Bolt Yield Limit Equations for Single Shear



direction of load to grain


dowel bearing strengths

Fe// and Fe

Hankinson formula for other angles  (textbook section 6.8, NDS appendix J)

F = Fe//Fe / (Fe// sin2θ + Fe cos2θ)


reference design values

Z// = load // to grain in both main and side members
s = load ⊥ to grain in side member and // to grain in main member
= load ⊥ to grain in main member and // to grain in side member
= load ⊥ to grain in both main and side members

NDS table 11.3.1A NDS tables 11A, C, E

tables only for loads ⊥ and // to grain, not for angled loads



NDS table 10.3.1



Steel Side Plates

1/4-in. ASTM A36 steel


dowel bearing strength

NDS appendix I

hot-rolled plates  (t ≥ 1/4 in.) Fe = 2.4Fu / 1.6 = 1.5Fu
cold-formed plates  (t < 1/4 in.) Fe = 2.2Fu / 1.6 = 1.375Fu


reference design values

Z// = load // to grain in wood member
= load ⊥ to grain in wood member

NDS table 11.3.1A NDS tables 11B, D





Fe = 7500 psi for f'c ≥ 2500 psi

IBC table 1911.2