Computer Science 153
Introduction to Data Structures
Exam 3 Question Pool
Fall Semester 2000


Be able to implement any of the functions from the Binary Search Tree assignments (#s 10 & 11).

Chapter 9

What is the importance of the stopping case in recursive functions?

Write a recursive function that has one parameter which is a size_t value called x. The function prints x asterisks, followed by x exclamation points. Do NOT use any loops. Do NOT use any variables other than x.

In a single function declaration, what is the maximum number of statements that may be recursive calls?
          A. 1
          B. 2
          C. n (where n is the argument)
          D. There is no fixed maximum

What is the maximum depth of recursive calls a function may make?
          A. 1
          B. 2
          C. n (where n is the argument)
          D. There is no fixed maximum

Consider the following function:
         void super_write_vertical(int number)
         // Postcondition: The digits of the number have been written,
         // stacked vertically.  If number is negative, then a negative
         // sign appears on top.
         // Library facilities used: iostream.h, math.h
             if (number < 0)
                 cout << '-' << endl;
             else if (number < 10)
                 cout << number << endl;
                 cout << number % 10 << endl;
     What values of number are directly handled by the stopping case?
          A. number < 0
          B. number < 10
          C. number >= 0 && number < 10
          D. number > 10

Consider the following function:
         void super_write_vertical(int number)
         // Postcondition: The digits of the number have been written,
         // stacked vertically.  If number is negative, then a negative
         // sign appears on top.
         // Library facilities used: iostream.h, math.h
             if (number < 0)
                 cout << '-' << endl;
             else if (number < 10)
                 cout << number << endl;
                 cout << number % 10 << endl;
     Which call will result in the most recursive calls?
          A. super_write_vertical(-1023)
          B. super_write_vertical(0)
          C. super_write_vertical(100)
          D. super_write_vertical(1023)

Consider this function declaration:
         void quiz(int i)
             if (i > 1)
                 quiz(i / 2);
                 quiz(i / 2);
             cout << "*";
     How many asterisks are printed by the function call quiz(5)?
          A. 3
          B. 4
          C. 7
          D. 8
          E. Some other number

In a real computer, what will happen if you make a recursive call without making the problem smaller?
          A. The operating system detects the infinite recursion because of the "repeated state"
          B. The program keeps running until you press Ctrl-C
          C. The results are nondeterministic
          D. The run-time stack overflows, halting the program

When the compiler compiles your program, how is a recursive call treated differently than a non-recursive function call?
          A. Parameters are all treated as reference arguments
          B. Parameters are all treated as value arguments
          C. There is no duplication of local variables
          D. None of the above

When a function call is executed, which information is not saved in the activation record?
          A. Current depth of recursion.
          B. Formal parameters.
          C. Location where the function should return when done.
          D. Local variables.

Consider the following function:
         void test_a(int n)
            cout << n << " ";
            if (n>0)
     What is printed by the call test_a(4)?
          A. 0 2 4
          B. 0 2
          C. 2 4
          D. 4 2
          E. 4 2 0

Consider the following function:
         void test_b(int n)
            if (n>0)
            cout << n << " ";
     What is printed by the call test_b(4)?
          A. 0 2 4
          B. 0 2
          C. 2 4
          D. 4 2
          E. 4 2 0

Suppose you are exploring a rectangular maze containing 10 rows and 20 columns. What is the maximum depth of recursion that can result if you start at the entrance and call traverse_maze?
          A. 10
          B. 20
          C. 30
          D. 200

What is the relationship between the maximum depth of recursion for traverse_maze and the length of an actual path found from the entrance to the tapestry?
          A. The maximum depth is always less than or equal to the path length.
          B. The maximum depth is always equal to the path length.
          C. The maximum depth is always greater than or equal to the path length.
          D. None of the above relationships are always true.

What technique is often used to prove the correctness of a recursive function?
          A. Communitivity.
          B. Diagonalization.
          C. Mathematical induction.
          D. Matrix Multiplication.

Chapter 10

Here is a small binary tree:

           /  \
          2    11
         / \   / \
        1  3  10  30
              /  /
             7  40
Circle all the leaves. Put a square box around the root. Draw a star around each ancestor of the node that contains 10. Put a  big X through every descendant of the node the contains 10.

Draw a full binary tree with at least 6 nodes.

Draw a complete binary tree with exactly six nodes. Put a different value in each node. Then draw an array  with six components and show where each of the six node values would be placed in the array (using the usual array representation of a complete binary tree).

