CS 153 Data Structures I
Program #8
Infix to Postfix to Integer Evaluation

Due Date: October 12, 2000 during your teams scheduled time.  If you would Like to demo your program before Thursday, you can do so by scheduling an appointment with a TA.


Discussion:  The algorithms for converting Infix to Postfix and evaluating a Postfix expression and given in your text Figures 7.12 and 7.10 respectively.  The class CStack that you create should be derived using your CList as the base class.  You may use either public or private inheritance.  In either case, the only public functions that should be available to an instance of CStack should be push(), pop(), top(), empty(), full() and optionally count().

Program Requirements:  Your GUI should contain the following:

Buttons Edit Boxes
Clicking the Convert to Postfix button should cause the equivalent postfix expression to appear in the Postfix box.
Clicking the Evaluate button should cause the answer to appear in the Answer box.

Make sure that every time you call a function you meet the preconditions for that function!
Make sure you have preconditions, post conditions and a one-line description of your program with every function prototype. (in the header file!)
Make sure you comment variables which are not self explanatory.
Make sure you comment logical blocks of code.
Don't comment every line of your code.