Education & Training


West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

Ph.D. in Engineering, 1986
Major: Engineering of Mines; Minor: Operations Research/Statistics
Exxon Fellowship

M.S. in Engineering of Mines, 1981
(Worked full time in coal industry concurrently)

B.S. in Engineering of Mines, 1978
(Magna Cum Laude, Old Timers’ Award; worked full time in coal
industry concurrently)

California University, California, PA

B.A. in Mathematics, 1974
(Summa Cum Laude, F.E. Atkins Mathematics Award; tutored 30 hours
per week)


Rock Mechanics Short Course, NIOSH Spokane Research Laboratory, 2000, a one-day formal course.

Basic Project Officer, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1999, a four-day formal course.

Management Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Graduate School, 1999, a five-day formal course.

Bleeder and Gob Ventilation Systems, 1995, a three-day short course held at the National Mine Health and Safety Academy (as a critical reviewer and evaluator).

Total Quality Management, 1992, a one-week short course for West Virginia University TQM Steering Committee members presented by the Director and staff of the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies and Development.

Managing for Productivity, 1982, a one-week leadership short course for J&L Steel Corporation managers presented by George Labovitz, a Harvard management professor.

Roof Control Specialist, 1978, a four-day short course held at the National Mine Health and Safety Academy.


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Site updated 7/17/06