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Ladislav Adamec | Masaryk University Brno | CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic | adamec@math.muni.cz |
Murat Adivar | Fayetteville State University | Fayetteville, NC, USA | murat.adivar@gmail.com |
Ravi Agarwal | Florida Institute of Technology | Melbourne, FL 32901-6975 | agarwal@fit.edu |
Calvin Ahlbrandt | University of Missouri-Columbia | Columbia, MO 65211 | calvin@fourier.math.missouri.edu |
Elvan Akin-Bohner | Missouri S&T | Rolla, MO 65409-0020 | akine@mst.edu |
Douglas Anderson | Concordia College | Moorhead, MN 56562 | andersod@cord.edu |
Ferhan Atici | University of Western Kentucky | Bowling Green, KY 42101 | ferhan.atici@wku.edu |
Bernd Aulbach | Universität Augsburg | D-86135 Augsburg, Germany | bernd.aulbach@math.uni-augsburg.de |
Richard Avery | Dakota State University | Madison, SD 57042 | averyr@pluto.dsu.edu |
Li Bi | Northeast Normal University | 130024 Changchun, Jilin, China | mfan@nenu.edu.cn |
Daniel Biles | University of Western Kentucky | Bowling Green, KY 42101 | daniel.biles@wku.edu |
Sigrun Bodine | University of Puget Sound | Tacoma, WA 98416 | sbodine@ups.edu |
Martin Bohner | Missouri S&T | Rolla, MO 65401 | bohner@mst.edu |
Clayton Brooks | Marshall University | Huntington, WV 25755 | brooksc@marshall.edu |
Bobbi Buchholz | Huntington University | Huntington, IN 46750 | bbuchholz@huntington.edu |
Alberto Cabada | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela | Santiago de Compostela, Spain | cabada@usc.es |
Ali Caliskan | Ege University | Izmir, Turkey | ali.caliskan@ege.edu.tr |
Jose Castillo | San Diego State University | San Diego, CA 92182-7720 | castillo@myth.sdsu.edu |
Chuan Jen Chyan | Tamkang University | Taipeh, Taiwan | chuanjen@mail.tku.edu.tw |
Jan Cieslinski | University of Bialystok | 15-424 Bialystok, Poland | jancieslinski@gmail.com |
Zbigniew Bartosiewicz | Bialystok University of Technology | Bialystok, Poland | z.bartosiewicz@pb.edu.pl |
Stephen Clark | Missouri S&T | Rolla, MO 65401 | sclark@mst.edu |
Valerie Cormani | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Lincoln, NE 68588-0323 | vcormani@math.unl.edu |
Fordyce Davidson | University of Dundee | Dundee DD1 4HN, Scotland | fdavidso@maths.dundee.ac.uk |
John Davis | Baylor University | Waco, TX 76798 | John_M_Davis@baylor.edu |
Abdulkadir Dogan | Nigde University | Nigde, Turkey | adogan@nigde.edu.tr |
Zuzana Dosla | Masaryk University Brno | CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic | dosla@math.muni.cz |
Ondrej Dosly | Masaryk University Brno | CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic | dosly@math.muni.cz |
Zahia Drici | Illinois Wesleyan University | Bloomington, IL 61702 | zdrici@sun.iwu.edu |
Paul Eloe | University of Dayton | Dayton, OH 45469-2316 | Paul.Eloe@notes.udayton.edu |
Lynn Erbe | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Lincoln, NE 68588-0323 | lerbe@math.unl.edu |
Norah Esty | Stonehill College | Easton, MA 02357 | nesty@stonehill.edu |
Meng Fan | Northeast Normal University | 130024 Changchun, Jilin, China | mfan@nenu.edu.cn |
Rui Ferreira | Lusophone University | Lisbon, Portugal | ruiacferreira@ua.pt |
Thomas Gard | University of Georgia | Athens, GA 30602-7403 | tgard@uga.edu |
Ewa Girejko | Bialystok University of Technology | Bialystok, Poland | e.girejko@pb.edu.pl |
Gusein Guseinov | Atilim University | Incek/Ankara, Turkey | guseinov@atilim.edu.tr |
Brian Haile | Northwest Missouri State University | Maryville, MO 64468 | bhaile@mail.nwmissouri.edu |
Leon Hall | Missouri S&T | Rolla, MO 65401 | lmhall@mst.edu |
Johnny Henderson | Baylor University | Waco, TX 76798 | Johnny_Henderson@baylor.edu |
Roger Hering | Missouri S&T | Rolla, MO 65401 | rhering@mst.edu |
