Chapter 6 - Influence Lines for Statically Determinate Structures
- Draw influence lines for beams using Müller-Breslau principle.
- Calculate influence-line peak values using equilibrium.
- Draw influence lines for floor girders and truss members.
- Calculate maximum loads and moments at particular locations in beams, floor girders, and trusses.
- Calculate maximum loads and moments at particular locations due to vehicle loads.
- Calculate location and value of absolute maximum loads and moments due to vehicle loads.
Quiz 2 Formula-Sheet Guidelines
One 8.5"x11" page with writing on both sides. NO worked problems. You may be asked to submit sheet with quiz. Problems
* examples to be discussed in class
e: influence lines by basic equilibrium approach
mb: influence lines by Müller Breslau's principle
l: maximum loads using influence lines
Robotbeam e 06.001 -- -- solution -- mb 06.002 -- solution*B3 -- -- e 06.003 problem solution*A3 -- -- mb 06.004 -- solution*B1 -- solution e 06.005 problem solution*A4 -- solution mb 06.006 -- -- -- -- e 06.007 -- -- solution solution mb 06.008 -- solution*B2 -- -- e 06.009 -- -- solution solution mb 06.010 -- solution*B4 -- solution e 06.011 problem solution*A1 -- model mb 06.012 -- solution -- -- e 06.013 problem solution*A2 -- solution mb 06.014 -- -- -- solution e 06.015 -- -- -- -- mb 06.016 -- -- -- -- e 06.017 -- -- -- -- mb 06.018 -- -- -- -- l 06.019 -- solution*C1 -- solution l 06.020 -- -- -- -- e 06.021 -- -- solution -- mb 06.022 -- -- solution -- l 06.023 -- solution -- -- l 06.024 -- -- -- -- l 06.025 -- -- solution solution l 06.026 -- solution*C2 -- solution l 06.027 -- -- -- solution l 06.028 -- -- -- -- l 06.029 -- solution*C3 -- -- l 06.030 -- solution*C4 -- solution floor
girder06.031 -- -- -- -- 06.032 strategy solution* -- model, solution 06.033 -- -- -- -- 06.034 -- -- solution -- 06.035 -- -- solution -- 06.036 -- -- -- solution 06.037 -- -- -- solution 06.038 -- -- -- -- 06.039 -- -- -- -- 06.040 -- -- -- -- 06.041 -- -- -- -- 06.042 -- -- -- -- 06.043 -- -- -- -- 06.044 -- -- -- -- truss 06.045 strategy solution* -- -- 06.046 -- -- solution -- 06.047 -- solution* -- -- 06.048 -- -- -- -- 06.049 -- -- -- -- 06.050 -- -- -- -- 06.051 -- -- solution -- 06.052 -- -- -- -- 06.053 -- -- -- -- 06.054 -- -- -- -- 06.055 -- -- -- -- 06.056 strategy solution* -- -- 06.057 -- -- -- -- vehicle 06.058 -- -- solution -- 06.059 -- -- -- -- 06.060 -- -- -- -- 06.061 -- -- solution -- 06.062 strategy solution* -- -- 06.063 -- -- -- -- 06.064 -- -- solution -- 06.065 -- -- -- -- 06.066 -- -- -- -- 06.067 -- -- -- -- 06.068 -- -- -- -- 06.069 strategy solution* -- -- 06.070 -- -- solution -- 06.071 -- solution* -- -- absolute
max06.072 -- -- -- -- 06.073 -- -- solution -- 06.074 strategy solution* -- -- 06.075 -- -- -- -- 06.076 -- -- -- -- 06.077 -- -- -- --