#2—Job Application Unit

First, find and print out or copy two job advertisements for positions in your field that you could legitimately apply for at the end of this academic year. (If you’re not a senior, you should look for summer jobs or internships.) 

Though in your general field (mechanical engineering, art history, whatever), these jobs should be different enough from each other to require different skills or at least to emphasize different skills. The point is not necessarily to pick two jobs that you’d love (though that would be great) but to pick two quite different jobs for which you’re technically qualified.

2A: Resume and Cover Letter for job one (30 pts.)

Following the guidelines from class discussion and from Markel (chapter 16), construct a resume and cover letter that represents your qualifications for one of the jobs in an accurate and appropriate way.

2B: Resume and Cover Letter for job two (30 pts.)

Rewrite (rather than merely revise) 2A, making it appropriate for the second job ad. Make the differences significant enough to require the same amount of time and effort as 2A and to warrant the same number of points. The point here is to really stretch to represent yourself in a totally different but still accurate way.

2C: Analysis Memo of 2A and 2B (25 pts.)

Follow the earlier instructions for Analysis Memos. You’ll want to place particular emphasis on the changes you made between 2A and 2B.