Physics 5413 - Chaos, fractals, and nonlinear dynamics

Thomas Vojta home
Pegasus Cluster

Physics Department

Physics 5413 - Files for Project 2

Program bioswitch

Program integrates the differential equation of motion for the bioswitch using a Runge-Kutta method.
Input: parameters r, s, and the initial value of x
Output: file trajecto.dat containing the time evolution of x

F90 source file bioswitch.f90 You can use this as a basis for your own code.
Windows executable bioswitch.exe

Program bioswitch2

Program finds a stable fixed point for a range of s by integrating the differential equation to a long time (t=1000).
Input: parameters r , s_min, s_max, ds (step is s), and the initial value of x
Output: file fixedpts.dat containing fixed point as function of r and s
By using different inital values of x you can make the program go to different fixed points (if there is more than one stable fixed point).

F90 source file bioswitch2.f90 You can use this as a basis for your own code.
Windows executable bioswitch2.exe