ArchE and CivE 3201 Policies
for sections taught by Dr. Thomas
Format: 3 hour, on-campus
Prerequisites: CE 2200, 2210 each with a grade of "C" or
Pre-requisite Requirement Verification
All students are required to meet the prerequisite requirements for this course. If you have not met the requirements, you must either drop this course immediately or send the instructor a written explanation for why you should be allowed to remain in this course. If you have not met the pre-requisite requirements for this course and have not received a waiver, the instructor will drop you from the course.
Course Objectives
During the course students will learn to:
Determine internal forces and moments in structures such as trusses, beams, frames, cables and arches.
Draw shear and moment diagrams for beams and frames, both statically determinate and indeterminate.
Calculate deflections of trusses, beams and frames.
Draw influence lines for beams and truss members; place live loads on structures in such a way as to create a maximum design condition.
Analyze statically indeterminate structures by the force method and by a displacement method, such as moment distribution.
Analyze structures using a software package.
Structural Analysis, 7th Edition, by R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. (The solutions on this web site are for this edition.)
Structural Analysis, 8th Edition, by R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011.
Textbook problems will be assigned but not collected. Proper learning of the course material can only be achieved by spending a few hours per class period on these problems.
Routine attendance is expected. This web site does not have as many resources as Dr. Thomas' CE 110 web site, so the course has a more traditional format (it is a hybrid blended/lecture course). Students missing two quizzes may be dropped by the instructor.
Quizzes and Exams
Five quizzes will be given. Quiz problems will be similar to the textbook problems.
A formula sheet may be provided with the quizzes. Multiple versions of each quiz will generally be given, and graded quizzes will not be returned. All electronic devices, including communication devices and music/media players, except calculators must be turned off and put away. The instructor may confiscate any devices that are not turned off and/or put away. Hats must be turned backwards.
Make-up quizzes will only be given for off-campus university-sponsored activities. A memo from your sports-team coach or competition-team advisor is required. Sickness, job interviews, etc. do not count, so plan accordingly. The Testing Center requires that quizzes be scheduled at least 7 business days prior to taking the quiz.
Academic Dishonesty
Teamwork is encouraged for studying course topics, but giving aid to another student or taking information from another student or source (including cheat-sheets, smartphones, calculator memory, etc) during a quiz or the final exam constitutes academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be handled according to the Conduct of Students section of the Student Academic Regulations. The first occurrence will result in zero credit on that quiz or final exam and a notification sent to the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Studies, your academic advisor, and your department chair. A second occurrence may result in more severe penalties. A quiz assigned zero credit due to academic dishonesty may not be dropped.
S&T Academic Dishonesty Procedures
S&T Acceptance of Discipline Form
Your grade for this course will be determined on the following basis, and the standard university grading policy will be followed. However, the instructor reserves the right to curve grades as he deems necessary. Scores will be available in Blackboard. A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: 0-59 (Evaluating Student Work in Engineering)
Existing Proposed
- Five quizzes: 85% (approx. 17% each)
- Projects and labs: 15%
- Quizzes: 15% each
- Labs: 3% each
- Project: 16%
Academic Alert
The Academic Alert system will not be utilized in this course. The grading scheme is relatively simple, and your current grade is always available in Blackboard. It is expected that you will maintain the effort level necessary to achieve your desired grade.
Egress maps for all areas of instruction on campus are available on the web at You are encouraged to review this site and be aware of the emergency exit signs near your classrooms.
Disability Support
If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with the instructor, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please inform the instructor immediately. Please see him privately after class or at his office.
If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, you are strongly encouraged to meet with the instructor early in the semester. You will need to request that the Disability Services staff send a letter to him verifying your disability and specifying the accommodation you will need before he can arrange your accommodation. Disability Support Services is located in 204 Norwood Hall. Their phone number is 573-341-4211, and their email is Information on the services they provide may be found at
The course schedule, content, and assignments are subject to modification when circumstances dictate and as the course progresses and matures. If changes are made, you will be given due notice. If you have a problem that cannot be resolved by the instructor, feel free to contact the department chair, Dr. William Schonberg (BCH 211).