The Chamfer tool, found
on the Modify toolbar, is a convenient tool for quickly modifying the
corner of an object by putting an angled edge on
it. This command could also be used to create an
angle between two lines rather than drawing in the angle by hand.
When you first use the
command in your drawing, the distances are set to zero, and nothing
would happen if you were to go on with the command. To set the
distances, type "d" into the command line and hit enter.
You will now be
prompted for the first chamfer distance. Once it is entered, you will be
asked for the second, but note that the default second distance is the
same value you entered for your first distance. AutoCAD assumes you will
be wanting to make a 45° angle chamfer. If you need the distances to be
different, enter a different value in for the second distance.
Now select the first and
second lines that you wish to create the chamfer on. The lines do not
need to be touching; AutoCAD will automatically extend or trim lines to
create the chamfer at the appropriate distances. In most circumstances,
however, you will creating chamfers between lines that already meet at a
If you wish to create a
Chamfer on multiple corners of your drawing, type "M" (Multiple) in the
command line. You can now use the Chamfer tool repeatedly until you are
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