CS 153 Data Structures I
Programming Assignment #3

Due: 9/5/01

This programming assignment is designed to:

In order to meet these goals you must create a VC++ GUI that contains the following items: Plus the following additional window: The behavior of your program should be as follows: Hints for organizing your code:
Your program should be organized with Bag.h (a new file that you have created) containing the Bag class declaration and Bag.cpp (a new file that you have created) containing the Bag functions definitions:  The following functions should be public
  1. Bag();            //    The constructor. Should initialize m_size
  2. void Insert(int)
  3. bool Find(int)
  4. bool Remove(int)
  5. bool isEmpty()
  6. bool isFull()
  7. void Display(CListBox &)

The following data should be private:

  1. int m_data[10];
  2. int m_size;
The OnBUTTONxx functions should of course be located in the ...Dlg class

    Your OnBUTTON_Insert might look like:

void CProg3Dlg::OnBUTTON_Insert() 
   my_bag.Insert(m_Input);                  // my_bag is a member variable of your ...Dlg class 
                                            // m_Input is the value from you Edit Box
   my_bag.Display(m_OutputListing);         // Discussed below

The Display(..) function will get called from both OnButtonInsert and OnButtonRemove.  It must pass the CListBox (since the ListBox belongs to the ...Dlg class and the Display(...) function is a member of the Bag class.  The Display function might look like the following.

void Bag::Display(CListBox & listing )
     char temp[20];                                // used to pass a value to the ListBox
     for( int i = 0; i < m_size; ++i )
         itoa(m_data[i], temp,10);
Setting up the ListBox

  1. Drag a ListBox to your dialog window
  2. Use properties to Name it and TURN OFF THE SORTED OPTION
  3. Use the class wizard to assign a member variable name (m_OutputListing) to it like you did with the edit box, but the category must be CONTROL
  4. The Display function above shows you how to 'put stuff into the ListBox'