Introduction to Stress
- Statics
- summation
of forces (1.1)
- one direction
- two directions
- summation of moments (1.2)
- Normal Stress
- Shear Stress (1.5)
- bolts and pins
- single shear
- double shear
- glued joints
- punch
- Bearing Stress (1.6)
- flat surfaces
- curved surfaces
Introduction to Strain
- Normal Strain
- bar (2.1)
- bar with gap (2.2)
- pinned bar (2.3)
- pinned bar with gap (2.4)
- Shear Strain (2.5)
- Thermal Strain (2.6)
Mechanical Properties of Materials
- Tension Test
- Stress-Strain Diagram
- Young's modulus (3.4)
- proportional limit (3.5)
- yield strength (3.6)
- ultimate strength (3.7)
- fracture strength (3.8)
- true fracture strength (3.9)
- Hooke's Law (3.1)
- Poisson's Ratio (3.2)
- Shear Modulus (3.3)
Design Concepts
- Statics
- summation
of forces
- one direction (4.1, 5.1)
- two directions (4.2, 5.2)
- summation of moments (4.3, 5.3)
- summation of forces and moments (4.4, 5.4)
- Types of Loads
- Safety and Safety Factors
- Allowable Stress Design
- stresses (4.6)
- statics + stresses (4.7)
- stress + choose best answer (4.8)
- statics + stresses + choose best answer (4.9)
- tricky/incomplete problems (4.10)
- Load and Resistance Factor Design
Axial Deformation
- Statics
- summation
of forces
- one direction (5.1)
- two directions (5.2)
- summation of moments (5.3)
- summation of forces and moments (5.4)
- exam 1 topics (5.5)
- factor of safety: choose best answer (5.6)
- factor of safety: stress (5.7)
- factor of safety: statics + stress (5.8)
- Deformation of Axially Loaded Members
- NL/EA (5.9)
- NL/EA + statics (5.10)
- Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Members
- NL/EA coaxial (5.11)
- NL/EA end-to-end (5.12)
- NL/EA rotating bar (5.13)
- NL/EA rotating bar with gap (5.14)
- NL/EA rotating bar with opposing members (5.15)
- NL/EA rotating bar with no pin (floating) (5.16)
- Thermal Effects on Deformations and Stresses
- free thermal expansion (5.17)
- indeterminate thermal
- coaxial (5.18)
- end-to-end
- one material (5.19)
- two materials (5.20)
- three materials (5.21)
- rotating bar (5.22)
- rotating bar with opposing members (5.23)
- tricky/incomplete problems (5.24)
Torsion of Circular Bars
- Statics
- summation of moments (6.1)
- Torsional Shear Stress and Strain
- tau (6.2)
- summation of moments + tau (6.3)
- Torsional Deformations
- phi (6.4)
- summation of moments + phi (6.5)
- logic: shear-stress & angle-of-twist limits (6.6)
- Gears in Torsion Assemblies
- summation of moments + gears (6.7)
- summation of moments + gears + tau (6.8)
- summation of moments + gears + phi (6.9)
- Power Transmission
- power + gears (6.10)
- power + tau (6.11)
- power + phi (6.12)
- summation of moments + power + tau (6.13)
- summation of moments + power + phi (6.14)
- Statically Indeterminate Torsion
- concentric (6.15)
- end-to-end (6.16)
- gears (6.17)
- tricky/incomplete problems (6.18)
Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams
- find ground reactions
- simply-supported
- one side (7.1)
- both sides (7.2)
- cantilever (7.3)
- draw V diagram
- simply-supported (7.4)
- cantilever (7.5)
- find maximum V
- simply-supported (7.6)
- cantilever (7.7)
- find maximum V location
- simply-supported (7.8)
- cantilever (7.9)
- find V at particular location
- simply-supported (7.10)
- cantilever (7.11)
- draw M diagram
- simply-supported (7.12)
- cantilever (7.13)
- find maximum M
- simply-supported (7.14)
- cantilever (7.15)
- find maximum M location
- simply-supported (7.16)
- cantilever (7.17)
- find M at particular location
- simply-supported (7.18)
- cantilever (7.19)
- tricky/incomplete problems (7.20)
Bending of Beams
