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If you believe the web server, your internet connection, and your browser are all working properly, then you may wish to report this as a bug. You can reach me, Kurt Kosbar, by email at

Navigating Pages on this Website

This page explains how to navigate between web pages on this server, and a number of features that (hopefully) make these pages easier to view.

Typical Pages

The page you are currently reading is a typical web page on this server. It can be controlled with buttons, mouse actions, and touch-pad actions, as described below


Most of the web pages on this server have buttons. Images of the typical buttons are shown in the table below. Tap or click on these images when you see them on a web page, to activate the function listed in the table.

Show table of contents More Help
Show previous page in book
Show next page in book
Show preferences window
Return to this page
Hide Control Buttons More Help
Show Control Buttons
Jump to another web page
Links in Text

Pop-up windows can supply a little more information about the text you are reading. You can find these pop-up windows by watching for text that is light blue with a dotted underline, like this. When you spot highlighted text like that, hover your mouse pointer over it, to see the pop-up window. You can also click (or tap on a touch screen) the highlighted text to display the pop-up window. To close the pop-up window, click or tap on an area of the screen outside of the window.

Links to other web pages (or other portions of the page you are viewing) show up as usual, as dark blue text with a solid underline, like this. Click or tap on this highlighted text to activate the link. Please note that some of these links may take you to web pages on other servers.

Figures and Mathematical Expressions

Many pages have figures and/or mathematical expressions. These may be initially displayed at a low resolution, to allow the page to load faster. Higher resolution are often available, by clicking or tapping on the figure or mathematical expression.

The higher resolution images will show up in a new window, where it should be easy to magnify to allow you to see details. Click here for more details.

Table of Contents

The Table of Contents page looks like this:

The web pages on this server are arranged like the pages in a book. The Table of Contents page allows you to quickly see all the pages in the book, and jump to any of them. Typical pages have a button that will allow you to jump to the Table of Contents.

There are a few buttons which only appear on the Table of Contents page. The operation of those buttons is summarized in the table below.

Button / ActionFunction
Expand the table of contents to its maximum size
Collapse table of contents to its smallest size

Tap or click on name of section

Expand this section

Tap or click on name of section

Collapse this section
Preferences Window

Typical web pages have a button that will bring up the preferences window, which looks like this:

In the preferences window you may:

  • View a QR code for the page, to allow mobile devices to quickly location this page on the internet.
  • View the URL (web page address) for the page. You can use this to link to the page.
  • Change the font size. All pages uses the same font size, so any change you make will impact all the pages on this web site.
  • Contact the author of this page, via email.
  • Reset all settings to the original values. This not only resets the font size, but will also reset all collapsible sections and some other settings of these pages.

The buttons which will trigger these actions are listed below.

QR Code and Settings Pages
Button / ActionFunction
Close window
Use a smaller font
Use a larger font

At top of page - use default font size

At bottom of page - reset all features of the web site

Put a copy of the URL in your clipboard

(It can then be pasted somewhere else)

Send email
Collapsible Sections

Some pages have sections which can be collapsed to save room. The sections appear like this:

These sections are particularly common when there is computer code to display. The table below summarizes the buttons that control the actions of these sections.

ButtonFunctionWhen Visible
Show section details On all sections
Hide section details

Put a copy of the code in the clipboard

(It can then be pasted somewhere else)

Only on sections which contain computer code
Download code to a file

© 1989-2024, Kurt Kosbar, All Rights Reserved