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If everything is working well, you should not see this message for long. If you have had enough time to read this far, there may be a problem. Possible problems include:

If you believe the web server, your internet connection, and your browser are all working properly, then you may wish to report this as a bug. You can reach me, Kurt Kosbar, by email at

Hiding the Control Buttons

If you find the menu of pop-up control buttons distracting, you can hide them by pressing on the hide menu button, shown below.

Hide Control Buttons

After pressing the hide menu button, you will see only a single button in the lower left hand corner of the screen when you touch the screen or move the mouse.

If you want to return to seeing all control buttons, simply tap or click on the show menu button, when it appears

Show Control Buttons

This is what the screen looks like when the control buttons are displayed, and when they are hidden:

The full menu of control buttons will always appear at the bottom of the page, even when it is hidden higher up on the same page.

© 1989-2024, Kurt Kosbar, All Rights Reserved