- Curvature (8.1)
- Centroids (8.2)
- Moments of Inertia (8.3)
- Flexure Stress and Strains
- controlling section
modulus (8.4)
- normal stress
symmetric beam (8.5)
non-symmetric beam (8.6)
- V&M
simply-supported beam (8.7)
cantilever beam (8.8)
simply-supported shaft (8.9)
simply-supported shaft, design (8.10)
cantilever beam, beam table (8.11)
simply-supported beam, beam table (8.12)
- V&M, design (8.13)
- Beam Design
- Beams Made of Two Materials
- simple
arrangement (8.14)
- symmetric
- moment of inertia (8.15)
- normal stress (8.16)
- design (8.17)
- non-symmetric
- centroid (8.18)
- moment of inertia (8.19)
- normal stress (8.20)
- normal stress, V&M (8.21)
- normal stress, V&M, design (8.22)
- Combined Loading
rectangular cross section (8.23)
- pipe (8.24)
- tee
shape (8.25)
- beam
table (8.26)
Shear Stress in Beams
- Shear Stress Formula
- The First Moment Q
- Shear Stress in Rectangular, Circular and Webbed Beams
- rectangle
- V&M, cantilever, shear
stress, rectangles (9.1)
- V&M, simply-supported,
shear stress, rectangles (9.2)
- V&M, simply-supported,
design, rectangles (9.3)
- circular
- V&M, simply-supported,
shear stress, cylinders (9.4)
- V&M, cantilever, shear
stress, pipes (9.5)
- webbed
- shear stress, I-beam (9.6)
- shear stress, channels and
tees (9.7)
- shear stress, V&M,
simply-supported, I-beam and tubes (9.8)
- shear stress, V&M,
cantilever, I-beam and tubes (9.9)
- Shear Flow in Built-Up Members
- Q
for built-up beams
- fastener spacing
- built-up (9.10)
- built-up, stress of fastener (9.11)
- built up, design (9.12)
Beam Deflections
- Method of Integration
- find
reactions from curved distributed load (10.1)
- Boundary
Conditions (10.2)
- simply-supported
- cantilever
- Format
of Slope Equation
- find
slope at spot (10.3)
- find
deflection at spot (10.4)
- find
elastic curve (10.5)
- Method of Superposition
- Deflection
of Cantilever Beam
- point
- distributed
- moment
- Deflection
of Overhung Beam
- point
- distributed
- Deflection
of Simply-Supported Beam
- point
load and moment
- distributed
load and moment
- simply supported -- find deflection at spot (10.6)
cantilever -- find deflection at spot (10.7)
overhang -- find deflection at spot (10.8)
- double
overhang -- find deflection at spot (10.9)
Statically Indeterminate Beams
- Method of Integration
- Method of Superposition
- simply supported with deflection forced to zero (11.1)
- cantilever with slope forced to zero (11.2)
- three supports -- find
reactions (11.3)
- propped cantilever -- find
reaction (11.4)
- doubly fixed -- find reaction (11.5)
- doubly fixed
-- find deflection -- too long (11.6)
- flexible support -- find
reaction -- simply supported (11.7)
- flexible support -- find reaction -- cantilever (11.8)
- flexible
support -- find deflection -- too long (11.9)
- find max
bending stress -- too long (11.10)
Stress Transformations
- Equilibrium of the Stress Element
- normal stress on
inclined plane (12.1)
- shear stress on
inclined plane (12.2)
- normal and shear stress
on inclined plane (12.3)
- Stresses
on Diagonal
- Plane Stress and Transformation Equations
- normal stress on
rotated element (12.4)
- shear stress on rotated
element (12.5)
- principal stresses (12.6)
- max in-plane shear stress (12.7)
- absolute max shear
stress (12.8)
- Principal and Maximum
Shear Stress Angles
- Mohr's Circle for Plane Stress
- Reading
Mohr's Circle
- Drawing
Mohr's Circle
- read x-y stresses from
Mohr's circle (12.9)
- read n-t stresses from
Mohr's circle (12.10)
- read principals from
Mohr's circle (12.11)
- read max shear from
Mohr's circle (12.12)
- find principals and max