Stefan Hilger | Katholische Universität Eichstätt | D-85071 Eichstätt, Germany | stefan.hilger@ku-eichstaett.de |
Joan Hoffacker | Clemson University | Clemson, SC 29634-0975 | johoff@clemson.edu |
Gro Hovhannisyan | Kent State University | Canton, OH 44720 | ghovhannisyan@stark.kent.edu |
Billy Jackson | Baylor University | Waco, TX 76798 | b_jackson@baylor.edu |
Ilkay Karaca | Ege University | Bornova/Izmir, Turkey | yaslan@sci.ege.edu.tr |
Eric Kaufmann | University of Arkansas | Little Rock, AR 72204-1099 | erkaufmann@ualr.edu |
Basak Karpuz | Dokuz Eylul University | Izmir, Turkey | bkarpuz@gmail.com |
Billur Kaymakcalan | Cankaya University | Ankara, Turkey | billur@cankaya.edu.tr |
Tomas Kisela | Brno University of Technology | Brno, Czech Republic | kisela@fme.vutbr.cz |
Peter Kloeden | Universität Frankfurt | D-60054 Frankfurt a.M., Germany | kloeden@math.uni-frankfurt.de |
Nickolai Kosmatov | University of Arkansas | Little Rock, AR 72204-1099 | nxkosmatov@ualr.edu |
Robert Krueger | Concordia University | St. Paul, MN 55104 | rkrueger@csp.edu |
Hatice Kusak Samanci | Bitlis Eren University | Bitlis, Turkey | hkusak@beu.edu.tr |
V. Lakshmikantham | Florida Institute of Technology | Melbourne, FL 32901-6975 | lakshmik@fit.edu |
Bonita Lawrence | Marshall University | Huntington, WV 25755 | lawrence@marshall.edu |
Srinivasa Leela | State University of New York, Geneseo | Geneseo, NY 14454 | leela@uno.cc.geneseo.edu |
Wan-Tong Li | Lanzhou University | 730000 Lanzhou, Gansu, China | wtli@lzu.edu.cn |
Hua Luo | Northwest Normal University | 730070 Lanzhou, Gansu, China | luohua@nwnu.edu.cn |
Donald Lutz | San Diego State University | San Diego, CA 92182-7720 | lutz@saturn.sdsu.edu |
Ruyun Ma | Northwest Normal University | 730070 Lanzhou, Gansu, China | mary@nwnu.edu.cn |
Agnieszka B. Malinowska | Bialystok University of Technology | Bialystok, Poland | a.malinowska@pb.edu.pl |
Natalia Martins | Universidade de Aveiro | Aveiro, Portugal | natalia@ua.pt |
Ronald Mathsen | North Dakota State University | Fargo, ND 58105-5075 | Ronald_Mathsen@ndsu.nodak.edu |
Raziye Mert | Cankaya University | Ankara, Turkey | raziyemert@cankaya.edu.tr |
Kirsten Messer | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Lincoln, NE 68588-0323 | kmesser@math.unl.edu |
Christina Morian | Lincoln University | Jefferson City, MO 65101 | morianc@lincolnu.edu |
Dorota Mozyrska | Bialystok University of Technology | Bialystok, Poland | d.mozyrska@pb.edu.pl |
K.N. Murty | Georgia Southern University | Statesboro, GA 30460 | nkanuri@gasou.edu |
Ludwig Neidhart | Universität Augsburg | D-86135 Augsburg, Germany | Ludwig.Neidhart@gmx.de |
Ralph Oberste-Vorth | Marshall University | Huntington, WV 25755 | oberstevorth@marshall.edu |
Donal O'Regan | National University of Ireland | Galway, Ireland | donal.oregan@nuigalway.ie |
Emin Özyilmaz | Ege University | Bornova/Izmir, Turkey | eminozyilmaz@hotmail.com |
Deepak B. Pachpatte | S.B.E.S. Science College | Aurangabad, India | pachpatte@gmail.com |
Ewa Pawluszewicz | Bialystok University of Technology | Bialystok, Poland | e.pawluszewicz@pb.edu.pl |
Allan Peterson | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Lincoln, NE 68588-0323 | apeterso@math.unl.edu |
Srdjan Petrovic | Western Michigan University | Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5248 | petrovic@wmich.edu |
Zdenek Pospisil | Masaryk University Brno | CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic | pospisil@math.muni.cz |
Christian Pötzsche | Universität Augsburg | D-86135 Augsburg, Germany | christian.poetzsche@math.uni-augsburg.de |
K. Rajendra Prasad | Andhra University | Visakhapatnam - 530 003, India | rajendra92@rediffmail.com |
Yousseff Raffoul | University of Dayton | Dayton, OH 45469-2316 | youssef.raffoul@notes.udayton.edu |
Pavel Rehak | Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) | CZ-61662 Brno, Czech Republic | rehak@math.cas.cz |
