CS 153 Data Structures I
Programming Assignment #11
Introductory Binary Search Tree

Due: 11/1/01

This programming assignment is designed to:

In order to meet these goals you must create a VC++ GUI that contains the following items:

Overview of the project:

The Display(..) function will get called from OnButtonInsert.  It must pass the CListBox (since the ListBox belongs to the ...Dlg class and the Display(...) function is a member of the BST class.  The Display()ing activity needs to be recursive so the Display() function will need to call a recursive function named DisplayHelper(). The Display() and DisplayHelper() functions might look like the following.

void BST::Display(CListBox & listing ) 
void BST::DisplayHelper(CListBox & listing, Node * current) 
    char temp[20];                  // used to pass a value to the ListBox 
    if( current == NULL ) return;
    DisplayHelper(listing, current->LC);
		// put the integer in the 'current' node into the listbox
		// process (recur) on the right child of the current node