Graduate Student Forms for Master's Degree and PhD Degree and additional information
Academic year 2024/2025
- Oscar Alejandro Chapparro Gtierrez - Columbia
(Weighted multiplication operator on weighted Lebesgue sequence spaces)
MS Thesis Defense on January 28, 2025)
- Rajrani Gupta (Research on fractional difference equations, PhD)
- Bo Bi (Research on math biology, PhD)
- Shabana Tabassum (Research on cancer modeling, Postdoc)
Academic year 2023/2024
- Brayton Link
(The exponential function in discrete fractional calculus under the delta operator, MS Defense on April 18, 2024)
- Mingway Wang
(Hyper b-ary representations of a number, MS Defense on April 16, 2024)
- Mariem Mohamed Abdellahi Mohamed Soultane - Mauretania
(Contributions a la modélisation mathématique:
Résultats d'existence de solutions du modèle
sigmoid Beverton-Holt en time scales, PhD Defense on December 16, 2023)
- Abhishek Kafle
(Comparative study of crypto volatility and price forecasting
using a mixture of time series and machine learning models,
MS committee, MS Defense on April 16, 2024)
- Suheyl Kandil
(On the stability of discrete SIR models in epidemiology,
MS committee, MS Defense on November 7, 2023)
- Rajrani Gupta (Research on fractional difference equations, PhD)
- Bo Bi (Research on math biology, PhD)
- Maryam Asadi - Iran (Visitor)
- Shabana Tabassum - Malaysia
(Research on cancer modeling, PhD)
Academic year 2022/2023
- Hira Ashraf Baig - Pakistan
(Higher order convexity and related dynamic integral estimates on time scales, PhD Defense on August 26, 2022)
- Rajrani Gupta (Research on fractional difference equations, PhD)
- Bo Bi (Research on math biology, PhD)
- Maryam Asadi - Iran (Visitor)
- Brayton Link (Research on math finance, MS)
- Mingway Wang (Research on math finance, MS)
- Tri Truong - Czech Republic
(Research on time scales fuzzy equations, PhD)
- Shabana Tabassum - Malaysia
(Research on cancer modeling, PhD)
Academic year 2021/2022
- Nagham Al Qubbanchee
(Continuous and discrete models for optimal harvesting in fisheries, MS Thesis Defense on December 16, 2021)
- Ewa Skrzypek - Poland
(Dirichlet problems with p(t)-Laplacian on a bounded time scale, PhD Thesis Defense on June 13, 2022)
- Khaled Hariz Belgacem - France
(High-order embedding formalism, Noether's theorem on time
scales and Eringen's nonlocal elastica, PhD Thesis Defense on July 8, 2022)
- Sarah Khan (Research on fractional equations, PhD)
- Rajrani Gupta (Research on fractional difference equations, PhD)
- Bo Bi (PhD)
- Ayca Cetinkaya (Postdoc)
Academic year 2020/2021
- Ioan-Lucian Popa - Romania (Time-varying linear systems: Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Habilitation Thesis Defense February 19, 2021) (Program)
- Sarah Khan (Research on fractional equations, PhD)
- Rajrani Gupta (Research on fractional equations, PhD)
- Nagham Al Qubbanchee (Research on optimization, MS)
Academic year 2019/2020
- Churong Chen (Research on fractional equations, PhD)
- Emin Beso (Research on rational difference equations, PhD)
- Nagham Al Qubbanchee (Research on optimization, MS)
Academic year 2018/2019
- Pei Yong (Research on complex networks, Postdoc)
- Churong Chen (Research on fractional equations, PhD)
- Emin Beso (Research on rational difference equations, PhD)
- Nagham Al Qubbanchee (Research on optimization, MS)
Academic year 2017/2018
Academic year 2016/2017
Academic year 2015/2016
- Johannes Ruppert (Pricing of geometric Asian options in general affine stochastic volatility models, MS Thesis Defense March 16, 2016)
Senior Quantitative Analyst, Firstwaters
- Tom Cuchta (Discrete analogues of some classical special functions, PhD Thesis Defense October 28, 2015)
Assistant Professor, Marshall University, Huntington, WV
- Sabrina Streipert (Research on math biology, Postdoc)
- Rasheed Al-Salih (Research on optimal programming, PhD)
Academic year 2014/2015
- Sabrina Streipert (Discrete and dynamic population models with logistic growth rate, PhD Thesis Defense April 8, 2015)
Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
- Nasrin Sultana (Volterra difference equations, PhD Thesis Defense April 7, 2015)
Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Dallas, TX
- Tom Cuchta (Research on special functions, PhD)
Academic year 2013/2014
- Mazen Ali (Adaptive wavelet discretization of tensor products in H-Tucker format, MS Thesis Defense May 2, 2014)
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics, Germany
- Nasrin Sultana (Research on Volterra equations, PhD)
- Tom Cuchta (Research on special functions, PhD)
- Sabrina Streipert (Research on math biology and finance, PhD)
- Yelda Aygar (Research on Jost solutions of quantum difference equations, Postdoc)
Academic year 2012/2013
- Rotchana Chieochan (Periodic q-difference equations, PhD Thesis Defense April 26, 2012)
Lecturer, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
- Julius Heim (Economics and finance on time scales, PhD Thesis Defense April 27, 2012)
VP of Data Science at Experian, Overland Park, KS
- Sabrina Streipert (Abel dynamic equations of the first and the second kind, MS Thesis Defense April 23, 2012)
- Nasrin Sultana (Research on Volterra equations, PhD)
- Tom Cuchta (Research on special functions, PhD)
- Ali Akgül (Research on numerical analysis, PhD)
Academic year 2011/2012
- Thomas Matthews (Probability theory on time scales and applications to finance and inequalities, PhD Thesis Defense November 7, 2011)