Denise Reid | Valdosta State University | Valdosta, GA 31698 | dtreid@valdosta.edu |
Jerry Ridenhour | University of Northern Iowa | Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0506 | jerry.ridenhour@uni.edu |
Andreas Ruffing | Technische Universität München | D-85747 Garching, Germany | ruffing@ma.tum.de |
Bryan Rynne | Heriot-Watt University | Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scottland | B.P.Rynne@ma.hw.ac.uk |
Yeter Sahiner | Atilim University | Incek/Ankara, Turkey | ysahiner@atilim.edu.tr |
Samir Saker | Mansoura University | Mansoura, Egypt | shsaker@mans.edu.eg |
M. Sambandham | Morehouse College | Atlanta, GA 30314 | msamband@morehouse.edu |
Qin Sheng | Baylor University | Waco, TX 76798 | Qin_Sheng@baylor.edu |
Moulay Rchid Sidi Ammi | Moulay Ismail University | Errachidia, Morocco | sidiammi@ua.pt |
Stefan Siegmund | Universität Frankfurt | D-60325 Frankfurt, Germany | siegmund@math.uni-frankfurt.de |
Moritz Simon | Technische Universität München | D-85747 Garching, Germany | moritz.simon@gsf.de |
Roman Simon Hilscher | Masaryk University Brno | CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic | hilscher@math.muni.cz |
S. Sivasundaram | Embry-Riddle University | Daytona Beach, FL 32114 | siva@erau.edu |
Ioannis Stavroulakis | University of Ioannina | 45110 Ioannina, Greece | ipstav@cc.uoi.gr |
Petr Stehlik | University of West Bohemia | 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic | pstehlik@kma.zcu.cz |
Stevo Stevic | Serbian Academy of Science | 11000 Beograd, Serbia | sstevic@ptt.rs |
Gnana Bhaskar Tenali | Florida Institute of Technology | Melbourne, FL 32901-6975 | gtenali@fit.edu |
Christopher Tisdell | University of New South Wales | Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia | cct@maths.unsw.edu.au |
Diana Thomas | Montclair State University | Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 | thomasdia@mail.montclair.edu |
Bevan Thompson | University of Queensland | Brisbane, Australia | hbt@maths.uq.edu.au |
Serap Topal | Ege University | Bornova/Izmir, Turkey | f.serap.topal@ege.edu.tr |
Delfim Torres | Universidade de Aveiro | Aveiro, Portugal | delfim@ua.pt |
Ünal Ufuktepe | Izmir University of Economics | Balcova/Izmir, Turkey | unal.ufuktepe@ieu.edu.tr |
Mehmet Ünal | Bahcesehir University | 34538 Bahcesehir/Istanbul, Turkey | munal@bahcesehir.edu.tr |
Aghalaya Vatsala | University of Louisiana-Lafayette | Lafayette, LA 70504-1010 | vatsala@louisiana.edu |
Tammy Voepel | Southern Illinois University | Edwardsville, IL 62026 | tvoepel@siue.edu |
Howard Warth | Missouri S&T | Rolla, MO 65401 | hlw6c2@mst.edu |
Fabian Wirth | Universität Bremen | D-28334 Bremen, Germany | fabian@math.uni-bremen.de |
Patricia Wong | Nanjang Technological University | Singapore 259756, Singapore | EJYWong@ntu.edu.sg |
William Yin | LaGrange College | LaGrange, GA 30240 | wyin@lagrange.edu |
Agacik Zafer | Middle East Technical University | 06531 Ankara, Turkey | zafer@math.metu.edu.tr |
Vera Zeidan | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI 48824-1027 | zeidan@math.msu.edu |
Petr Zemanek | Masaryk University Brno | CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic | zemanek@math.muni.cz |
Jimin Zhang | Northeast Normal University | 130024 Changchun, Jilin, China | mfan@nenu.edu.cn |
Zhi-Qian Zhu | Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University | 510665 Guangzhou, China | z3825@yahoo.com.cn |
This list contains people who have done research in the area of time scales or, more general, measure chains. If you want to be included in this list (prerequisite: to have at least one research article in the area of measure chains) or if you find some information given on this list is incorrect, please contact Martin Bohner.