Principle Investigator: Dr. Mingzhen Wei is an Assistant Professor since 2012. Dr. Wei has bachelor, master degrees in Production Engineering and Reservoir Engineering perspectively, and she received her Ph.D.from Computer Science in New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Dr. Wei major research interests in unconventional resources and EOR technologies using reservoir simulation, lab experiments, and advanced data analytics. Check her personal site for more information.
Principle Investigator: Dr. Baojun Bai is a Full Professor since 2015. Dr. Bai has contributed significantly to the development of EOR, especially at the particle gel treatment and flooding. Check is personal site for more information. Dr. Bai also developed a industrial PPG consortium to bridge academic research and industrial needs.Please check the consortium site for more information.
Saleh Dao Laila's picture Dr. Laila Dao Saleh was from Tripoli city of Libya. She obtained her bachelor and master degrees from University of Tripoli in 1998 and 2006. She has been working at the department of Petroleum Engineering of the University of Tripoli as a faculty member from 2006-2008. She obtained her Ph.D. from Petroleum Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology in 2014.She worked on polymer flooding projects in lab, pilot tests, and field applications, did comprehensive comparisons among the applicability of different polymer types.
Dr. Munqith Aldhaheri was born the 1st of January 1980, in Missan, Iraq. He received BSc and MSc degrees in Petroleum Engineering from University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq in 2001 and 2006. He served as a petroleum engineer in Missan Oil Company for seven years. He was granted a PhD scholarship by the Higher Committee for Education Development in Iraq in 2009. He received a Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, in May, 2017. His work on logistic regression on selection of particular particular gel type is available to download through researchGate. Currently, he is serving as a reservoir management senior engineer at Missan Oil Company and he is adjunct lecturer in petroleum engineering department at Misan University.
Dr. Yue Qiu holds a PhD degree in Petroleum Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology. He holds MS degree in Drilling Engineering from China University of Petroleum, Huadong; and a BS degree in Automation from China University of Petroleum, Huadong. His research interests include: enhance oil recovery, and data mining in oil/gas industry.
Na Zhang is a Ph.D. student in Petroleum Engineering at the EOR Data Group at Missouri S&T. She received her dual Bachelor of Science degrees from Missouri S&T and China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in May, 2013. Then, she continued her study in Missouri S&T, and earned her Master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering in December, 2015. Her research interests include data mining and data analysis in all kinds of EOR techniques, especially in steam flooding and CO2 flooding.
Yandong Zhang is a PhD student at Missouri S&T majoring in petroleum engineering. His research interests include EOR methods, especially polymer flooding, data science and micro/nano-fluidics. Zhang holds BS degree in geological engineering from China University of Petroleum (Beijing) and MS degree in petroleum engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Hama Mariwan's photo Hama Mariwan graduated from Petroleum Engineering in May, 2013. His research topic was titled as Data Analysis of Thermal Flooding EOR Field Projects.
Jingyi Liao graduated from Petroleum Engineering in December 2014. Her research was titled as Data Analysis of Gel Treatments in Production Wells. She is working with Thomson Reuters.
Minfei Yin's photo Minfei Yin graduated from Petroleum Engineering in May, 2015. His research topic was titled as Data Analysis of CO2 Miscible Flooding EOR Projects.
Chenxing Zhu's photo Zhuxing Cheng graduated from Petroleum Engineering in May, 2017. His research direction was titled as Survey and data analysis of weak gel treatments in injection wells.
Nadia's photo Ariani Nadia is a Master’s student who is working on her thesis about the low salinity waterflooding to enhance oil recovery in sandstone reservoirs. Her interests include EOR, reservoir simulation, and reservoir characterization. She has over 11 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, with specific areas of expertise comprise petrophysics/well-logs analysis, reservoir characterization, and data management.