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If everything is working well, you should not see this message for long. If you have had enough time to read this far, there may be a problem. Possible problems include:

If you believe the web server, your internet connection, and your browser are all working properly, then you may wish to report this as a bug. You can reach me, Kurt Kosbar, by email at

Where are the control buttons?

Go to the bottom of the page

Control buttons will always be displayed at the very bottom of a web page. Simply keep scrolling down, until you see the copyright notice and other footer information. The control buttons will appear right after that information.

Touch the screen or move the mouse

When the entire page cannot be displayed at once, the control buttons should briefly appear any time you touch a mobile device or touchscreen. They should also appear any time you move the mouse. If the screen is wide enough, the buttons will appear along the bottom. On narrow screens, they may be placed along the left edge. After a few seconds of inactivity, they should disappear, to give you a clear view of the page's content.

© 1989-2024, Kurt Kosbar, All Rights Reserved