What is Learning?



There are essential minimal conditions for cultivating educated minds.

All of the traditional content areas of schools may be, but typically are not, taught so as to conduce to those standards, abilities, traits.


B6 - create
B5 - optimize
B4 - compare
B3 - calculate - 100% of incoming S&T freshman have trouble with Apply skill (they are not taught in K-12)
B2 - paraphrase - 60% of incoming S&T freshman have trouble with Understand skill
B1 - read - 20% of incoming S&T freshman have trouble with Remember skill


Everyone must cultivate the skills and dispositions of the critical mind within their minds, using their own thinking.

One person can influence another, finally, only with the cooperation of that other.

And from the inside of your own mind, your own thinking usually appears to be damned good, and not really in need of change.


Cognitively passive learning behaviors Cognitively active learning behaviors 
  • I previewed the reading before class.
  • I came to class.
  • I read the assigned text.
  • I reviewed my class notes.
  • I rewrote my notes.
  • I made index cards.
  • I highlighted the text.
  • I looked up information.
  • I asked a classmate or tutor to explain the material to me.
  • I asked myself: “How does it work?” and “Why does it work this way?”
  • I drew my own flowcharts or diagrams.
  • I broke down complex processes step-by-step.
  • I wrote my own study questions.
  • I reorganized the class information.
  • I compared and contrasted.
  • I fit all the facts into a bigger picture.
  • I tried to figure out the answer before looking it up.
  • I closed my notes and tested how much I remembered.
  • I asked myself: “How are individual steps connected?” and “Why are they connected?”
  • I drew and labeled diagrams from memory and figured out missing pieces. 
  • I asked myself: “How does this impact my life?” and “What does it tell me about my body?” 
  • I used Bloom’s taxonomy to write my own study questions
Multiple-Choice Exams: An Obstacle for Higher-Level Thinking in Introductory Science Classes, by Kathrin F. Stanger-Hall, CBE—Life Sciences, Education Vol. 11, 294–306, Fall 2012