Problem 4.30
ASD, No. 2 Hem-Fir, fully braced, bending around strong axis
Property (psi) Dimension
(Table 4A)Timbers (Table 4D) Beams &
StringersPosts &
Timbersbending stress Fb 850 675 575 tension stress parallel to grain Ft 525 350 375 shear stress parallel to grain Fv 150 140 140 compression stress perpendicular to grain Fc⊥ 405 405 405 compression stress parallel to grain Fc 1,300 500 575 modulus of elasticity (or MOE) E 1,300,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 modulus of elasticity for stability calculations Emin 470,000 400,000 400,000
Roof joists, 2x10 @ 16" OC, supporting roof sheathing, D+S
NDS Supplement table 4A
Cr = 1.15
CM = 1
CF = 1.1 for Fb, 1.1 for Ft, 1.0 for Fc
Cfu = 1NDS Supplement section 2.3
CD = 1.15 (S)
Ct = 1NDS Supplement section 3.3
CL = 1 (fully braced)
NDS Supplement section 3.7
CP = 1 (not a column)
NDS Supplement section 3.10
Cb = 1 (not enough info given)
NDS Supplement section 4.3
Ci = 1
NDS Supplement section 4.4
CT = 1 (not a truss)
Property Reference Design
Values (psi)
(Table 4A)Adjustment Factors (Table 4.3.1) Adjusted Design
Values (psi)CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr CP Ci CT Cb bending stress Fb 850 1.15 1 1 1 1.1 1 1.15 1 1,237 tension stress parallel to grain Ft 525 1.15 1 1 1.1 1 664 shear stress parallel to grain Fv 150 1.15 1 1 1 173 compression stress perpendicular to grain Fc⊥ 405 1 1 1 1 405 compression stress parallel to grain Fc 1,300 1.15 1 1 1 1 1 1,495 modulus of elasticity (or MOE) E 1,300,000 1 1 1 1,300,000 modulus of elasticity for stability calculations Emin 470,000 1 1 1 1 470,000
6x14 (beams & stringers) with equipment (permanent) load
NDS Supplement table 4D
CF = (12/d)1/9 for Fb = (12/13.5)1/9 = 0.9870 for Fb
CM = 1NDS Supplement section 2.3
CD = 0.9 (permanent)
Ct = 1NDS Supplement section 3.3
CL = 1 (fully braced)
NDS Supplement section 3.7
CP = 1 (not a column)
NDS Supplement section 3.10
Cb = 1 (not enough info given)
NDS Supplement section 4.3
Ci = 1
NDS Supplement section 4.4
CT = 1 (not a truss)
Property Reference Design
Values (psi)
(Table 4A)Adjustment Factors (Table 4.3.1) Adjusted Design
Values (psi)CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr CP Ci CT Cb bending stress Fb 675 0.9 1 1 1 0.9870 1 1 1 600 tension stress parallel to grain Ft 350 0.9 1 1 1 1 315 shear stress parallel to grain Fv 140 0.9 1 1 1 126 compression stress perpendicular to grain Fc⊥ 405 1 1 1 1 405 compression stress parallel to grain Fc 500 0.9 1 1 1 1 1 450 modulus of elasticity (or MOE) E 1,100,000 1 1 1 1,100,000 modulus of elasticity for stability calculations Emin 400,000 1 1 1 1 400,000
Roof purlins, 4x14 @ 8' OC, D+Lr
NDS Supplement table 4A
Cr = 1
CM = 1
CF = 1.0 for Fb, 0.9 for Ft, 0.9 for Fc
Cfu = 1NDS Supplement section 2.3
CD = 1.25 (Lr)
Ct = 1NDS Supplement section 3.3
CL = 1 (fully braced)
NDS Supplement section 3.7
CP = 1 (not a column)
NDS Supplement section 3.10
Cb = 1 (not enough info given)
NDS Supplement section 4.4
CT = 1 (not a truss)
Property Reference Design
Values (psi)
(Table 4A)Adjustment Factors (Table 4.3.1) Adjusted Design
Values (psi)CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr CP Ci CT Cb bending stress Fb 850 1.25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,063 tension stress parallel to grain Ft 525 1.25 1 1 0.9 1 591 shear stress parallel to grain Fv 150 1.25 1 1 1 188 compression stress perpendicular to grain Fc⊥ 405 1 1 1 1 405 compression stress parallel to grain Fc 1,300 1.25 1 1 0.9 1 1 1,463 modulus of elasticity (or MOE) E 1,300,000 1 1 1 1,300,000 modulus of elasticity for stability calculations Emin 470,000 1 1 1 1 470,000
Floor beams, 4x6 @ 4' OC, D+L, high humidity, >19% MC
NDS Supplement table 4A
Cr = 1
CM =0.85 for Fb(but FbCF < 1150 so CM = 1 for Fb), 1.0 for Ft, 0.97 for Fv, 0.67 for Fc⊥, 0.8 for Fc, 0.9 for E and Emin
CF = 1.3 for Fb, 1.3 for Ft, 1.1 for Fc
Cfu = 1NDS Supplement section 2.3
CD = 1 (L)
Ct = 1NDS Supplement section 3.3
CL = 1 (fully braced)
NDS Supplement section 3.7
CP = 1 (not a column)
NDS Supplement section 3.10
Cb = 1 (not enough info given)
NDS Supplement section 4.4
CT = 1 (not a truss)
Property Reference Design
Values (psi)
(Table 4A)Adjustment Factors (Table 4.3.1) Adjusted Design
Values (psi)CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr CP Ci CT Cb bending stress Fb 850 1 1 1 1 1.3 1 1 1 1,105 tension stress parallel to grain Ft 525 1 1 1 1.3 1 863 shear stress parallel to grain Fv 150 1 0.97 1 1 146 compression stress perpendicular to grain Fc⊥ 405 0.67 1 1 1 271 compression stress parallel to grain Fc 1,300 1 0.8 1 1.1 1 1 1,144 modulus of elasticity (or MOE) E 1,300,000 0.9 1 1 1,170,000 modulus of elasticity for stability calculations Emin 470,000 0.9 1 1 1 423,000