International Activities

* Interacted with Xi’an University of Science & Technology, Central South University, and China University of Mining & Technology as well as several government agencies on mine health and safety and academic exchanges, 2004

* Interacted with University of Botswana for a 2+2 exchange program leading to a B.S. in Mining Engineering, 2004

* Invited keynote speaker at the South Africa Mine Health and Safety Biannual Review of progress on new mining regulations, 2001

* Presented a two-day short course on underground coal mining to CEMEX in Monterey, Mexico, focusing on a new acquisition in Sabina, Mexico; made a follow-up visit to the mine, giving a technical report on findings with recommendations.

* Member, International Committee for Coal Research, for NIOSH; meetings held annually across the world to coordinate coal research among member nations, 1998-2000.

* Presented lectures at seminars and short courses to ten coal industry delegations visiting West Virginia University from China, Poland, Siberia, and Ukraine: 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996.

* Attained funding through Partners in Economic Reform to effect a research and education exchange of one professor and two graduate students from Donetsk State Technical University, Ukraine, for five months in 1994.

* Presented lectures at two seminars held by coal associations in the Kuzbass coal region of Russia in 1994: topics included an overview of the U.S. coal industry, coal enterprise management and structure, incentive/bonus plans, and criteria for obtaining loans with western banks.

* Negotiated an agreement with the Department of Science, Technology and Education of the Chinese coal ministry in 1994 to govern the training, technology transfer and research activities between the College and organizations designated by them, including the National Safety Training Center and the Beijing Coal Mining Management Institute.

* Presented lectures on the following topics at the institutions designated while on a professional exchange trip to China (May 19 - June 1, 1993):

1. The Mine Management Support System, at Beijing Coal Mining Management Institute and at North China Mining College/National
Safety Training Center;

2. Overview of the U. S. Coal Industry, at Beijing Coal Mining Management Institute;

3. The Use of Computers and Software in the U. S. Coal Industry, at Beijing Coal Mining Management Institute;

4. Integrated Production and Cost Management, at Beijing Coal Mine Management Institute;

5. The Application of Ventilation Network Analysis in the U. S. Coal Industry, at National Safety Training Center/North China Mining College;

6. The Status and Future of U.S. Mining Schools, at National Safety Training Center/North China Mining College.

* Invited expert participant in the U.S.-Ukraine Seminar on Coal Regions of the World, Truskavetts, Ukraine, in 1992.

* Invited expert participant in the Indo-U.S. Symposium and Roundtable on Computers in the Mineral Industry, Dhanbad, India, in 1991.

* Visited underground coal mines in Australia, China, India, Siberia, and Ukraine.


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