Column vs Short Column
buckling possible, no buckling
Stress Parallel-to-Grain
fc = P/A ≤ F'c
Tu ≤ F'cnAuse trial size
Gross vs Net Area
If reduced area (hole) is at braced point...
1. use Ag to check for stability between braces
2. use An for fc with no adjustment for stabilityIf reduced area is unbraced...
1. use An to check for stability
2. use An for fc with no adjustment for stability
Adjusted Design Values
F'c = Fc(CD)(CM)(Ct)(CL)(CF or CV)(Cfu)(Cc)(Ci)(Cr)(CP)
F'cn = FcKF(Φc)(λ)(CM)(Ct)(CL)(CF or CV)(Cfu)(Cc)(Ci)(Cr)(CP)CF for compression only applies to Dimension Lumber
le/r replaced by le/d for rectangular cross sections
r = radius of gyration
d = least dimension of cross sectionEuler critical buckling stress
Fcr = π2E / (le/r)2
Yliner stress
FcE = 0.822E'min / (le/d)2
F*c = Fc(CD)(CM)(Ct)(CL)(CF or CV)(Cfu)(Cc)(Ci)(Cr)(CP)
F*cn = FcKF(Φc)(λ)(CM)(Ct)(CL)(CF or CV)(Cfu)(Cc)(Ci)(Cr)(CP)no CP
Interaction Between Buckling and Crushing
FcE / F*c
FcEn / F*cn0 ≤ c ≤ 1
c = 0.80 for sawn lumber
c = 0.85 for round timber poles and piles
c = 0.90 for structural glued laminated timber or structural composite lumber
c = 1.00 for ideal material loaded under ideal conditions