Yield Limit Equations for Nails
- main and side member(s)
- specific gravity G and dowel bearing strength Fe
- not influenced by angle of load to grain
- geometry
Penetration = nail length - thickness of side-member (unless it sticks out of the main member)
p = l - ts ≤ tm
Dowel bearing length lm
If p ≥ 10D
lm = p
lm = l - ts ≤ tm
If 6D ≤ p < 10D
lm = p - tip length
lm = l - ts - 2D ≤ tmor use a reduction factor with NDS tables
Bending Yield Strength Fyb
ASTM F1575 - Standard Test Method for Determining Bending Yield Moment of Nails
higher Fyb for smaller-diameter nails due to additional cold working during manufacture
Fyb = 130.4 - 213.9D for low-carbon nails
30% higher for threaded hardened-steel nails
Engineered Construction Nails
minimum Fyb
ASTM F1667 - Standard Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nail, Spikes and Staples