Chapter 4 - Design Concepts
Course objective: To understand the difference between applied loads and allowable loads and how to calculate (or apply) factor of safety.
Learning objectives:
- Recognize the difference between applied loads and allowable loads (1.05).
- Apply the concept of factor-of-safety to problems from chapters 1-3.
- Sum moments around one axis (1.07).
- Sum forces and moments (0.97).
- Calculate stresses (1.03).
- Sum forces and moments and calculate stresses (0.94).
- Compare answers from different loading scenarios and select the best/safest answer (0.98).
The values in orange represent quiz performance. One represents average. Values greater than one represent easier topics. Values less than one represent harder topics.
Concepts (9 minutes)
1. design issues video notes - construction mistakes notes - Pittsburgh pin connections notes - logging equipment notes - boat traffic notes - bridge rod snaps notes - bridge hunter notes 2. allowable stresses and loads video notes 3. homework solution steps video notes 4. homework strategies video Problems (27 minutes)
assigned 3e 2e 1e aids WP format safety
factors-- 04.001 04.001 04.001 -- -- -- -- -- 04.002* 04.002 strategy solution -- yes 04.002 -- -- -- -- TENU yes 04.003 04.003* 04.003 video solution TENU -- -- 04.004* 04.004 video solution -- yes 04.004 -- -- -- -- TENU -- 04.005 04.005* 04.005 strategy solution TENU yes 04.006 04.006* 04.006 strategy solution GO -- -- 04.007* 04.007 -- solution -- yes 04.007 -- -- -- -- TENU yes 04.008 04.008 04.008 strategy solution TENU -- 04.009 04.009* 04.009 strategy solution -- yes -- 04.010* 04.010 video solution GO B14 -- 04.010 -- -- -- -- TENU -- -- 04.011* 04.011 strategy solution TENU B15 yes -- 04.012* 04.012 strategy solution TENU B16 -- 04.011 04.013* 04.013 -- -- -- -- -- -- 04.014 video solution -- -- 04.012 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04.014 -- -- -- TENU B 17 -- 04.013 04.015 -- -- -- TENU -- 04.014 04.016 04.015 -- solution TENU -- 04.015 04.017+ 04.016 strategy solution TENU -- 04.016 04.018 04.017 -- -- TENU LRFD -- 04.017 04.019 04.018 -- solution -- -- 04.018 04.020 04.019 -- -- -- -- 04.019 04.021 04.020 -- solution -- -- 04.020 04.022 04.021 -- -- -- * numbers changed between first and second editions
+ problem statement changed between first and second editions