Area = 0.7233 in2
From center of circle:
Centroid X = -0.0003 in
Centroid Y = 0.1554 in
About center of circle:
Moment of Inertia X = 0.4293 in4
Moment of Inertia Y = 0.3876 in4
Product of Inertia = 0.0000 in4
Radius of Gyration X = 0.7704 in
Radius of Gyration Y = 0.7321 in
About centroid:
Moment of Inertia X = 0.4119 in4
Moment of Inertia Y = 0.3876 in4
Product of Inertia = 0.0000 in4
Radius of Gyration X = 0.7546 in
Radius of Gyration Y = 0.7321 in