together with the value of A.

F90 source file bifurcation.f90 (on the campus Linux machines, it can be copiled with ifort)
Windows executable bifurcation.exe

Program lyapunov

Program generates two trajectories xn and yn of the logistic map, starting from different initial conditions.
Input: birthrate A, x0, y0-x0, number of time steps
Output: file 'trajec.dat' contains xn , yn, and |xn-yn|

F90 source file lyapunov.f90 (on the campus Linux machines, it can be copiled with ifort)
Windows executable lyapunov.exe