Computer Science 284

Introduction to Operating Systems

Winter Semester 2001

Question Pool for Exam 3



  1. ____________________ and _____________________ are generally credited with the invention of C/Unix?
  2. ____________________ and _____________________ started Microsoft in 19______.
  3. What corp./laboratory may fairly take credit for inventions like the mouse, windows, pull-down menus etc.?
  4. ____________________ and ______________________ co-founded Apple.  ________________ then started NeXT, and is now the CEO of Pixar?
  5. What company purchased NeXT and their OS NExT Step?
  6. What did Steve Jobs see while visiting PARC that inspired him to build a different kind of computer? 
    What did he see that he completely ignored?
        What was the 1st computer that he built based on this inspiration (that flopped)?
        What was the 2nd one that didn't flop?
  7. What 'product' got Microsoft into the microcomputer software business?
  8. What lucky event got Microsoft into the operating system market?
  9. MS/DOS was 90% derived from a predecessor product named  ________
        which was written by _______________
        and owned by   _________________.
        which in turn had been cloned from ____________
        written by _______________________
  10. What is a 'killer application'?
  11. What was the killer app for the Apple II?
  12. What was the killer app for the IBM PC?
  13. What was the killer app for the Apple MacIntosh?
  14. Why didn't IBM create their own OS for their 1st PC?
  15. Who 'should have' sold IBM their operating system for the 1st IBM PC?
  16. What was the one part of the 1st IBM PC that was proprietary (that Compaq had to later reverse engineer)?
  17. Why did IBM decide to build the PC using 'open architecture'?
        What was the almost immediate result of IBM having made that decision?
  18. What was IBM's motivation for designing/building PS-2/OS-2?
  19. What person ______________ what company ________________ built the 1st commerically available micro computer in 19____?

    ASSUME:   (the inodes and their content may change on the actual exam)
    that your home directory is root and has associated inode 2.
       that your current directory is your home directory and that it contains
              a data file named your_data
              an executable named a.out
              a subdirectory name sub_dir

  20. Draw a picture starting with inode 2.  Indicate where the content of each file would be.  Where would the executable flag for a.out be?
    (Assume that inode numbers are assigned sequentially) Your picture should include the inode_table, the individual inodes and pointers
    to the actual data.

    Part 2:    Assume that you
    cd sub_dir.
         Using a hard link,

  21. make new_data in the currect directory an alias for the previous your_data
  22. Draw a picture of what now exists

    Part 3:
    mkdir DIR3
       cd DIR3
       code a soft link command that will
              show how to create an entry in DIR3 named PROGRAM which is linked to a.out in the root ln _______________________

  23. Draw a picture of what now exists
  24. List the major items that are stored in a file's inode.

    a blocksize of k/2,
       a file-pointer size of 4 (The blocksize and pointer size may change for the exam).

  25.           What is the theoretical maximum size of a unix file.  Express the answer in terms of KB, MB, GB.  Do NOT convert the final
    answer to base 10.
  26. What is the important different between NT  threads and Solaris user threads?  An NT thread is most like ___________ in Solaris.
  27. NT's virtual addresses are treated as 3 parts.  Make a small drawing of those with labels and simple descriptions.
  28. What in NT roughly corresponds to the Unix inode table.
  29. NTFS files have an 'unnamed attribute data stream'.  What is it or what function does it serve?
  30. What does the following open refer to in NTFS?  open("MyFile:backup", ios::output | ios::create);
  31. What do the letters JCL stand for?
  32. What does //  EXEC PGM=ABCDEF           communicate to the OS

    Given:   //name1 DD DSNAME=name2,DSORG=IS,
                //        (LRECL=100,BLKSIZE=800,RECFM=F),DISP=(OLD,KEEP,DELETE)

  33. What does name2  refer to?
  34. What information is RECFM trying to communicate to the OS
  35. What information is DISP trying to communicate to the OS
  36. What information is LRECL trying to communicate to the OS
  37. What information is BLKSIZE trying to communicate to the OS
  38. Why are there so many files with a record length = 80?
  39. What is the difference between an OS that views a file as a STREAM vs. viewing it as a collection of RECORDS?