Moisture Content and Shrinkage
MC = weight of water / weight of wood = (moist weight - oven dry weight) / oven dry weight x 100%
200% MC means weight of water is twice that of solid wood
100% MC means weight of water is equal to that of solid wood
50% MC means weight of water is half that of solid wooddry lumber = 19% or less
green lumber >19%equilibrium moisture content (EMC) = 7 to 14%
free water - in cell cavity
bound water - in cell walls
Fiber saturation point (FSP)
0% free water, 100% bound
approximately 30% MC
no volume change or property changes above FSP
shrinkage occurs and strength increases as MC goes below FSP, until 10-15%
Shrinkage of Building Components
tangential shrinkage approximately twice radial shrinkage
longitudinal shrinkage negligible
2010 Wood Handbook
headers & rim boards
- cracks in drywall
- buckling of sheathing and siding
differential wall movement when wood is mixed with steel, concrete
movement in plumbing, HVAC ducts
tangential (re)expansion The crack developed after cutting into
the bar top and inserting a wooden shelf.
Chris Kelley, 2014
air or kiln drying
sawmill (kiln @ 7:00)
heat, dehumidify radio-frequency vacuum (degradation, color, stickering, warping, staining)
seasoning checks
Characteristic Shrinkage and Distortion
Wood Structures - A Design Guide and Commentary, compiled by Task Committee on
Status-of-the-Art: Wood Committee on Wood, ASCE Structural Division, 1975, p 12.
Timber Construction for Architects and Builders, by EW Goldstein, McGraw-Hill, 1999, p 2.11.
Timber Construction for Architects and Builders, by EW Goldstein, McGraw-Hill, 1999, p 2.16.