Implementation of E-ticket
validation protocol Algorithm in Mobile and Adhoc Environment
Jan 2004 – Present
Currently, I am working on Implementation of E-Ticket
Validation for Mobile clients.
In wireless communication secure and reliable communication
the backbone. In mobile environment continuous, uninterrupted
communication is difficult to maintain. E-ticket is
an internet service, provided to the customer, like
traditional ticket-issuing service. Validation of
these issued E-tickets is a problem in terms that
user can not be trusted and malfunctioning of servers
(Validation agents). These problems become more severe
in mobile computing environment because of several
constraints like possible disconnections and free
movements by Mobile Host (user) and also Mobile Host
can be untrustful.
Objective of my project is to figure out Real-Time
problems during the implementation of algorithm presented
by T. Suman Kumar Reddy, Hrushikesha Mohanty, R.K.
Ghosh, Sanjay Madria ”Two Distributed Algorithm
for E-Ticket Validation protocols for mobile clients”,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
E-Commerce (CEC’03) in Network Simulator (NS-2)
environment and a comparative study of the behavior
of network on the basis of being connection-oriented,
Wireless or Adhoc on the basis of several factors
like power, bandwidth, resources etc.
Network Simulator: NS2
Language: C++, OTcl and Tcl.
Visual Tools: XGraph and NAM.
Dr. Sanjay Madria
Abhishek Tripathi