Write a new struct definition that could be used for a node in a tree where: (1) Each node contains int data,  (2) Each node has up to four children, and (3) Each node also has a pointer to its parent. Store the pointers to the children in an array of four pointers.

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             int data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a function to meet the following specification. Check as much of the precondition as possible. No recursion is needed.

     void subswap(BinaryTreeNode* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a non-empty binary tree.
     // Postcondition: The original left subtree has been moved and is now the right
     // subtree, and the original right subtree is now the left subtree.
     // Example original tree:                                              Example new tree:
     //          1                                 1
     //         / \                               / \
     //        2   3                             3   2
     //       / \                                   / \
     //      4   5                                 4   5

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             int data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a recursive function to meet the following specification. Check as much of the precondition as possible.
     void flip(BinaryTreeNode* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a non-empty binary tree.
     // Postcondition: The tree is now the mirror image of its original value.
     // Example original tree:            Example new tree:
     //          1                                 1
     //         / \                               / \
     //        2   3                             3   2
     //       / \                                   / \
     //      4   5                                 5   4

Here is a small binary tree:
           /  \
          2    11
         / \   / \
        1  3  10  30
              /  /
             7  40
     Write the order of the nodes visited in:
     A. An in-order traversal:
     B. A pre-order traversal:
     C. A post-order traversal:

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             int data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a recursive function to meet the following specification. You do not need to check the precondition.
     void increase(BinaryTreeNode* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary tree.
     // Postcondition: Every node of the tree has had its data increased by one.

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         template <class Item>
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             Item data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a recursive function to meet the following specification. You do not need to check the precondition.
     template <class Item>
     size_t many_nodes(BinaryTreeNode<Item>* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary tree.
     // Postcondition: The return value is the number of nodes in the tree.
     // NOTES: The empty tree has 0 nodes, and a tree with just a root has
     // 1 node.

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         template <class Item>
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             Item data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a recursive function to meet the following specification. You do not need to check the precondition.
     template <class Item>
     int tree_depth(BinaryTreeNode<Item>* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary tree.
     // Postcondition: The return value is the depth of the binary tree.
     // NOTES: The empty tree has a depth of -1 and a tree with just a root
     // has a depth of 0.

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             int data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a function to meet the following specification. You do not need to check the precondition.

     size_t count42(BinaryTreeNode* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary tree (but
     // NOT NECESSARILY a search tree).
     // Postcondition: The return value indicates how many times 42 appears
     // in the tree. NOTE: If the tree is empty, the function returns zero.

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             int data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a function to meet the following specification. You do not need to check the precondition.
     bool has_42(BinaryTreeNode* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary tree (but
     // NOT NECESSARILY a search tree).
     // Postcondition: The return value indicates whether 42 appears somewhere
     // in the tree. NOTE: If the tree is empty, the function returns false.

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             int data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a function to meet the following specification. You do not need to check the precondition.
     bool all_42(BinaryTreeNode* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary tree (but
     // NOT NECESSARILY a search tree).
     // Postcondition: The return value is true if every node in the tree
     // contains 42. NOTE: If the tree is empty, the function returns true.

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             int data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a recursive function to meet the following specification. You do not need to check the precondition.
     int sum_all(BinaryTreeNode* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary tree.
     // Postcondition: The return value is the sum of all the data in all the nodes.
     // NOTES: The return value for the empty tree is zero.

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             int data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a function to meet the following specification. You do not need to check the precondition. Make the function as efficient
     as possible (do not visit nodes unnecessarily):
     size_t count42(BinaryTreeNode* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary SEARCH tree.
     // Postcondition: The return value indicates how many times 42 appears
     // in the tree.

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             int data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a function to meet the following specification. You do not need to check the precondition. Make the function as efficient
     as possible (do not visit nodes unnecessarily):
     int max(BinaryTreeNode* root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a nonempty binary SEARCH
     // tree.
     // Postcondition: The return value is the largest value in the tree.

Consider this BinaryTreeNode definition:
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             int data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
     Write a function to meet the following specification. You do not need to check the precondition.
     void insert_one_42(BinaryTreeNode*& root_ptr)
     // Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary SEARCH tree.
     // Postcondition: One copy of the number 42 has been added to the binary
     // search tree.

