Problem 2.19
Symbol Hint Value Reference basic wind speed V Tampa, Florida 120 Google Maps, ASCE 7 figure 6-1, ASCE 7 figure 6-1B, importance factor I essential facility 1.15 ASCE section 6.5.5, ASCE 7 table 1-1, ASCE 7 table 6-1 height and exposure factor λ flat roof, 30 ft above grade, exposure B
1.00 ASCE 7 figure 6-2 page 4, ASCE 7 figure 6-3 page 4 simplified design wind pressure
for exposure B, at h = 30 ft, and for I = 1.0ps 30 enclosed see reference ASCE 7 figure 6-2 page 2 topographic factor Kzt 1.0 given design wind pressures in each zone for main wind force-resisting systems ps see below ASCE 7 section 6.4.2 net design wind pressure
for exposure B, at h = 30 ft, and for I = 1.0pnet 30 enclosed see reference ASCE 7 figure 6-3 page 2, ASCE 7 figure 6-3 page 4 design wind pressures for components and cladding in zones near discontinuities and zones away from discontinuities pnet see below ASCE 7 section 6.4.2
ps = λ Kzt I ps 30
Zone horizontal pressures (walls) vertical pressures (roofs) overhangs (roofs) A B C D E F G H EOH GOH ps (psf) 26.22 -13.69 17.37 -8.05 -31.51 -17.94 -21.97 -13.92 -44.16 -34.62
ps = λ Kzt I pnet 30
Zone roofs walls overhangs 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 pnet (psf)
for 10 ft212.08 12.08 12.08 29.79 29.79 -42.90 -70.73 -29.79 -50.03 -75.21 -32.32 -39.91