
Christmas Ornament


Goal: To build simple circuits, which include flashing lights or/and simple sounds, that can be used as an ornament on an indoor Christmas tree.


Academic Level: Sophomore


Learning Outcomes:

·        To learn and implement simple 555 timer circuits

·        To learn and implement LED driver circuits: Both BJT and FET

·        To learn and implement simple power supply design circuit

o   Based on current requirement, which circuit will work?

·        To build circuits on prototype boards for final implementation

o   Soldering exercise

o   System testing and troubleshooting

·        To boost confidence, in circuit design, through simple experiential learning projects


Ornament 1:

·        Creator: Christopher Eakins

o   Advisor: Dr. Rohit Dua

·        System

o   555 timer: Astable mode

o   Two LED driver circuits

§  BJT


o   Power supply: Series pass voltage regulator


YouTube Video: Click the above image


*Experiential learning projects for Sophomore level undergraduate students