shear using Mohr's circle (12.13)
- find principals using
Mohr's circle and sketch (12.14)
- find max shear using
Mohr's circle and sketch (12.15)
- find principals and max
shear using Mohr's circle and sketch (12.16)
- find absolute max shear
using Mohr's circle (12.17)
- 3-D Mohr's Circle
Strain Transformations
- Plane Strain and Transformation Equations
- Strain Along Diagonal
- Maximum In-Plane Shear Strain
- Strain Sketches
- find strain on diagonal of
box (13.1)
- find strain on rotated
element (13.2)
- find principal and max shear
strains (13.3)
- find strains from principal
strains (13.4)
- draw sketch of strain element (13.5)
- Mohr's Circle for Plane Strain
- center
- radius
- principals
- max
in-plane shear strain
- absolute
maximum shear strain
- find principal and max shear
strains using Mohr's circle (13.6)
- find max shear strain (13.9)
- find theta-p (13.10)
- Mohr's Circle for Plane Stress
- Strain Gauges and Rosettes
- find strains from strain
gages (13.7)
- find principal and max shear
strains from strain gages (13.8)
- find strain on rotated line
from strain gages (13.19)
- Hooke's Law
- Change in
Vessel Dimensions
- find change in length from
stress on plate (13.11)
- find change in diagonal
length from stress on plate (13.12)
- find change in thickness from
stress on plate (13.13)
- find stress from strain on
plate (13.14)
- find material properties from
stress and strain on plate (13.15)
- find stresses from 1 strain
gage on plate (13.16)
- find principals and max shear
strains from stresses and 1 strain gage on plate (13.17)
- find abs max strains from
stresses and 1 strain gage on plate (13.18)
- find normal stress from
strain (just Hooke's law) (13.20)
- find shear stress from strain (just Hooke's law) (13.21)
- find stress from strain gages (13.22)
- find principal stresses from
strain gages (13.23)
- find abs max stress from
strain gages (13.24)
- rod/shaft with strain gage (13.25)
Thin Walled Pressure Vessels
- Spherical Pressure Vessels
- sphere, stress (14.1)
- sphere, strain (14.2)
- Spherical Pressure
Vessel, Stresses, Factor of Safety
- Spherical Pressure
Vessel, Strains
- Cylindrical Pressure Vessels
- cylinder, stress (14.3)
- cylinder, strain (14.4)
- cylinder, change in
dimension (14.5)
- unpressurized cylinder (14.6)
- welded cylinder (14.7)
- Cylindrical Pressure Vessel,
- axial
- hoop
- absolute maximum shear
on inside
- absolute maximum shear
on outside
- Cylindrical Pressure
Vessel, Strains
- Welded Cylindrical
Pressure Vessel
Combined Loading
- Combined Axial and Torsion Loads
- shaft with N & T (15.1)
- shaft with N, T and power (15.2)
- shaft design (15.3)
- shaft with N and multiple T (15.4)
- welded tank with N & T (15.5)
- shaft with N, T and strain gage(s) (15.6)
- Combined Bending and Shear Loads
- cross section with N, V and M (15.7)
- simply supported beam (15.8)
- Combined Loading on Beam
(2 stress equations needed)
- normal stress in horizontal
- normal stress in vertical direction (equals
- shear stress
- General Combined Loading
- frame/machine (15.9)
- rectangular post (15.10)
- cylindrical post (15.11)
- shaft with pulleys (15.12)
- pressurized pipe (15.13)
- Combined Loading on Rectangular
(2 stress equations needed)
- normal stress in horizontal
direction (equals
- normal stress in vertical direction
- shear stress
- Combined Loading on Rectangular Post
(3 stress equations needed)
- normal stress in vertical direction
- Combined Loading on Cylindrical Post
(3 stress equations needed)
- normal stress in horizontal
- normal
stress in vertical direction (equals
- shear
- Combined Loading on
Pressurized Pipe
(4 stress equations needed)