      /  \
     2    11
    / \   / \
   1  3  10  30
         /  / 
        7  40

For the tree in the box at the top of this section. How many leaves does it have?
          A. 2
          B. 4
          C. 6
          D. 8
          E. 9

For the tree in the box at the top of this section. How many of the nodes have at least one sibling?
          A. 5
          B. 6
          C. 7
          D. 8
          E. 9

For the tree in the box at the top of this section. What is the value stored in the parent node of the node containing 30?
          A. 10
          B. 11
          C. 14
          D. 40
          E. None of the above

For the tree in the box at the top of this section. How many descendants does the root have?
          A. 0
          B. 2
          C. 4
          D. 8

For the tree in the box at the top of this section. What is the depth of the tree?
          A. 2
          B. 3
          C. 4
          D. 8
          E. 9

For thea tree in the box at the top of this section. How many children does the root have?
          A. 2
          B. 4
          C. 6
          D. 8
          E. 9

Consider the binary tree in the box at the top of this section. Which statement is correct?
          A. The tree is neither complete nor full.
          B. The tree is complete but not full.
          C. The tree is full but not complete.
          D. The tree is both full and complete.

What is the minimum number of nodes in a full binary tree with depth 3?
          A. 3
          B. 4
          C. 8
          D. 11
          E. 15

What is the minimum number of nodes in a complete binary tree with depth 3?
          A. 3
          B. 4
          C. 8
          D. 11
          E. 15

Select the one true statement.
          A. Every binary tree is either complete or full.
          B. Every complete binary tree is also a full binary tree.
          C. Every full binary tree is also a complete binary tree.
          D. No binary tree is both complete and full.

Suppose T is a binary tree with 14 nodes. What is the minimum possible depth of T?
          A. 0
          B. 3
          C. 4
          D. 5

Select the one FALSE statement about binary trees:
          A. Every binary tree has at least one node.
          B. Every non-empty tree has exactly one root node.
          C. Every node has at most two children.
          D. Every non-root node has exactly one parent.

Consider these definitions:
         template <class Item>
         struct BinaryTreeNode
             Item data;
             BinaryTreeNode *left;
             BinaryTreeNode *right;
         BinaryTreeNode *t;
     Which expression indicates that t represents an empty tree?
          A. (t == NULL)
          B. (t->data == 0)
          C. (t->data == NULL)
          D. ((t->left == NULL) && (t->right == NULL))

In how many places does a recursive call usually occur in the implementation of the tree_clear function for a binary tree?
          A. 0
          B. 1
          C. 2

For the tree in the box at the top of this section. What is the order of nodes visited using
     a pre-order traversal?
          A. 1 2 3 7 10 11 14 30 40
          B. 1 2 3 14 7 10 11 40 30
          C. 1 3 2 7 10 40 30 11 14
          D. 14 2 1 3 11 10 7 30 40

For the tree in the box at the top of this section. What is the order of nodes visited using
     an in-order traversal?
          A. 1 2 3 7 10 11 14 30 40
          B. 1 2 3 14 7 10 11 40 30
          C. 1 3 2 7 10 40 30 11 14
          D. 14 2 1 3 11 10 7 30 40

For the tree in the box at the top of this section. What is the order of nodes visited using a post-order traversal?
          A. 1 2 3 7 10 11 14 30 40
          B. 1 2 3 14 7 10 11 40 30
          C. 1 3 2 7 10 40 30 11 14
          D. 14 2 1 3 11 10 7 30 40

  20.Consider this binary search tree:
           /  \
          2    16
         / \
        1   5
     Suppose we remove the root, replacing it with something from the left subtree. What will be the new root?
          A. 1
          B. 2
          C. 4
          D. 5
          E. 16

Given the following sequence if Insert()'s into an empty BST, draw their resulting tree (include the root pointer).
        BST tree;

Using the above tree, perform the following sequence of Delete()'s

        tree.Delete(5); //Draw the resulting tree-

        tree.Delete(10); //Draw the resulting tree-

        tree.Delete(12); //Draw the resulting tree-

Given a BST, indicate which nodes must be visited if a Find(15) were to be executed.

Given a picture of a binary tree, be able to print the tree in any of the following orders: in, pre, post.

Be able to write a function to do any of the following four traversals: in-order, pre-order, post-order.

Describe how a Stack can be used to aid in an in-order traversal.

What is the Big-O for the following operations when issued on a BST: Insert, Find, Delete, In-order Traversal (assume that the
     tree is "balanced").