Compression Testing of Springs in the Materials Testing Laboratory at the University of Missouri-Rolla Photos by Jeff Thomas, November 23, 1999.
Load-Deflection Plot for All Three Springs
Diameter = 0.45"Outside Coil Diameter = 4.3125"Free Length = 15.125"Spring Constant = 105 lbs/in
Load-Deflection PlotData Set
Click on image to enlarge.
Diameter = 0.65"Outside Coil Diameter = 3.1875"Free Length = 9.125"Spring Constant = 1650 lbs/in
Diameter = 1.2"Outside Coil Diameter = 5.25"Free Length = 8.1875"Spring Constant = 9500 lbs/in
Deflection Rate = 2 in/minTemperature = 72 FHumidity = 43%