Biographical Sketch
Education | 1983 19744 1972 |
Ph.D. Kansas State University |
Employment History |
014 - Present | Curators' Teaching Professor, Mathematics & Statistics, S&TProfessor, Mathematics & Statistics, Missouri S&T |
2003 - 2014 | ||
1989 - 2003 |
Associate Professor, Mathematics & Statistics, | |
1990 - 1991 | Visiting Scientist, Biometric Unit, International Rice Research Inst. | |
1989 (Jan- June) | Visiting Assistant Professor,QAIS Dept., Univ. Cincinnati | |
1983 - 1989 | Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Statistics, S&T | |
1977 - 1983 | Graduate Reseach/teaching Assistant, Kansas State University | |
11973 - 1977973-1977 | Programmer, Department of cenus and Statistics, Sri Lanka | |
1972 - 1973
Instructor, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Professional Appointments | 2019 - Present | Interim ChairDepartment of Mathematics & Statistics, Missouri S&T |
2017-2019 | Associate ChairDepartment of Mathematics & Statistics, Missouri S&T | |
2015 – Present | Associate Director, Center for Statistical and Computational Modeling of Biological Complexity, Missouri S&T | |
1998 – 2019 | Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, S&T | |
Awards and Honors | 2016
Elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association |
Missouri Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education | |
Curators’ Teaching Professorship, S&T |
Chapter Recognition Award, Mid-Missouri Chapter, ASA | |
Excellence in Teaching Awards, in each of the four years, S&T | |
College of Arts & Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award, S&T | |
2001 | University of Missouri Faculty Performance Shares Plan awardee | |
1998 | Outstanding Student Advisor Award, S&T | |
External Funding |
Thirty four external grants totaling $3,740,406 received as PI or Co-PiI |
Professional Service |
2011 – 2012 2011 – 2012 2011 2010 2009 2004 – 2006 1998 – 2002 1997 – 1998 1995 – 1997 1994 – 1995 1986 – 1987 1983 – Present |
Member, Nominations Committee (to the ASA Board), ASA |
Recent PublicationsArchival Journals Zhong, X and Samaranayake, V.A., (2016). Bootstrap-based Unit Root Tests for Higher Order Autoregressive Models with GARCH (1, 1) Errors. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. < >. Gosavi A, Daughton W, Senoz O, Samaranayake V.A. (2016) Consumer Perception of U.S. and Japanese Automobiles: A Statistical Comparison via Consumer Reports and J.D. Power & Associates Data. International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics. In Press. Que S, Awuah-Offei K, Samaranayake V. A. (2015). Classifying critical factors that influence community acceptance of mining projects for discrete choice experiments in the United States. Journal of cleaner production. 87:489-500. Mohammadi, Mojtaba A, Samaranayake, V.A., and Bham, Ghulam, H. (2014).Crash Frequency Modeling using Negative Binomial Models: An Application of Generalized Estimating Equation to Longitudinal Data. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 2, 52-69. Dinesh Kanigolla, Elizabeth A. Cudney, Steven M. Corns, and Samaranayake V.A. (2014). Project Based Learning for Quality and Six Sigma Education. International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 8(1), 51-68. Rupasinghe, M., Mkhopadhyay, P., and Samaranayake, V.A. (2014). Obtaining Prediction Intervals for FARIMA processes using the Sieve bootstrap, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84, No. 9, 2044-2058 . Al Ghamari, A., Murry, Susan, and Samaranayake, V.A. (2013). The Effects of Wearing Respirators on Human Fine Motor, Visual, and Cognitive Performance, Ergonomics, 56(5), 791-802. Rupasinghe, M. and Samaranayake, V.A. (2012). Asymptotic properties of sieve bootstrap prediction intervals for FARIMA processes, Statistics and Probability Letters, 82, 2108-2114 Butukuri, R.R., V.P., Bheemreddy, V.P., Chandrashekhara, K., and Samaranayake, V.A. (2012). Evaluation of low-velocity impact response of honeycomb sandwich structures using factorial-based design of Experiments, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 14: 339-361. Mukhopadhyay, P. and Samaranayake, V.A. (2010). Prediction Intervals for Time Series: A Modified Sieve Bootstrap Approach, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 39(03), 517 – 538. Abstracts Olbricht GR, Samaranayake VA, Injamuri S, Wang L, Fiebelman C, et al. (2014). Modeling Sleep and Wake Bouts in Drosophila Melanogaster. Annual Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. Paper 4. Thimgan, M.S., Injamuri, S. Fiebelman, C. Wang, L., Samaranayake, V.A., Olbricht. G. (2014). Relationship of sleep and wake bouts in Drosophila. Sleep, Abstract supplement, 37, A49. Thimgan, M.S., Injamuri, S., Samaranayake, V.A., and Olbricht, G. (2013). Mathematical analysis of sleep and wake transitions in Drosophila melanogaster, Sleep Abstract supplement 36 A57. Proceedings Jayawardhana A, Samaranayake V.A. (2015). Lower Tolerance Bounds in Accelerated Life Testing for the Weibull Distribution. In JSM Proceedings, Quality and Productivity Section, Alexandria, VA, American Statistical Association. 2015; :1509-1516. Eshebli A, Samaranayake V.A. (2015). Bootstrap-Based Confidence Intervals in Partially Accelerated Life Testing Under the Generalized Exponential Distribution. In JSM Proceedings, Quality and Productivity Section, Alexandria, VA, American Statistical Association. 873-883. Samaranayake V. A, Liu J. (2015). An Investigation of the Day-of-the-Week Effect on the Volatility and Returns of Individual S&P 500 Sectors. In JSM Proceedings, Business and Economic Statistics Section, Alexandria, VA, American Statistical Association. 2991-3001. Jornaz A, Samaranayake V.A.(2015). A Multi-step Approach to Modeling the 24-hour Daily Profiles of Electricity Load Using Seasonally-Varying Splines. In JSM Proceedings, Business and Economic Statistics Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 3785-3790. Thilakaratne M, Rupasinghe M, Samaranayake V.A. (2014).Sieve Bootstrap-Based Prediction Intervals for Autoregressive Processes with GARCH Innovations. In JSM Proceedings, Business and Economic Statistics Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 3284-3296. Zhong X, Samaranayake V.A. (2014). Bootstrap-Based Unit Root Tests for Higher Order Autoregressive Models with GARCH (1, 1) Errors. In In JSM Proceedings, Business and Economic StatisticsSection. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. :3760-3769. Jayawardhana A, Samaranayake V.A. (2014). Predictive Density Estimation in Accelerated Life Testing for Lognormal Life Distributions. In JSM Proceedings, Quality and Productivity Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 2325-2338. Thilekaratne, M, and Samaranayake, V.A. (2013). Bootstrap-Based Prediction Intervals for conditional Heteroscedastic Models with Seasonnally Varying Unconditional Variance. ASA Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association (Montreal, Canada),2967-2981. Zhong, Xiao and Samaranayake, V.A. (2013). A Sieve Bootstrap-Based Test for Multiple Unit Roots. (2013). ASA Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association (Montreal, Canada), 3312-3322. Prediction Intervals for ARIMA Processes: Sieve Bootstrap Approach. (2012). ASA Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association (Alexandria, VA),1078-1090 Rupasinghe, M. and Samaranayake, V.A. (2012). Obtaining Prediction Intervals for FARIMA Processes using the Sieve Bootstrap,Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association, 3283-3293. Alferink, A. and Samaranayake, V.A. (2011). Lifetime predictive Density Estimation in Accelerated Degradation Testing for Lognormal Response Distributions with Arrhenius Rate Relationship. Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association, 4373-4385. |