- Rotchana Chieochan (Research on Hamiltonian systems, PhD)
- Julius Heim (Research on mathematical economics, PhD)
- Nasrin Sultana (Research on Volterra equations, PhD)
- Asitha Edirisinghe (PhD committee, thesis defended on November 2, 2011)
Academic year 2010/2011
- Rui Ferreira (Calculus of variations on time scales and discrete fractional calculus, PhD Thesis Defense July 26, 2010)
- Mathias Göggel (Closed-form solutions to portfolio optimization problems on isolated time scales, Diplomarbeit, Universität Ulm, November 29, 2010)
- Thomas Matthews (Research on financial mathematics, PhD)
- Rotchana Chieochan (Research on Hamiltonian systems, PhD)
- Julius Heim (Research on mathematical economics, PhD)
- Nathan Harl (PhD committee, aerospace engineering, out-of-department member, thesis defended on November 2, 2010)
Academic year 2009/2010
- Mathias Göggel (Closed form solutions to discrete-time portfolio optimization problems, MS Thesis Defense May 6, 2010)
- Keara Wright (Research on gas flow, MS)
- Howard Warth (Research on mathematical biology, PhD)
- Thomas Matthews (Research on financial mathematics, PhD)
- Rotchana Chieochan (Research on Hamiltonian systems, PhD)
- Julius Heim (Research on mathematical economics, PhD)
- Rui Ferreira (Research on calculus of variations, PhD)
Academic year 2008/2009
- Karl Ulrich (The analogue of the iterated logarithm for quantum difference equations, MS Thesis Defense May 1, 2009)
- Nick Wintz (The Kalman filter on time scales, PhD Thesis Defense June 1, 2009)
Associate Professor, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO
- Howard Warth (Research on mathematical biology, PhD)
- Thomas Matthews (Research on financial mathematics, PhD)
- Rotchana Chieochan (Research on Hamiltonian systems, PhD)
- Julius Heim (Research on mathematical economics, PhD)
- Rui Ferreira (Research on calculus of variations, PhD)
Academic year 2007/2008
- Julius Heim (The dynamic multiplier-accelerator model in economics, MS Thesis Defense May 12, 2008)
- Christian Keller (Dynamic equations with piecewise continuous argument, MS Thesis Defense May 12, 2008)
- Suman Sanyal (Stochastic dynamic equations, PhD Thesis Defense December 7, 2007)
Associate Professor, Goa Institute of Management, India
- Howard Warth (Research on mathematical biology, PhD)
- Nick Wintz (Research on control theory, PhD)
- Reg Brigham (Research on PDE, PhD)
- Thomas Matthews (Research on financial mathematics, PhD)
Academic year 2006/2007
- Thomas Matthews (Ostrowski and Gruess inequalities on time scales, MS Thesis Defense May 9, 2007)
- Christian Müttel (The Black-Scholes equation in quantum calculus, MS Thesis Defense May 9, 2007)
- Suman Sanyal (Research on stochastic dynamic equations, PhD)
- Howard Warth (Research on mathematical biology, PhD)
- Nick Wintz (Research on control theory, PhD)
- Reg Brigham (Research on PDE, PhD)
Academic year 2005/2006
- Nick Wintz (Research on control theory, PhD)
- Suman Sanyal (Research on stochastic dynamic equations, PhD)
- Howard Warth (Research on mathematical biology, PhD)
- Thomas Hudson (Research on partial q-difference equations, OURE)
- Adam Panagos (PhD committee, electrical engineering, out-of-department member, thesis defended on March 13, 2006) Pic
- Christopher Nnadili (M.S. committee, mechanical engineering, out-of-department member, thesis defended on November 17, 2005)
Academic year 2004/2005
- Ahmed Usman (Research on q-difference equations, M.S.)
- Suman Sanyal (Research on stochastic dynamic equations, PhD)
- Howard Warth (Research on mathematical biology, PhD)
- Alexej Kytmanov (PhD committee, thesis defended in May 2005)
Academic year 2003/2004
- Ahmed Usman (Research, PhD)
- Suman Sanyal (Research, PhD)
- Howard Warth (Chair of Committee for Master of Science Comprehensive Exam)
- Jun Zhou (PhD committee, engineering, out-of-department member, thesis defended on August 22, 2003)
Academic year 2002/2003
- Dirk Rohmeder (Completed MS degree, second member of the committee, thesis defended April 15, 2003)
- Todd Sparks (Completed MS degree, engineering, out-of-department member of the committee, thesis defended April 16, 2003)
- Ahmed Usman (Graduate Student Seminar, supervised talk)
- Howard Warth (Graduate Student Seminar, supervised talk)
- Sabrina Campbell (Graduate Student Seminar, supervised talk)
Academic year 2001/2002
- Changlin Sun (PhD committee, engineering, out-of-department member, thesis defended on July 23, 2001)
- Donald Myers (Completed BA degree, assigned faculty advisor)
- Bob Metzger (PhD committee, External Member, Technical University Ilmenau, Germany, thesis defended on November 28, 2001)
Academic year 2000/2001
- Fanlin Zhu (PhD committee, engineering, out-of-department member, thesis defended on April 23, 2001)
- Wenhai Zhang (PhD committee, engineering, out-of-department member, thesis defended on April 26, 2001)
- Donald Myers (assigned faculty advisor)
Academic year 1999/2000
- Cannon Watts (Completed MS degree, Chair of Committee for Master of Science Comprehensive Exam)
- Ben Meyer (MS degree in Aerospace Engineering, out-of-department member, thesis defended in May 2000)
- Christina Morian (PhD committee, External Member, University of Missouri-Columbia, thesis defended on March 17, 2000)
Academic year 1999/2000
- Cannon Watts (assigned faculty advisor)